"We may have fallen into a secret realm." Gao Cheng's rich experience allowed him to know the current possible situation. He turned to Chen Yongxue and said, "Yongxue, check the energy concentration here. Others, back to the inner circle Circle alert around.

"Yes." Everyone complied without any question. Their experience was not as good as Captain Gao Cheng's, so they had to obey the command at this time.

Chen Yongxue hid in the warning circle, carrying more items on his back than others, including an air comprehensive energy detector.

"Let's walk a little closer to the center of the fog circle." Gao Cheng added, "If we really stray into the secret realm, dangers may easily arise on the edge.

Just like the boundary of the game, the secret realm will not allow the materials inside to leak out easily, so there will definitely be obstacles.

If it's just the fog that's confusing the direction, that's fine, but if there's some monster stationed at the border, you have to be careful.

Everyone had to carefully retreat some distance.

"Captain, the energy concentration here is higher than the current energy value in the mortal world, but there is something strange..." Chen Yongxue was halfway through talking and fell into thinking again.

Gao Cheng asked him, "But what?"

He replied: "From the energy value, I can infer that this is not the mortal world, but I just called the headquarters at the same time, but I also received a vague signal. If this is a secret realm, the signal should be completely cut off. , but although the return signal I received was very fuzzy and severely distorted, I could still hear some words, which were our communication words."

After the report, he immediately put away the detector and joined the warning circle.

"Hmm..." After hearing this, Gao Cheng thought for a moment and said, "There is something wrong..."

Even if the exit from the current secret realm is unstable, the energy wave there is very strong for communication waves, so there are only two possibilities.

"This secret realm may have formed a very stable entrance and exit, and there are also other teams that have fallen into this secret realm like us."

Both may not be very good news, both good and bad.

Stable entrances and exits mean that the development of the secret realm may have stabilized, which means that there is a high probability that various dangerous monsters have been born in this secret realm. They have to clear the level before they can get out. And the latter, if other teams also fall into this The secret realm is a little easier to handle. You can find a way to reunite. There is strength in numbers.

Of course, the premise is that that team has not been attacked like them.

"Yongxue, please try to communicate with the communication number of the team that is here for the mission today. If there is a response, we will meet up as soon as possible."

"Yes." Cheng Yongxue once again returned to the warning circle and called.

"Hiss..." On the other side, Wang Zhongqian felt very nervous at this time, very nervous.

The surrounding fog seemed to surround them with purpose, getting closer and closer, and the suffocating feeling of being gradually trapped in a small space made him feel short of breath.

"Hey, don't let your guard down right now." He Wenye, who was right next to him, noticed the unnatural rise and fall of his body's breathing and reminded him in a low voice.

Although they have very different personalities, their relationship is actually quite harmonious. Everyone in the team usually just teases each other and makes jokes, but Wang Zhongqian is always the one who "begs for mercy when bullied".

He is the youngest in the team and is often taken care of.

"Yeah." Wang Zhongqian shook his head, trying not to let the fantasies in his mind affect the judgment in front of him.

Fear is like this, if you don't suppress it, it will amplify little by little.

Fortunately, he was just nervous at the moment.

"Captain, I received a signal, the one I received just now. It seems that it was not from the headquarters, but from another team."

"In which direction?" Gao Cheng asked immediately.

"Over there." Chen Yongxue pointed, "Captain, your six o'clock direction.

Gao Cheng faced the fog, and his six o'clock direction was his back.

The team that sent the signal was indeed located more centrally.

"It seems that we are going deeper." Without any hesitation, Gao Cheng said in the headset, "Get ready to return the same way. Let's go meet up with that team. Yongxue, you continue to pay attention to the content of that signal. Once there is substance, Sexual content will be reported immediately.”

"Yes." The Yongxue detector was put back on his back, but a communication line was connected from it to the communication headset of the recruiter. Then he took the gun and the whole team took action.

The captain takes the lead, with three people in the front, and the three behind them are always paying attention to the situation on both sides and behind.

Everyone turned on the miniature sonic radar on their arms. This radar was connected to the energy circuit on the armor. If an object approached quickly, they could react more quickly and reduce the damage caused by a sudden attack.

Without a car, the scope of the woodland feels a little larger, and the looming mist in the surrounding woods makes it feel endless.

The most amazing thing is that when you walk in, the fog in front no longer approaches, just like normal fog, it moves back as it moves.

Sure enough, the one just now was something like a border.

Soon, the team walked back to the woods where they had been attacked.

They watched carefully above their heads, but this time they did not suffer any attacks.

"It seems we have to go along this road." Gao Cheng surveyed a little and said.

He still didn't try the tall grass on the edge.

If the purpose is not to obtain resources, then when entering the secret realm, you must avoid some passive trigger dangers as much as possible.

"Yongxue, is this still the direction?"

"Yes." This path is like a door opened for those who enter, with almost no deviation in the direction.

"Captain, could this be a trap?" Chen Yongxue finally asked worriedly.

But Gao Cheng shook his head, "A secret realm formed in the wild area, and it has not yet completely formed a complete body. Among the elements it contains, there will be nothing related to our communication technology, and our communication signal waves are also special, almost It won’t collide with naturally occurring wavelengths.”

"Okay, let's continue. We're not sure whether the other party is in danger. The sooner we get there, the better." After explaining their doubts, everyone in the team quickened their pace.

This grass path, paved with fallen plants, is so thick that almost no footsteps are heard when stepping on it, which makes the surrounding silence even more prominent. Due to its width, only two people can walk side by side at most.

And behind, in the tall grass, there seemed to be a swing again, and something shuttled through, chasing after it from the forest beside the grass path.

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