I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1509 Inside the wooden house

The bare trees near here can no longer block the falling snow, so it seems that we can only enter this wooden house.

Gao Gao looked around and said, "Let's go over and take a look."

The six of them walked inside along the gravel road. There was a small platform made of wood in front of the wooden house. There was a sunshade on the top to block the falling snow. The moment they walked in, they felt as cold as if there were no snowflakes falling on them. , but they all have the illusion of being warmer.

Then there was the question of whether to knock on the door.

"The signal is very clear. It is our commonly used default connection signal for mobile communications. It should be here." Chen Yongxue said in the communication.

The so-called default connection signal is a signal that automatically transfers to other nearby teams when the team cannot contact the base. The other party will not be connected immediately, but will automatically reply with a message similar to "No one is answering at the moment, please leave a message."

But if the other party's contact person is online, he should try to reply. However, along the way, except for the default signal reply becoming clearer and clearer, there is no other information.

Chen Yongxue explained the situation again and expressed his worries, "I'm still worried about something going wrong. Something happened to the other party's liaison officer, or something went wrong with the team."

What if the team is not actually here, but only the communication equipment is here, does that mean that the team may have encountered something unexpected, and there may be some danger in this wooden house.

After all, this is the depths of the secret realm.

"It's indeed possible." Gao Cheng was also very calm. Even though he also felt the warmth inside attracting him, as the captain, he must remain calm at all times to lead the team members.

He said: "You guys line up on both sides and I'll open the door. If something goes wrong, just evacuate the way you came."

"Yes." The others quietly separated to both sides, waiting for the captain to knock on the wooden door.

The fire in the wooden house only came on after dark. Several people could see this clearly, which meant that there must be something there. As for whether it was a human being, they didn't know.

What's even more disturbing is that even if you are very close to the door, you can't hear any other movement inside, even if you can see the swaying firelight reflection from the window on the side.

"Dong dong dong..."

Three gentle sounds.

Finally, I heard footsteps approaching from behind the door.

Everyone outside the door unconsciously clenched their guns.

The footsteps stopped when they were close to the door. You could hear the sound of shoes stepping on the hard board. It had a kicking sound, not like anything else.

But the elevation still recedes a little.

There is no peephole on the door, so if there are people inside, they can't see what's going on outside.

After waiting for a while, the door did not open, and no leaving footsteps were heard, indicating that the man had been standing at the door.

The surroundings were so quiet that these movements could be heard clearly.

Finally, Gao Cheng decided to turn off the sound isolation function of the mask and said: "Hello, we are the team leader of this operation number 01."

Not loud.

But it was louder than the footsteps, and the people inside should be able to hear it clearly.

Finally, the door opened.

As soon as the two parties saw each other, they discovered that there was not just one person inside the door, but three people. They also pointed guns at the door.

But soon, both parties confirmed the authenticity of the other.

At least this outfit of an action team is impossible to have in this secret realm.

"Hello, we are Team 03." The person taking the lead said.

Both sides put down their guns almost simultaneously and in tacit agreement.

Being able to see their teammates here, both sides breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come in with us, it's very cold outside." The man turned around and led a few people back into the house.

The wooden house is bigger than expected, much bigger. Maybe I didn't take a good look at the panoramic view of the wooden house because I walked in a hurry.

When you walk in, there is no entrance, and you can see the source of the fire near the door.

It was a bonfire set up in an iron pot. Several people sat on the edge of the bonfire to keep the flame going. In addition, there were several people huddled on the edge. Fortunately, the warmth of the bonfire was enough to cover the entire room.

But when Gao Cheng and the others walked in and saw these people, they couldn't help but frown, and they didn't dare to put down their guns.

"Who are they?" Gao Cheng asked.

There were six people in a team, but there were five more people in the room.

Those people didn't look very old. Considering Gao Cheng's age of about thirty, it was not an exaggeration to say that they were children, and they looked less than twenty years old.

The children, both boys and girls, shrank in fear when they saw Gao Cheng and the others holding guns. They were not particularly scared, but they were also afraid that the gun would go off.

"Don't panic, they are students from the college." The man who brought them in quickly stood in the middle and explained.

"Why are college students here? Shouldn't it be forbidden to enter the wild area over there?"

"They sneaked in yesterday and we met them after we fell into the secret realm."

Hearing this, Gao Cheng and the others put down their guns. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net However, he still asked sternly: "Why do you sneak into the wild area? Don't you know that the wild area is closed for a reason?"

No wonder Gao Cheng is like this. In this unknown situation, they can't protect themselves. With a few tow bottles, the difficulty suddenly becomes higher.

"We...were afraid of being beaten first." Others did not dare to speak, but only one boy who was a little bolder said.

From his description, they originally planned to secretly take a look at the situation in the jungle area, because originally the jungle area was going to be reopened. They had made a lot of preparations for this, but suddenly they said it would be closed, which made them in vain. A busy meal.

Not willing to give in, I secretly ran to the edge of the wild area to have a look.

As a result, after entering the woods, I found that I was lost without even taking a few detours.

In total, they entered the secret realm yesterday, earlier than the two teams, but they had been wandering on the edge before. They were lucky and did not encounter such an extremely cold environment. Then it was not until the next day that they got lost and had no food. I needed to search to get here, but luckily I ran into the action team.

Fortunately, they brought two umbrellas, otherwise the falling snow would hit them and they might not be able to survive for an hour.

It was also quite cold.

"I didn't expect the expansion of this secret realm to be so large. This news must be brought back quickly. I don't know what happened to the other teams."

"I'm afraid only two of our teams have come in now." The man who brought people in is the captain of Team 03, named Wang Jianning.

The situation of their team is not as good as that of Team 0. Because they brought a few students with them, they distributed some compressed food to a few people, so the reserves are not much. Moreover, the liaison officer of their team was accidentally injured and was affected by the environment. She has some symptoms of coldness and is currently lying beside the campfire being cared for.

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