I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1517 Perish in Silence

"Is the fish grilled?" This was the first thing he asked when he returned to the campfire room.

No one thinks about whether they caught a fish, because they will.

There is no seasoning. The logistics staff will carry some salt in their backpacks as needed for the body, but nothing more.

Don't believe how delicious the game in Wilderness Survival is. With a single seasoning and simple boiling or barbecue, the taste will be just like that. No matter how delicious the food itself is, it will just be like that.

But in this environment, hot food is the best thing to eat.

The water that I am drinking now is also taken from the lake at the door and cooked. I simply check the ingredients to make sure it is drinkable.

In the past few days, it would start to snow every day during the day, but they had set up a small wooden shed at the small pier to block the snowflakes.

Several students have become effective logistical assistants in the past few days. If they can successfully escape in the end, this experience will be a good experience and even qualifications.

As for the monsters on the ground, I haven't seen them again in the past few days. It seems that all the monsters are trapped deep underground.

So on the third day, they explored the snow forest outside for a distance on their skateboards, and unexpectedly discovered their prey.

It should be a deer, a big one with two pairs of horns on its head. It looks particularly fierce, but no matter how fierce the deer is, it can only fall to the ground unwillingly when faced with a gun.

That day, Gao Cheng and the others didn't even attack the underground monsters. Everyone went to help transport the prey back first.

Ouch...is it the third day...then now...

Forget it, although the venison in the room has been eaten, fortunately there must be fish.

I have become accustomed to the fishy smell of fish, and it tastes unambiguous at all.

"Why don't we go out tomorrow to look for edible wild vegetables? We've been eating only meat recently, so that's not okay." Ling Muying, a logistics worker from Team 03, suggested.

"I still think we should attack those monsters as soon as possible. We can't really stay here forever, right?" He Wenye said.

These days, when everyone gets together, this topic is always unavoidable.

But if you go out to collect supplies from a distance, it means there are not enough manpower, and the action of attacking monsters must be suspended.

Every time I delay like this, a whole day is basically gone.

Moreover, during this period of time, no one had any leisure time, nor was they very relaxed. Everyone clearly felt a lack of energy, and there were fewer things they could do in a day, especially at night, when everyone got tired easily.

Although this is also related to nutritional deficiencies.

"Captain, why don't we just look for it? If our body collapses if this continues, it will be useless to worry." For this reason, Sun Yan and Yue Qian also thought that they should go out to find some vegetarian food.

"Okay." Gao Cheng, who had been silent for the whole time, nodded and agreed.

"Oh, it's like this again..." He Wenye sighed a little unhappily.

But since everyone has decided so, he can't say anything.

He is relatively straightforward, but he doesn't know how to read the situation.

But after so many days, although the worries about food and drinking water have been solved, I don't know if it was his misunderstanding.

He always felt that everyone was not as eager to leave as they were at first.

Even if it is for stability, it seems that everyone's eyes are missing a beam of light and a little less angry.

After dinner, everyone leaned against the wall or on the ground, resting for a while, as usual, and then took turns keeping watch in pairs.

This is the quietest time of the day. There are no monsters, no cold, only the fatigue that needs to be relieved after a day of work. The body and mind have reached the ultimate relaxation at this moment.

"..." He Wenye observed all this quietly.

At this time every day, he kept reminding himself that something was wrong with everyone.

But even he himself forgot that the rescue that had been delayed had not arrived until today.

At first, everyone thought this was because time passed faster in the secret realm, but until now, no one mentioned it, not even a single complaint.

An atmosphere of silence flowed in the air, passing through the gaps between everyone, separating them all.

Everyone seemed to be gradually sinking into silence.

Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. During this period, He Wenye learned to think quietly in his mind.

Or maybe it's because the room is so quiet that even if you make a little noise, others can hear it.

In this seemingly closed space, there is actually no "hidden space" at all.

"Hey...hey...Wenye, it's our turn to keep vigil." After a rest, Wang Zhongqian came over and patted him gently on the shoulder.

"Yeah." The two of them started walking outside the house.

Everyone in the room is almost asleep. If you don't regain your energy, you won't be able to do anything the next day.

"..." He Wenye, who walked out of the room, looked back again. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net saw that the usually cautious and steady captain also looked relaxed, and he seemed to have made up his mind.

The night watch was on the underground entrance. As for the door, thickened wooden boards would be used to block the main door at night. If you wanted to force it open, a loud sound would be made, and you would have no time to react.

The two walked through several rooms and finally sat on the edge of the stairwell.

Wang Zhongqian had just arrived, and he looked like he wanted to take a nap.

Wenye shook him quickly.

The drowsy Wang Zhongqian could only rub his eyes to cheer up, and asked a little dissatisfied: "I'm so sleepy... Didn't we agree to take turns taking naps a few days ago?"

"I'm telling you something, you have to listen carefully." He Wenye said in a low voice.

Even here, he had to lower his voice.

"What's the matter, tell me..." Zhong Qian still looked like he was about to fall asleep.

He Wenye had no choice but to shake him harder to wake him up. Now even the good-tempered Wang Zhongqian was a little unhappy.

"What else can happen? This is our current situation. Have you noticed..."

Then he chattered a lot.

However, Wang Zhongqian still seemed to have lost consciousness, and there were only vague and perfunctory words in his mouth.

Unable to bear it, He Wenye's temper did not change easily even if he remained silent during this period!

He raised his hand and slapped Wang Zhongqian.

"Wake up! It's only after eight o'clock now. Do you really think it's normal to be so sleepy at this time? How can you sleep!"

Lowering his voice as much as possible, he yelled angrily in Wang Zhongqian's ears.

"Hey!" Maybe he accidentally touched the back of his head, but Wang Zhongqian suddenly felt much more awake.

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