I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1508 The cabin in the woods

"Be careful..." The six people quickly walked through the forest. Fortunately, the forest was not infinite. After about half an hour of brisk walking, they walked out of the grass path.

But the scene in front of me is not quite as expected.

The hazy white mist turned into a bit of gray, and the white thing that replaced it was the snowflakes falling from the sky.

These snowflakes are very white and very cold.

Even if they landed on the armor, the six of them felt cold for no reason.

The mobile suits under their armor are also specially designed to keep warm in winter. Besides, they have been exercising just now, so their whole bodies should be warm.

However, the cold still passed through the multiple layers of protection, as if it fell directly on the skin, making people not want to stay in this snow for too long.

Directly ahead, there is a lake. It is very large, but its edge appears just in front of the fog in the distance, proving that it is not boundless.

"Yongxue, how is the signal direction? Has it changed?"


That means... we have to bypass this lake.

"Visually check the distance to the other side of the lake. If the lake is approximately elliptical, then we have to walk several kilometers." Chen Yongxue looked at the front and then at both sides. The opposite shore of the lake could be seen, but the two sides were hidden in the mist and could not be seen. clear.

"Then let's go." Gao Cheng decided decisively, and the others had no objection.

They didn't have any vehicles to get into the water, so they all left them in the car. In such a cold environment, it's easy to lose body temperature when getting into the water.

A few kilometers, which is not long for a soldier.

The only thing to consider is the supply situation. After all, in this secret realm with undead elements, food supply is a big problem, and even water is not dared to be drunk.

Then there’s the coldness of the snow.

Even if there is a hydrophobic barrier on the mobile suit, there will still be temperature loss, and the body must continue to consume it to maintain body temperature.

That doesn't sound like good news.

The six of them walked quickly around the edge of the lake.

What is a little strange is that in such a cold environment, there is no sign of ice on the lake. Even though the water is calm without any ripples, it is like a mirror, but there is no reflection.

They were not walking by the lake. The water reflected the pale sky, and it was impossible to see what was underneath. The undead were not afraid of the cold, and it would not be fun if one suddenly jumped out of the water.

The shore of the lake was a little far away from the woods. They walked on the gravel ground in the middle, where a thin layer of snow had already accumulated.

This snow... just started falling not long ago.

The snowflakes falling from the sky are not small, but they are bigger than light snow. Besides, the snowflakes are very thick. If it starts falling early, the snow should be very thick already.

The other team should be about the same as them. Each team set off from the headquarters together. Although the starting point may be different, it may be a little earlier than them.

The snow here should have started falling at that time.

It would be much better if there was an umbrella to block the snow at this time, but it would be impossible for them to hold up an umbrella pretentiously even if it rained. They definitely didn't have one.

"Let's speed up." After walking for a while, Gao Cheng suddenly said.

The energy circuit on the armor needs to maintain a certain temperature to maintain operation. The continuous cooling forces the energy circuit to be in a cold-activated state, which consumes more energy than normal standby.

Furthermore, there is the body temperature. They are fine walking now, but as soon as they stop, they can feel the cold quickly wrapping their bodies.


Everyone quickened their pace, and the heat loss from physical activity was slightly reduced.

Fortunately, the lake is not very long and narrow, and judging from Chen Yongxue's direction, the target has not moved where it should be.

On the bright side, it meant that there was somewhere to stop and rest, and to get some shelter from the wind and snow.

There was no danger along the way.

"Huh...huh..." The air he breathed in through the mask became colder and colder.

All the way here, they were almost a little hungry since they set off in the morning, but the environment here, especially the coldness of the snowflakes, made them dare not take off their breathing masks to eat.

This is only half the journey.

"Captain, why don't we stop and eat something, otherwise we will even use up all the energy in our bodies." Chen Yongxue looked at the others and said.

Gao Cheng nodded and pointed in the direction of the woods, "Let's hide from the snow under the tree at the edge, eat the compressed food within five minutes, and then continue to set off."

"Yes." Everyone else looked relieved, especially the two girls. Although women store more subcutaneous fat, their physical strength is lower, and their muscles are more likely to tire out after long distances.

The six people quickly arrived under the tree. After checking that there were no monsters on the top of the tree and the surrounding trees, and after Chen Yongxue used an instrument to test the air, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net took turns picking out the raw materials for synthetic food and made it. Looks like a piece.

These are high-energy and high-calorie foods, which are very filling and provide a lot of energy. One piece can be worth several large bowls of food. However, it is just that you have to give it up, and the taste is not really good.

Taking turns quickly, he threw the object into his mouth, immediately put the mask back on before swallowing, and then set off, chewing as he walked.

When we arrived at the other side of the lake, the direction shown by the signal was basically parallel to the lake shore. It seemed that they were not far from the lake.

As they got closer, they saw something new that was different from the woods, gravel beaches, and lakes. It was a simple dock built on the lakeside using wooden planks and tree stumps, with a small boat tied to the side, and the dock was connected to the shore. It is a path paved with large stones that extends all the way into the woods.

Is this new guidance?

When I walked to the stone road and looked into the woods, the direction of the signal also pointed there.

The trees in the forest did not cover the top of the stone road. On the contrary, the trees on both sides were far apart, and the snow also fell on the road.

At the other end of the road is a small wooden house located in the woods. The woods have left a clearing for it, and the snow can fall here.

The surrounding trees have also become what they look like in winter, with all their leaves falling off, leaving only bare branches with claws hanging out.

Walking from the first end to this end is like walking from spring to winter.

It is indeed colder here.

It was probably only afternoon, but at this moment, the light above my head seemed to be dimming.

This place is probably deep in the secret realm. No matter the environment or time, it is separated from the influence of the outside world.

In the wooden house, there seemed to be firelight flickering. When people in the cold saw that light, they subconsciously thought of warmth, and they couldn't help but yearn for it.

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