I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1430 Breaking Inside

Luo Huai, who has made his identity clear, finally has the right to "dialogue on an equal footing".

"By the way, how did you deduce the time of the transaction?" Exchanging information is beneficial to the investigation of the incident.

"We interrogated some of the people we caught earlier, and they were very strict with their mouths, but in the end we were able to get them to talk," the boy said.

The students in the student union are not ordinary people. As part of the social simulation, their future plans are serious security talents.

There are believers and some from other vocational colleges. In addition to completing the tasks of their respective vocational colleges, they are also receiving education on how to become qualified police officers.

It is the so-called police major, but most of the practical training content of the police force has been covered by the practical training of the vocational colleges, so their usual theoretical courses and a small number of practical training courses are gathered through day study. carried out in a manner.

There are also cliché methods.

Interrogation is multi-faceted. You can keep the superficial questions to yourself by keeping your mouth shut, but many other ordinary words that may not seem to be problems may actually be the key to extracting key information.

Just like this trading time.

"We gave verbal education to smokers, but they were very disdainful. We asked them if they knew the dangers of cigarettes... but they responded by saying, 'I have ten cigarettes a day, and I am still active!'..."

Just such a sentence, which contains a lot of vague, but informative information.

"Based on the approximate number of cigarettes they smoked in a day, we compared the number of new cigarettes and old cigarettes in the cigarette hiding spot and inferred that they probably bought new cigarettes a few days ago."

It happens to be around Saturday and Sunday, when there are the most people and the busiest time.

Although Luo Huai had no one in the store before, they also reasonably suspected that "cigarettes are a hot commodity," so it was very possible that someone was addicted to cigarettes and couldn't wait to come early to "wait for the goods."

Judging from all the circumstances, it is normal for Luo Huai to be suspected.

"Yes, I understand." After listening, Luo Huai nodded and said, "Actually, I am also searching for possible clues. If there is any progress, I will share it with you."

"If you can, that would be great."

After saying that, they sent Luo Huai away.

Looking at Luo Huai's leaving figure, the boy suddenly said: "Would it be better if we also develop some 'plainclothes members'?"

"Hmm... Indeed, wearing an armband every time is too arrogant."

Here, Luo Huai, who was finally released, received another communication from Li Ming.

"Thank you just now."

"It's okay, it's a joke." Li Ming said casually, but he immediately complained again.

"Why didn't you say anything to us when you went to investigate? We are also investigating here."

"Oh? Do you have any information over there?" Luo Huai ignored the complaints and directly asked for the information.

Li Ming had no choice but to hand out information obediently.

"We contacted the police from outside society, and they cooperated in tracking and investigating the source of cigarette imports... There are only a few cigarette manufacturers in the southern urban agglomeration, and they are all under strict official control. However, there are still some rumors circulating on the market from various sources. Tobacco products coming through the road, or from some private workshops, are relatively complicated."

Over the past few years, officials have been gradually reducing the flow of cigarettes in society, including strict regulations on smoking places, and the number of smokers has indeed continued to decrease.

But if there is profit, some people will take risks. Private workshops are emerging one after another. If you want to completely eradicate them, you still have to wait for people in society to renew them from generation to generation, so that the cigarette market will shrink little by little.

Therefore, the behavior of those guys who want to get the younger generation addicted is characterized as extremely bad.

"The headquarters has already begun conducting secret scans during this period. The results may come out in a week or two."

"What about the ones inside the academy? We can't just open it outside."

"Of course, if there is progress within the academy, it can also be helpful to the external investigation."

"Is there any progress on your side internally?"

"This... the other party is very cautious. The goods are transferred several times and are not sold as soon as they are imported into the campus. Moreover, the people who buy cigarettes are also recommended by layers of guarantees and are very strict with their mouths."

It's hard to imagine that these guys are very sophisticated in their methods.

It's almost like a "recidivist gang" that is skilled in methods, and has connections and organization.

Not to be underestimated.

According to Li Ming, there is no progress anyway, and it may be necessary to wait for external security forces to find clues to reduce the dimensionality and strike.

"What do you think about sending someone to infiltrate the inside?"

"That's a good idea, but for people who go undercover in a place like that, do you think they can still be clean when they go in and out?"

Smoking is very harmful to the body. If a student is allowed to go in, even for just a few days... If you don't smoke, you won't be able to fit in. If you smoke, it will be very harmful to the body.

The matter will be solved by then, but people's potential will also be affected. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net Is this worthy of him? They are still students, how could he squander his promising future here?

"Then I'll go, what do you think?" That's what Luo Huai originally thought.

"You? The question is how do you blend in? It takes a long time for those people to mix together, and the academy is no better than outside. There are only so many people, and the circle is bound to be dead. It's not just "new here" You can get through it."

And if we take the normal integration route and wait for several weeks, months or even a semester, then the external police will probably solve the problem.

That's not in vain.

Li Ming was not worried that Luo Huai would be afraid of things like cigarettes, so he was considering efficiency.

"That's not necessarily true..." Luo Huai chuckled, thinking carefully, "Sometimes you want to integrate into a group, but you don't necessarily have to join as a newcomer."

"I seem to smell the smell of persecution." Li Ming knew Luo Huai's strength. Even if he only knew part of various deeds, he knew that Luo Huai was also one of the high-level combat powers of the human race.

"Then it's settled? I'm going to find a way to get inside, and you guys have to take care of me."

"Okay, I'll talk to the others later. If you want a detailed plan, you'd better give me a copy..." Li Ming also wanted some information, but Luo Huai hung up the phone.

"Alas...this guy."

"These guys, right?" Luo Huai hung up the phone and found a place to sit down, and began to carefully read the information sent by Li Ming.

Although at first he thought of tracking him through stealth, it seems now that this cigarette incident may also involve some guys from outside. It is easy to travel and miss a lot of information just by tracking him.

If you want to catch them all, you must first find out the whole ins and outs.

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