I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1387 Conflict between father and son

"It's the beginning of a new school year again. It's good to be young." Walking casually along the fitness track, Luo Huai didn't know which way he was walking. When he came to his senses, he realized that he was already leaving the new college town. Not far away.

On the straight ring road, there is a big sign and arrow written on the roadside, New College City.

There is an endless stream of cars on the road, coming from various surrounding cities, filled with freshmen who have just arrived at the university.

Luo Huai couldn't help but think of the time when he finally got sent back from the punishment world by a big boss, but he still missed the start of school. Fortunately, he met Sister Yu Xi. Well... I have to say that it was the first time I met Yu Xi. Sister Xi’s is quite impressive.

So, being young is great.

Luo Huai spread his hands, not knowing who to show them to, and continued walking.

As a result, at this moment, a small truck stopped beside him. The window of the previous car was rolled down. It was an old man with a beard. He said to Luo Huai carelessly: "Hey, young man, are you a new student? Let's take care of ourselves." Coming alone?"

On this main road, there is no village in front of it, no store in the back, and there are small wild areas between cities on the side. It is not very safe... It is impossible to wander into this kind of place while walking.

But Luo Huai came here for a walk. The sun was shining brightly today, but it was not dazzling. The weather was getting cooler as autumn entered, which was quite suitable for a walk, so he was ready to explain.

But before he said anything, the bearded uncle pointed his thumb at the door of the back seat and said, "Come on, come on, get in the car. My kid is also enrolling in school this year. I'll give you a ride along the way. This past time was at least five or six years old." Kilometers, what time did you go there? It would be bad if you missed the registration."

"That's... okay." Since the other party was so enthusiastic, it seemed hard for Luo Huai to refuse. At worst, he would just go somewhere and say thank you before leaving.

But what a coincidence, I met a good person again, just like last time.

After getting in the car, Luo Huai saw the boy his uncle called him. He was somewhat similar to his uncle, and his clothes were not very exquisite. When he saw Luo Huai, his eyes seemed to dodge.

I don’t know if I’m shy or a little unsure.

"Hey there."

"Hello..." He responded, but it seemed that his personality was completely opposite to that of his father.

When Uncle Hu Zha saw his child acting like this again, he babbled: "Oh...Yunlin, you see why you are still like this? You will have to live by yourself when you get to university. If not, What's the point of being able to deal with people..."

It seems that the uncle helping Luo Huai also hopes that his children can adapt to chatting with strangers in advance.

At least don't even dare to ask someone for directions when you can't find a place.

It's a pity that Yunlin doesn't seem to want to listen to his elders' nagging. If he could break this habit by talking verbally, he wouldn't have to be like this now.

But this made Luo Huai a little embarrassed. He, an outsider, felt uncomfortable sitting on the sidelines listening to family conflicts.

Need to find something to talk about.

Yunlin huddled aside and looked at his phone, so he had no choice but to talk to his uncle.

However, the uncle seemed to be more social. Seeing that the child ignored him, he took the initiative to chat with Luo Huai.

"Young man, which job academy are you going to apply for? I want my boy to be a mage or something. I don't want to be able to do the crackling magic like on TV, but just learn some magic-related skills. Then from now on It’s a good life too.”

That is to say, it is different now. If it were before, I would definitely not ask so casually, because there are still students from ordinary colleges, but now ordinary colleges have also launched job training programs, so even ordinary colleges will have job agencies. In terms of categories, many general majors and some vocational skills complement each other. In the past, the teaching of combining vocational skills with general majors was basically done by students after graduating from the college. This is to become an ordinary person. It is a necessary route for elites in the industry. Some large companies will also find ways to cultivate such talents, but the difficulty is still not low.

But things are different now. There will be such talents when they graduate. There is no doubt that the pressure of competition has increased, but the times are changing. If you don't try hard to keep up with the trend, you will easily be squeezed out of the boat.

"I...I chose hunter, and my main major is chef." Luo Huai just made it up casually.

"Oh? Not bad. I heard that these chefs who can make high-end cuisine are very popular now. If they are developed, they will be no worse than those of other professions... If my son fails to learn, maybe it would be pretty good to learn this. .”

"Haha, yes." Luo Huai agreed with a smile.

It can be heard that the uncle has placed a lot of hopes on his son.

Just listening from the child's perspective, every sentence of parents reveals what they want their children to do, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net is not that pleasant.

At least Luo Huai noticed that every time his uncle mentioned how he wanted to have children, Yunlin's face would be slightly uneven.

You are eighteen or nineteen years old. This is the time when you are close to maturity but the most immature. It is also the time when you have your own ideas the most.

"Right, what about that..." Uncle Hu Zha opened his mouth and started talking non-stop.

Luo Huai listened and observed Yun Lin's expression, and found that his expression was getting worse and worse. Later, he simply stopped looking at his phone, frowned, closed his eyes, and leaned against the car window to blow the wind.

Until, he seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and suddenly opened his eyes and faced forward, shouting forcefully: "What I really want to be is a warrior!"

"Return the warrior! What can the warrior do in the future? Be a coach? Or work as a coolie for others? Why have your mother and I been working overtime recently? Isn't it just to support you in going to that damn expensive mage academy?!" Almost Shi Yun The moment Lin yelled out, the uncle yelled back, with a completely different tone from when Luo Huai spoke.

And the change was quite fast. It was not the first time that the father and son had quarreled.

After being yelled at, Yun Lin closed his mouth again and huddled there, feeling sulky.

Sigh... Luo Huai would be really embarrassed to stay in the car now.

But this is also a conflict that occurs in many ordinary families. Parents don’t want their sons who have finally raised them to go out on dangerous missions all day long. As for the soldier job, if it is only a quasi-job job, then it is probably a physical The quality is better, and they can do some work that requires strength... Parents definitely don't want their children to be admitted to a job agency, and end up doing the same hard work.

But judging from Yunlin's situation, it seems that he is unwilling to just choose an ordinary major and become a quasi-professional.

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