That night.

"Hehe! Ah Lang~ It's night." Luo Huai raised two terrifying claws like a strange worm, and stepped closer to the frightened Ah Lang.

The scary girl was frightened.

Sister Yuxi and Sister Wutong, who were still having dinner at the table nearby, couldn't stand it any longer. They tapped Wan with their chopsticks and said, "Stop bullying Xiaolang! I'm really not ashamed."

"Hey, are you kidding me?" Luo Huai suddenly calmed down and returned to a cheerful look. He jumped on the sofa and hugged the pillow (Alang).

It's strange to say that Alang is fine when he sees Luo Huai like this, he is no longer afraid, and he rubs his face very affectionately while being held.

Sure enough, A Lang is usually a shy A Lang, and A Lang with another personality usually doesn't show up.

So Luo Huai just held Alang and watched TV.

The evening was very relaxing. After everyone finished eating, they cleaned up the dishes and slumped on the sofa together to enjoy the lazy time of the day. Occasionally, Sister Xinmeng would come with a lot of snacks and some games. At this time, Alang is always the happiest one, because most of the snacks are piled on her lap.

I just don't know why, but it always feels like the four characters "trying to struggle" are written on Xinmeng's face.

Well... forget it, don't worry about it, just have fun.

"Bye~" It was getting late, and for some reason Sister Xinmeng also went back with a sad look on her face.

If you need to wash up, go back to your room~


Luo Huai, who was about to go out for a night outing, suddenly felt his shoulder being grabbed.

When I looked back, I saw it was Ah Lang, but his eyes were a little different.

"Uh...Alang? Didn't you agree to rest today?" He glanced at the other two rooms. Sisters Wutong and Yuxi had already gone to rest or practice.

"That's not right~ Didn't Aluo agree? If someone is naughty during the day, of course he will be punished~" After saying that, Aluo grabbed Luo Huai and dragged him to the room.

Elbow, come inside!

Luo Huai was dragged into the house with a face full of "Huh?!"

Snapped! Once the door is closed, the night ends.

Ah, weekend, Sunday, what a beautiful morning.

"Huh? Sister, you got up so early. Don't you have to work today?" I thought I was the first to leave the room, but it turned out that Sister Wutong was already outside.

"You still said that!" Wutong rolled his eyes, "I practiced until early in the morning last night and planned to sleep, but you and Xiaolang didn't know to keep quiet."

"..." Luo Huai suddenly looked embarrassed and wanted to quibble, "I didn't make any movement, mainly because of Alang..."

"You still say that!" Wutong couldn't help but glare at the boy, almost knocking Luo Huai's pants off.

Fortunately, at this time, a communication sound sounded on his wrist guard.

After being saved, Luo Huai quickly ran to the balcony to answer the phone.


"Hello, is this Mr. Luo Huai?" There was a young lady's voice in the communication. She had a very standard customer service tone, but she didn't sound like a salesman.

"Ah, yes."

"Is such that……"

Luo Huai listened for a while and understood.

"Well, okay, I'll go over and take a look then."

After hanging up the communication, Luo Huai walked into the room.

"What's the phone number?" Wutong asked.

"It's from the college city. Regarding the reconstruction of the house, the residence may change at that time. Sister Yuxi and yours will also have it."

Because of the monster problem, the layout of the college town will basically be restructured, and after the relocation of the college town, the value of the buildings in the old college town will definitely drop.

And because the official plan is to transform it into a non-conventional functional urban area, it may gradually become marginalized in the future.

The academy city just follows the academy.

This area may become a training base in the future, and some facilities that require a large area of ​​​​area will be concentrated here, such as venues for sports, training, special training, etc.

However, in this era where everyone is moving towards the professional level, fitness exercises will definitely become popular, and by then there should be unique new signs.

But the question now is, Luo Huai has lived here for so long, is there any need to go back there? Even the store is here.

"Of course." Sister Wutong said decisively, "If health care and exercise are developed there in the future, wouldn't it be more appropriate for Yuxi and Xinmeng's parents to live there? It would be better than living here now. It’s okay in the company building.”

"Sister, what about us?"

"Also prepare a place. If you go there occasionally, treat it as a vacation. And when school starts, Yuxi and Xinmeng will also go to New College City to attend classes. It's not far there. Wouldn't it be nice to live there? Yes."

"Hey, this seems good...but what about you, sister? You still have to come to work here, right?"

" can open a door for me when the time comes." Sister Wutong came over and hugged him.

"Yeah, no problem." Luo Huai naturally obeyed under the temptation of such beauty.

It's very simple, just like the door of a hotel.

After being tired for a while, Luo Huai went to make breakfast, and others got up one after another.

Everyone has a rest today, so we must be together.

In this way, daily life passes day by day... spending time with family, visiting relatives and friends, occasionally enforcing justice, and then going for a walk in the dungeon. UU Reading It is rare that there are not too many things happening in the mortal world.

It’s such a nice leisurely day…and so another day arrived.

Today, all the sisters at home are busy, including Ah Lang, who is also practicing magic in the house. In the store, Yu Ling also works today and is not busy, so Luo Huai has no choice but to go out for a walk alone.

But they had moved. Yes, it was the last call. Luo Huai later went to see the house and found that the house was almost ready, so he simply started decorating it himself. He solved it in one night and it was fine the next day. Next door The construction team members who came to work were dumbfounded.

Then I simply moved. Sister Yuxi and Sister Xinmeng's house in Luohuai was also settled. Everyone moved here together to avoid being deserted.

Another point worth mentioning is that the building density here is much lower, because many shops and residences have been moved away with the New Academy City. Although it is not far from here, the place has become quite deserted for a while.

But after more people move here in the future, the place will still be lively, not to mention that even the newly built sports track has people coming every day.

Thanks to this, the house here can have its own yard around it.

In the end, Luo Huai's house was chosen in the same location, on the edge of the lake. The environment was very good, although traces of damage can still be seen. The house of Yu Xi's parents was also across the lake, and everything seemed to be the same as before.

But Sister Yuxi now lives directly in Luohuai, as does Sister Wutong, and Sister Xinmeng... But Luohuai doesn't know much about it. Sister Xinmeng obviously has her own house, so she doesn't have to live like before. You live with Sister Yuxi, why do you still want to live here?

Well... maybe there was a new development in the war situation without Luo Huai knowing about it.

. :

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