I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1429 The misunderstanding is resolved

What's on the paper? There are two pictures.

It happened to be the hot pot restaurant owner, Luo Huai and the porter, three of them.

One of these two scenes is when Luo Huai is checking out at the counter, and the other is when the porter is just leaving.

But I don’t know who took the screenshot, but the timing was so good, and the angle was just right to see the eye contact between the three of them.

The two exchanges between the shop owner and the porter had suspicious eye contact, and when Luo Huai paid the bill, his eyes also wandered a little because he was paying attention to the porter.

Coupled with his behavior of sitting here eating early in the morning, if you think about the details, it is difficult not to suspect that he is a person "waiting for goods."

But if we just rely on this, it would be too hasty.

"If you can judge a person's crime just by his eyes, wouldn't it be too unfair for those who are born with bad eyesight?" Luo Huai protested.

"Indeed." At this time, the boy next to the girl spoke, "But you happened to show up today, and that's the problem."

"We already know the transaction time from the few guys we caught." The girl answered again, "Otherwise we wouldn't be there just to watch the surveillance."

Appeared at the most suspicious store at the right trading time, and behaved unusually.

Considering that this is not the kind of suspense movie with infinite twists and turns, this is already very suspicious.

Although Luo Huai didn't know whether they really knew the trading time of those cigarettes, but even so, they still had to pay attention to the individual's taking the stolen goods, right?

"But I have exchanged discount coupons with the shop owner from beginning to end. Even if I am suspected, there must be solid evidence." Luo Huai asked again.

Of course, he is not addicted to role-playing. It is just that through this exchange, it seems that he can directly obtain some of the latest developments on this incident, so he can save himself from checking it later.

"The evidence is in your backpack." The girl pointed her hand at Luo Huai again. Point to his brow.

In the past, it would have been necessary to capture actual images to bring people back.

But after the energy was revived, everyone had backpack panels.

Although everyone's backpack only has about nine compartments, even if there is only one compartment, it can be used as a place to hide personal belongings.

As long as the angle is controlled, it is impossible to see the "transaction scene" from the surveillance. This is why the student union can only investigate the incident by checking the flow of student card amounts.

The reason to rule out the possibility of importing "contraband" into the fantasy world is because in the academy, students will only enter the academy's starry sky library, and even if they enter other dungeons, they still have to pass through the starry sky when they return. This copy of the library has a "security layer" that will check whether any contraband has been brought in.

Furthermore, the cost of bringing physical objects back from the fantasy world is too high, and the profit efficiency is not as fast as opening a store directly, and it is thankless.

Therefore, external input from the mortal world has become the greatest possibility.

"Then you mean to check my backpack?"

"Yes, if not, we will naturally let you go." The boy said, but looking at his eyes, I am afraid that even if you let him go, he will still remain suspicious.

"Okay, just see for yourselves." Luo Huai slid his fingertips a few times to display the backpack panel.

The nine grids are the shortcut bar he usually uses, but for ordinary people, this is the entire backpack.

"Can you take it out and take a look? We will keep private items confidential. We have signed a commitment contract with the college."

"Okay." Luo Huai did not hesitate to take out the pots, pans and seasonings in his shortcut bar. These things have occupied his entire shortcut bar these days.

In order to prevent suspicion, he also swiped the inventory screen up and down twice to let the two of them see clearly that he had no extra inventory.

Hmm...the main backpack space is on another interface, which ordinary people don't have.

"Huh..." The girl immediately started looking through a pile of things, but found nothing that she expected.

The reason why they are eager to catch the "suspect" is to prevent them from taking the stuff to other places, because the college will regularly check the backpack items through instruments, and there are also many instruments at the security checkpoints that will also be checked. If they are not hidden and placed In the backpack, sooner or later it will be discovered.

The reason why the student union was unable to directly convict the owner of the hot pot restaurant was because they had never directly caught the "stolen items" that were directly related to the transaction site. The guys who were caught before had all got their stuff, so the student union didn't care. A hiding place has been found, but the location is completely different from the place of sale, so it cannot be used as direct evidence.

As for Luo Huai, the guy who just came out of the transaction site, the "stolen items" in his backpack will be the most powerful evidence.

But what happened was counterproductive. Luo Huai's pile of things was perfectly normal and there was nothing suspicious about it. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

They had been searching for several days and had come up empty again. The two men looked visibly unwilling.

After all, he was still a young boy, so it was understandable that he was a little anxious, but Luo Huai was not very angry.

"It seems like this is the end of the oolong."

He activated the bracelet, called Li Ming directly, and then transferred his communication to the phone in the interrogation room.

The boy immediately picked up the phone and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello? Luo Huai, what's going on?" Li Ming thought it was Luo Huai who answered the phone, but Luo Huai could indeed answer.

"Please explain to me how I hid my permissions. I was accidentally arrested by my colleagues."

"Huh? What did you do again?" Li Ming was confused.

At this time the boy finally spoke and introduced himself first.

As the student union, of course he knew about Li Ming and the others.

"Oh, I understand." Li Ming listened from beginning to end, got a general idea, and then began to explain with his two junior students.

Not to mention, he was very attentive and knew that Luo Huai was experiencing life in the academy during this period. He racked his brains and did not set up a vest for him. He only said that Luo Huai was a new student who joined them and they arranged for him to join them. The “eyes” in the student body.

In this way, even if Luo Huai is just a chef, it can explain why he is a member of the Discipline Committee.

Sounds like a peripheral member running errands.

But even this was enough to remove him from suspicion.

"I'm sorry..." The two boys, who finally realized that they had arrested the wrong person and mistakenly deceived friendly forces, apologized obediently.

They were no longer as tough as before, and their disappointed look even made people feel a little aggrieved.

Hmm...Looking at it this way, these two juniors are quite cute.

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