I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1431 The mouse emerging from the hole

"He Fang, Wang Qi, Zhao Lianping..."

Looking at the information, we can see that these three people were caught two days ago. Among them, He Fang is a sophomore, and the remaining two are freshmen.

’ The contagion is really strong. I found my little brother just a month or two after school started. ’

After turning off the information, Luo Huai was going to apply to enter the wild area and conduct collection activities.

With the same level of authority as Li Ming and the others, he could enter the wild area without being followed by a guardian teacher even as a new student.

"Tomorrow Monday, seven o'clock in the morning."

"Okay, confirm that there is no conflict with the course. I wish you good luck." The teacher at the window said while operating the computer.

This application point refers to the estimated time point for entering the wild area. To enter, you must mark this time point. After returning from the event, you have to eliminate the marked time point, so that there will be this in the management information system. The specific start and end time records of the action.

The guardian teacher will be automatically assigned by the allocation system after the application point. Luo Huai used the authority here, so the system will not assign him.

"Tomorrow Monday...the goods will arrive today, and these guys should start trading activities one after another."

Judging from the information currently obtained from the student union and Li Ming, the hot pot restaurant he ate at before was most likely the first site where goods flowed into.

But smoke is not a high-energy object and cannot be detected directly with instruments. As long as it is hidden in a dark compartment, it is difficult to find. If you forcefully search for it without any evidence... you can say that you have found it, but if not, It is easy for people to spread bad rumors, thereby destroying the trust relationship between stores and managers in the business district.

As a result, the college has also developed a search warrant system. Without tangible evidence, searches cannot be carried out casually.

The daily inspection of various store standards does not involve too in-depth aspects. In addition, this is an academy, and many tough methods are not easy to use casually.

This is the main problem currently standing in the way of student unions.

"Hey, Li Ming, can you check if these people have been invited?"

Luo Huai called Li Ming again and sent the names of these three people.

"Okay." Li Ming replied, "Do you want to follow them? They have been caught once, so I'm afraid they are wary and have restrained themselves."

"But I choose to believe in their self-control...a group of guys who already have poor self-control and are addicted, ha~"

"Then how do you plan to get inside?"

"How about a chance encounter?"

"It doesn't work logically. Even if it's a chance encounter, it doesn't feel right if you think about it for a moment, and they will probably not be willing to act together."

"Then let them have no time to think." Luo Huai said with a smile on his face.

There are too many ways to bring the two waves of people together to "share weal and woe".

"Okay, it's up to you, as long as you don't hurt people or alert others." Li Ming heard that he was so confident and didn't bother to care about him. He casually warned him and hung up the communication.

Looking at the information on the bracelet, a screenshot has been sent to the chat box.

The screenshot above is exactly the time mark requested by those three guys, which is tomorrow.

Very good, it really lives up to your trust.

These three guys are still in the professional department, so the management in this area is stricter, and the punishment after being caught will be more severe.

But even under such constraints, they still want to take risks. It seems that their addiction is not ordinary.

However, it is not ruled out that they want to conduct practical training activities to recover their penalized points.

"But who told the smoke hiding spot discovered earlier to be somewhere in the wild area?"

Luo Huai shrugged and went home to prepare for the next day's actions, making sure to make clear arrangements for these guys.

The next morning, three people gathered at the gate of the wild area.

"Brother He, is it really okay for us to come out today? We were just arrested by those guys from the student union two days ago..." Wang Qi looked around uncomfortably.

The aftermath of being caught made him feel like the passers-by walking around him were staring at him.

But it's okay if he doesn't say this, but if he does say it, he's looking for scolding.

"Isn't it because you can't stand your temper? You actually dared to smoke in the toilet. We were caught with evidence and all my inventory was taken away!" He Fang gave him an angry look.

"If you don't make money, how can you get the money to buy cigarettes?" Zhao Lianping also scolded him. Although he and He Fang were together before, since they were cheated, Wang Qi was the most looked down upon among the three of them.

Being glared at by the two people, Wang Qi did not dare to speak, and followed him dejectedly with his head half lowered.

He Fang, who was walking at the front, warned again: "When we enter the wild area later, we will complete the commission seriously. When we return, we will find a way to get the things. Do you understand?"

"I know." The two people behind nodded.

If they want to continue to "enjoy", they have to rely on someone to arrange a way for them, otherwise they just have no idea where to get the goods.

The three of them rented a vehicle. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is a motorcycle with a wheeled trailer behind it. This is very cost-effective and is a recipe that students have figured out in the past two months.

If you want to bring things back, you have to use a vehicle as cover.

It's just that they have just been arrested, and the student union has sent people to "heavily guard" the security check at the entrance of the wild area. The people selling goods on the other side don't dare to do business with them for the time being. This time they mainly go to Take out some other inventory.

The money on the student's card was fined and they now need to transfer the "goods" in exchange for a little money.

Although they can't buy it now, this thing is still a valuable black commodity in an environment like the academy. It's good to keep some for yourself and enjoy it, and sell the rest to others for blood.

I heard what Brother He said, some people are tinkering with this stuff even if they don’t smoke, just to make huge profits by reselling this stuff. They are simply underground scalpers, they are just taking advantage of others.

Afterwards, the three discussed some details of the operation.

After a while, the vehicle and the guardian teacher arrived.

The three of them sat on the trailer and entered the wild area.

They enter the jungle quite frequently, firstly to trade goods, and secondly because buying these things requires money, so they need to make more commissions.

Their reputation in this regard is quite good.

As a result, they have received quite a lot of training and their strength has increased quite quickly. As a result, they do not think smoking can be harmful, at least it is not as scary as advertised.

But these hazards are subtle. If all hazards could be felt immediately by the body, there would not be so many things that need to be emphasized over and over again.

What's more, youth is the time when the body is at its best. At this time, the person's entire body is immersed in the expansion of growth and reaching its peak, and it is easier to ignore the dangers.

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