"Have you inspected this wooden house?" The team members were asked to sit aside and rest while the two captains, Gao Cheng and Wang Jianning, continued to exchange information.

"We checked it when we first came in. In addition to the room on the first floor, this wooden house also has a small compartment, then a stairwell, a utility room under the stairs, and a separate room upstairs. , the structure of the whole house is very simple, with only some basic furnishings, and we dug this campfire pot out of the utility room."

"Isn't there anyone else or...something else?"

"There are no monsters." Wang Jianning said, but from the tone in which he said this, it could still be heard that he was also a little worried.

"We are indeed worried, but our reserves are no longer enough to sustain us outside. We can only come in first and then take turns to be on guard."

"Yeah." Gao Cheng agreed. If it were him, he would make the same decision. "Let's also take turns to stand guard. After the break, we still have to find a way to go out and check the situation."

"Okay." Wang Jianning nodded and informed the other team members.

Then he asked: "By the way, which direction are you coming from?"

"We came from the other side of the lake. The woods on that side are not like this severe winter scene. What about you?"

"It's just the opposite...and the woods on our side are already in autumn even at the edge."

"It seems that the development of the secret realm on this side is progressing faster."

"Yes, but we don't have any extra supplies. You guys came in unexpectedly, right?"

"Yes, we don't have much reserves. Most of them are left in the car."

As a team, they all have the same configuration, so it goes without saying.

"It seems that we can only go out if we find a way to clear the dungeon." Gao Cheng quickly made a decision and received an approved reply from Wang Jianning.

This newly formed dungeon will not have its own story line like some mature dungeons, because its existence time is too short, and the time inside it is not enough for any events to occur.

So this is an exploration type dungeon. This kind of dungeon requires exploring the final "treasure", which is the core of the dungeon.

It can be understood as destroying or removing the core from the inside to crack the secret realm.

The two teams entered from two directions, and based on the changes in the surrounding environment, they basically deduced the central area of ​​the secret realm, which was the wooden house and the surrounding area, including the lake.

"This wooden house is definitely not that simple. We rest here for too long and we don't know what will happen next." Gao Cheng looked at the window. The light outside was getting darker, almost to the point of night.

No matter what it is, changes always bring other changes. No one knows what will appear in the empty wooden house during the day or outside at night.

The two captains gathered together, summoned their respective team members, and assigned new tasks. The personnel should not be too scattered. There should be at least two people in a group, and each group should not be too far apart. Do not go upstairs. Guard the first floor. Large room.

As for the few students, let them stay in the protective circle and thank God if nothing happens.

The two captains continued to discuss the clues to the secret realm.

No matter how you look at this kind of secret realm, it is always scary. The most taboo thing is to act separately, so everyone should be together as much as possible.

The more people there are, the more power there is. There won't be too many powerful monsters in the newly formed secret realm. We are just afraid of some attacks. If there are too many people, there will be nothing the monsters can do to them.

"Everything in the wooden house has been searched, and it is basically empty. There are no traces of human life in the room. Except for the bonfire, there are not even other supplies needed for human life. It is like an empty shell. Same."

Sometimes we are not afraid of having anything, but we are afraid of having nothing at all, making us feel like a headless fly.

If you need to find any clues, you must find a special place.

Just as he was thinking about it, the tranquility and warmth made Gao Cheng want to rest comfortably for a moment, but this year was quickly suppressed and reminded him in turn.

"It's very quiet here..."

Even in the wooden house, except for the crackling of the flames of the campfire and the sound of people talking in low voices, it was very quiet.

Looking at the others, in addition to the other people on alert, the injured and the few students staying by the campfire all showed comfortable thoughts, that kind of drowsy look.

They leaned together, and the difference between men and women seemed to be nothing. Although the current situation made them feel scared, the fatigue from yesterday to today made them almost unable to resist such a warm "bed".

"Hey!" Gao Cheng suddenly raised his voice and called out, which was like a thunder in this quiet room.

Everyone else was shocked, even those who were standing. UU Reading www.uukanks.net Although they were on guard, they unknowingly relaxed a little.

Is the environment too quiet, so that their prevention of danger is somewhat aimless.

"Is there anything outside the window?" Wang Jianning stood up and walked to the window.

The windows of the wooden house are all made of glass, but they are not completely transparent, but somewhat blurry. If you look closely, you can barely see the outline and boundaries of the external scenery, but you can't see the details.

"The snow seems to have stopped." After watching for a while, he said, "But there is a thick layer of snow on the ground, making it difficult to walk."

The moonlight outside was very bright, and the snow on the ground reflected the moonlight, giving off a crystal shimmer.

"Should we go out and have a look." The change of day and night in this secret realm is obviously faster than that in the mortal world. If we don't move quickly, we may miss the opportunity.

So we called four people, three from each team, and went to the door together, while the rest ensured the safety of the students.

Outside the door, there was no breeze.

There were snowflakes falling before, but now, there is really nothing moving in this world.

"I'll go out and have a look." He Wenye volunteered and stepped off the wooden platform at the door and stepped into the snow.

"Hiss..." The coldness that reached his ankles instantly stimulated his whole body along the nerves, making him jump and retract his feet.

"Hey, I feel so cold when the snowflakes fall on my body. If you step into such thick snow now, your feet will probably be numb from the cold after just a few steps."

Moreover, feet are the "roots" of human beings. When the feet are cold, the whole body becomes cold as well.

He wanted to turn around and hide in the cabin.

Everyone else felt bad when they saw this scene.

The snow was so large that they couldn't get out. They were trapped here.

Things get more troublesome.

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