I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1342 Compared with the mortal world, this world is more like the mortal world

, I come from the world of punishment

This is the client’s family matter and I don’t want to take care of it...

The two girls took some snacks they bought on the way and ate there. After all, they were not from this world, so they couldn't talk about any troubles people here had.

But at this time, the door on the other side opened, and a girl walked out. She looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, almost in high school.

She looked at Alang and the others, seemingly curious. Judging from her eyes, she was not very afraid of strangers. On the contrary, there was a kind of... desire in her eyes, a desire for external affairs.

"Are you from the city outside?" The girl came out with a clear voice.

"Well, yes." Yu Ling thought that this girl should be just an ordinary NPC, so she nodded casually.

After hearing this, the girl seemed to suddenly become very interested and sat down in front of him.

"I heard something about a commission, are you some kind of mercenaries?" The girl was very curious, but her knowledge of the outside world seemed to be very limited. Even though Alang and the others were dressed as if they were playing, she was not surprised.

"No, actually we are dragon hunters, the kind of people who hunt dinosaurs." Alang suddenly grabbed the words and said.

Perhaps because she was always pampered by everyone at home, Ah Lang felt like she was the youngest in the family.

Now that I see a little girl who is younger than her, the mentality of "adults" showing off their power suddenly arises.

But what he didn't expect was that when the girl heard her saying that she was a dragon hunter, her face turned ugly.

Her tone became darker and less friendly than at first.

"Does that mean you're just like those guys outside? Killing dinosaurs?"

"This..." Alang knew by looking at her that he had stepped on something terrible, and he didn't know how to respond.

Come to think of it, this place is so close to where the dragon hunting team gathers, so she must know what the dragon hunters look like.

Perhaps it was because Alang and the others were dressed so differently from the dragon hunters that the little girl was more friendly at first.

But regardless of whether they are friendly or not, the girl's favorability towards them has probably dropped sharply now.

Perhaps because he heard the girl's questioning, the arguments between men and women in the back room also stopped, and then a middle-aged man walked out together with the woman who opened the door.

He didn't talk to Yu Ling and the others first, but after seeing the girl, he immediately said to her: "Ana, didn't I tell you to stay in the room? Why did you run out again?"

The man's tone was not very harsh. On the contrary, it was a sense of helplessness that repeated warnings had no effect.

The girl did not quarrel with the man, but returned to her room without saying a word. Through the opening and closing of the door, Alang saw many pictures inside, all about dinosaurs.

Perhaps, this girl has not had much contact with the outside world and does not know what the outside world is like.

When the man saw the girl like this, he could only shake his head silently, and then led the woman to sit down facing them.

"Hello, my name is Joseph, and I am the one who contacted you on the commission."

Yu Ling nodded in greeting, and then the man continued: "My needs have been clearly stated in the commission. I decided to contact you only after hearing your evaluation of completing the commission, but..."

He paused, his eyes scanning back and forth between the two of them.

"I have to admire that you are all beautiful, but what I need now are experienced mercenaries who can defend me against the threat of dinosaurs and help me reach my destination, also known as dragon hunters. I don't want to attract too much attention.

That’s why I found a relatively small group, but this does not mean that my commission is not difficult. I hope you understand this. "

He had already expressed his doubts about the strength of the two Yu Lings very tactfully, especially when he saw them crossing the bridge from the window just now. Their panicked look did not look like they could face the dinosaurs at all. .

"We know this very well." Yu Ling nodded. She heard the other party's doubts, but she was not in a hurry to prove her strength.

The look in the other person's eyes shows the maturity of someone who has experienced many things. If they are eager to prove themselves, it will appear that they are not stable enough and can't hold their breath.

Strength is sometimes not only reflected in direct combat effectiveness, but also in a calm state of mind. The more complex the commission purpose, the more necessary this is.

"Both parties entrusting you should trust each other, right? If you want us to prove our strength, then you can just say so and we won't mind."

First of all, it shows his calmness, and at the same time, it also gives men an option, so that even if they have to prove their strength, it is the men who propose it, not them.

However, it seems that the man is not in the mood to engage in too many intrigues. He urgently needs to confirm the manpower and then set off.

"If you can, that would be the best."

"Then please come to the courtyard."

The yard outside the wooden house is a simple fence, with a wooden stake on the side, and firewood piled up for chopping. It can be seen that this family usually lives a very natural life, and only occasionally returns to the town to buy some items. .

The man and woman followed Yu Ling to the yard.

In the final analysis, he actually had some doubts because Alang and the others did not carry thermal weapons. After all, in front of dinosaurs, the power gap between men and women was meaningless. At most, there was a slight difference in flexibility when running away.

In fact, he originally didn't expect that the mercenaries he hired would be able to directly kill the dinosaurs when they were attacked. As long as they could buy time and cover his escape, it would be enough.

To put it bluntly, he probably couldn't bear the thought of two beautiful girls being split into several pieces by the dinosaur's claws because of their ignorance.

But the next few scenes made him take a breath that he couldn't understand.

I saw UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Yu Ling walked to the firewood pile with clear purpose, picked up a piece of unsplit log and stood it on the stake. It was about as thick as a calf.

Before the people watching could think about what she was going to do, she just kicked her legs sideways. With a loud bang, the log was blown away, as fast as a cannonball. An arc fell into the river dozens of meters away.

On the ankles where Yu Ling was in contact with the log, the trouser legs were slightly shiny... There was no need to worry about the reaction force that would harm herself, allowing her to use more strength.

But from the man's perspective, he didn't notice the fluctuation of energy, but the bright patterns on his clothes flashed for a moment. Maybe it was because he moved too fast and it was just the reflection of the sun.

"Oh! My God...are your feet okay?" The woman behind the man couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yu Ling shook his head, gently shook his trousers, pointed at the trousers and said, "This is a special high-tech material."

And Alang on the other side also pulled up his bow...

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