I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1516 Secret Realm or Dream Realm


If you just break in like this, you will definitely be pulled away by the security guards who come over. If there is a conflict, it will be even harder to check on the injured.

"We'll go in later."

"Yeah." Although Zhong Renping didn't know the specific situation inside, since Luo Huai said so, he would wait a little longer.

You can see lights coming out from inside from time to time. It seems that the doctors inside are performing some kind of "major surgery."

It might be some kind of medical spell. Generally, in this case, I would choose two [Dispel] first to identify any bad energy in the body, or even some kind of curse.

However, Zhong Renping outside frowned seriously, "No, the problem is not that there is an intrusion from outside at all, but that something is missing internally."

After sitting down, like Luo Huai, he quietly probed into it with his senses, but his strength was not enough and he could only feel a very vague feeling.

But there was only one thing that he perceived very clearly.

That is the connecting "line", the "soul line" that connects the soul consciousness and the body.

"This door must be opened! It cannot be closed. If the soul cord is cut off, you will really not be able to come back!" He suddenly jumped up from the chair, rushed forward and kicked the door open.

The doctors and nurses inside were all startled by the movement, and then they saw a middle-aged doctor who looked very dignified at first sight walking out and questioning them, "Who are you! I didn't know this was an emergency room. ?"

Everyone inside was wary of the two people at the door.

"I know, but..." Zhong Renping knew that he was impulsive and wanted to explain, but Luo Huai stepped forward, stopped in front of him, and took the lead in showing his ID.

In such a tense scene, the most important thing is for both parties to calm down and at least be able to talk properly.

"Since you are a doctor, you should not do such things at this time!"

"Yes, but can you just listen to what he has to say? This concerns the wounded here."

"You have a special certificate, does he have one?"

"No, but I can vouch for him." Luo Huai said seriously. Anyway, he took this certificate by the way, so he doesn't care about it.

But in fact, this certificate still has some weight, which can be seen from the change in the other party's eyes when seeing this.

"What do you say."

"That's it..." Zhong Renping quickly expressed his thoughts.

He kicked the door open in such a hurry because this door is special and has a strong isolation effect. This is not an accident, but a deliberate setting, so that even if the person's soul is in the illusion world, it will be affected by the connection with the body. Affected and forced return.

Although the human race does not have a thorough understanding of the study of souls, some methods can still influence it.

But the so-called half-knowledge is the scariest thing. This setting may cause some very bad results.

Only people like Zhong Renping who have experienced soul separation can deeply understand this.

He walked up to the wounded regardless of the obstruction, waved his hand and drew two symbols, and saw a ray of light extending from the forehead of the wounded to the door of the emergency room. He did not know where it extended.

"Their souls are still trapped outside. If they are pulled back by force, the thread will be broken."

"This..." Although the doctor wanted to say something, if this is the truth, then it is true.

"Can you guarantee this too?" He turned to look at Luo Huai.

Once the guarantor is identified, they can choose to believe it.

The difficult plot on TV doesn't apply here, there's no time to spare.

Finally, they checked Luo Huai's ID. After confirming that it was correct, they also saw Luo Huai's A-level authority. The doctor decisively gave the initiative to Luo Huai and the others.

"In this case, what should we do next?" After the initial treatment, I have no clue. At present, I can only rely on medical equipment to maintain the vitality of the wounded body.

"Go and bring the soul back." Zhong Renping also didn't stop. The next step was his domain.


"Where did they go wrong?"

"The wild area on the edge of the college city. They went there yesterday morning to perform the task of cleaning up the secret realm of freshmen. However, they lost contact yesterday and were not discovered until early this morning." The doctor must know the cause of the injured person's injury.

"Why haven't you heard about such a big thing?" Luo Huai on the side felt a little strange.

"After all, that is the academy's jungle area. If this matter spreads, it will have an impact on the future opening of the jungle area." The doctor said quite understandably.

"That's right." Luo Huai said nothing more.

Zhong Renping immediately turned around and said, "Luo Huai, let's go to the wild area immediately."


As for the hospital, it only needs to maintain the physical condition of the injured. All the injured only suffered superficial injuries. What is really fatal is physical failure that cannot be detected by medical equipment.

Once the soul returns, it will naturally be easier to handle.

"Tu tu tu tu!!!"

The energy bullets were released into the darkness, and some monsters were eliminated.

"Zhong Qian, report the time." Gao Cheng took out the empty energy bullet clip and said.

However, they no longer use communication headsets to talk. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The masks are broken and broken, and no one can still use them.

The same goes for other equipment, which is somewhat damaged, and there are not much bullets and food left.

Only the gun is of good quality and always easy to use.

This is not the first time they have come to this stone path, and this is not the first stone path. This is the stone path three or four levels down on that foundation.

I don’t know how many days I have been trapped in this secret realm. It must have been more than three days, three days in this secret realm.

They thought they had found the direction, but they didn't expect that the road in this direction was longer than they imagined.

Not only is it long, but it is also difficult, so difficult that even if they exhaust all their reserves, they may collapse midway.

Fortunately, although they couldn't understand it, they really caught fish in the lake outside the wooden house, and there were even a lot of them. Just like the bonfire that couldn't be burned, the fish in this lake also seemed to be caught. There is no end to it, just use some broken food and fish viscera, and you will always attract big fat fish in the lake.

This gives them some confidence and motivation, at least for those who are not injured yet.

But the reason for the increase in casualties was the body in front of the door.

When the moonlight fell in the west and the wooden roof at the door could no longer block the moonlight, it "came alive".

Even though it quickly fell to the bullet, it still injured the two people who were guarding it at the time, and those two people also paid the price for their brief relaxation.

"Captain, it's seven o'clock." Of course he meant seven o'clock in this world.

"Then let's go back first and come back tomorrow morning." Gao Cheng led Zhong Qian and Wen Ye back.

After each level of monsters is cleared, they will not appear again. I hope that by going through this level-by-level strategy, I can find the final way out.

This is the only hope.

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