I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1556 Awakening from Dream

"Hiss~" I had a long dream, and I dreamed of some not-so-good things, and I still remember them freshly. Even though he had woken up, Yun Lin did not dare to open his eyes immediately. He only knew that he was lying down. Well, I mustered up some courage and finally opened my eyes. "You're awake." Zhang Ziwen actually sat next to him. "Uh, um..." Yun Lin responded vaguely, looking around, he was still in the tent. "I feel like you're still a little disappointed." Zhang Ziwen's eyes were rather unkind. As far as this comparison is concerned, it doesn’t matter if I have goosebumps every day when I fall in love these days. It also caused him to have such a big heartbeat last night. The result is good. This guy slept very soundly here, and he slept until he was old. noon. Hmm...it doesn't look like half of his life is gone as in the rumors. ’ Anyway, the more I look at it, the more I feel unhappy. ’ “Why are you...looking at me like this?” Yun Lin finally noticed that Zhang Ziwen’s eyes, which he ignored, were getting dangerous, and he asked immediately. "Why don't you do it?" Zhang Ziwen said nothing and just slapped him. "???" Yun Lin covered his face, with three question marks flying on his forehead. "My son Wen, why is this happening?" "Destroy relatives for justice!" "???" Yun Lin risked his greetings and was punched a few more times, but he still didn't resist. Compared with what happened in the underworld last night, the fists he received during the day were a lot more friendly. He even wanted to receive a few more punches to feel his own self in this pain. "Uh..." Zhang Ziwen hesitated with his fist as if he noticed Yun Lin's strange micro-expression change. There's nothing really wrong with this guy. "Are you in pain?" he asked. "Does it hurt if I hit you?" Yun Lin rolled his eyes. "Okay, then it should be fine." Zhang Ziwen immediately turned around to get out of the tent, but stopped looking back and said solemnly, "Promise me not to awaken any strange habits?" "Get out!" Yun Lin blasted this guy. Got out. "It seems that everything is fine." Zhang Ziwen, who ran out laughing and joking, muttered and went to find Dean Duan Hai. It was the dean who took him away last night, and so did everyone else. They were all ordered to temporarily move to a secret location. I don’t know when such a big cave was dug. Well, that's not the point. The point is the news he learned yesterday. As a member of the Monster Forum, he knew about the establishment of the Demon Slayer Division some time ago. This incident even caused quite a stir in the forum, but most people still just discussed it as a topic. He had no such incident that would suddenly bring him closer to Yun Lin, his roommate. As someone who has been involved in ghost conversations for many years, he thought about many different scenarios last night, and he felt quite scared that he thought the danger was far away, but ended up being in danger right in front of him. I heard that Miss Shen Lin also suffered a disaster. Looking back on the extremely rapid development of these two people in the past few days, it is really possible. When I think of this, I am afraid that even falling in love will not be a very dangerous thing in the future. Although from some people's perspective, falling in love is inherently dangerous. As for why he hit Yunlin a few times, it was because Luo Huai told him that doing so could test whether the person was back to normal. When asked, he said that the dean told him. Hmm... I always feel that this guy Luo Huai is not simple either. Zhang Ziwen has all kinds of ideas in his mind. "Hey, Ziwen, let's go to work." "Oh, here we come." That's right, what does a single dog want to do so much? Isn't it good to do tasks happily and make money? Ahem... Let's talk about this. Yunlin, who was alone again, finally had time to carefully recall what happened last night. To be honest, the memory of last night was very strange. Although it was very clear at first glance, there was an unreal hazy feeling. It seemed like he had experienced it, but there was no physical feeling left at all. He clearly remembered that he had been seriously injured, and even "merged" with Shen Lin in a physical sense, to the point where his body had been emptied and occupied by something. But now, he doesn't feel anything at all. When he circulates the energy in his body, there is nothing abnormal at all, and he is even better. Wasn't what happened yesterday a bad thing? "By the way, how is Shen Lin?" Yun Lin suddenly reacted. Even if yesterday's experience might be just an illusion, he still felt that he might have something to do with Shen Lin. Could she also be suffering from this kind of trouble? Thinking of this, Yunlin made sure that he was fine and prepared to go out. As a result, at this moment, a hand suddenly reached out from outside the door and pushed him back. "Luo Huai?" "If you want to see Shen Lin, you'd better stay here for a while, otherwise you won't have time to regret it." Luo Huai pushed the person back and followed suit. Fortunately, Yun Lin and Zhang Ziwen both love cleanliness, otherwise Luo Huai would not come in if there was a strange smell. "Why." Yun Lin seemed to have seen through him when he heard this. Luo Huai must also know what is going on with Shen Lin. "I'm just passing on a message. The group of people who rescued you last night have left. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett" Luo Huai first made up a reason to ensure that the vest personality in his college would not collapse. Then he told what happened last night from another angle. Yun Lin listened and compared it with his own memory bit by bit. His face changed again and again. Even though he knew in his memory that he had experienced great danger, from the perspective of others, it sounded like another thrilling feeling. For the future, Afraid. "So, you have to know that although you and Shen Lin didn't actually act together last night, she also suffered from hallucinations like yours, and her spirit and soul were greatly affected, and the object of her hallucinations It's probably you too. If you go over now, she might cast a shadow on you from now on." Upon hearing this, Yunlin calmed down.

And I heard from Luo Huai that Shen Lin was the main focus of the incident this time. He himself was actually only affected. Although there was an element of seeking his own death, in other words, Shen Lin may have suffered a greater mental impact than him. horrible. In this case, let alone Shen Lin, when he thinks about Shen Lin now, his body trembles and he feels suffocated for no reason. In this state, it is better for the two of them not to meet each other for now, not to mention the false goodwill before. Now thinking about it, Yunlin gets goosebumps from embarrassment. He had no confidence in his chatting ability and now he doesn't dare to do it anymore. . This absurd love is finally over. Thinking of this, Yunlin suddenly felt sad. It's so miserable, I've lost my highlights. "Relax~" Luo Huai saw him like this and consoled him, "You are very lucky. The person who saved you last night was very powerful and did not let you make more mistakes. So Saonian, as a sister, For those of you who are in the same situation, don’t give up, you still have hope.” This shot of cardiotonic can temporarily bring back the bright spot in people’s eyes.

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