I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1557 Become known gradually

With a few words, he was able to persuade this lovelorn guy. Luo Huai left the tent without disturbing him. Just when he passed the tent where Shen Lin was, he looked again. In fact, the situation is not as perfect as what he just said to others. The illusions experienced by the two people are actually not completely independent. In order for Two-faced Ghost to be fully formed, what it needs is the souls of two people, and it needs to be blended together to become The embryonic chamber in which it takes shape. Therefore, the Shen Lin that Yun Lin saw after falling into the illusion was actually Shen Lin's soul body. Shen Lin encountered the accident earlier than he did. Instead of the two of them falling into the environment at the same time as he thought, the two-faced ghost stretched out its tentacles to him after corroding Shen Lin. Therefore, starting from the time of the final rescue, Shen Lin experienced more fear and mental shock. Because girls have the ability to give birth to life, they may be naturally more emotionally sensitive, and the emotional impact will be more obvious. This is also one of the reasons why love ghosts will attack her first. Shen Lin in the tent has also woken up, but she is obviously still a little dazed, and her eyes are still a little dull. Duan Hai has arranged for a female staff to do some emotional comfort work for her. Both of them will have a good rest today. Bar. "If something like this becomes popular in the future, it won't be possible to fall in love." Duan Hai saw Luo Huai wandering around, so he approached him and started talking. "That's not the case. There are certain conditions for the formation of evil things. Strictly speaking, it is a very rare natural and objective phenomenon. If it were not for human intervention, it would be very difficult to form it. Like ordinary people, In places with frequent activities, the energy environment is highly fluid, which is very unstable for the formation of evil spirits." This is why the places haunted by evil spirits in many stories are often abandoned places, and they are always that kind of place. A place where human life was lost. When people are dying, their emotions tend to reach their peak, which coincides with the time when the soul energy begins to overflow and dissipate with death. Only then can the first step of the birth of evil be achieved. In ordinary places, although people are having emotions all the time, firstly, they are not strong enough or extreme, secondly, they are intermittent, and thirdly, the soul energy conditions are insufficient, so there is actually no need to worry at all. Unless there is really any pressure that makes people maintain a certain emotion for a long time, and the body is getting thinner and overflowing with soul energy, but even so, it is a small probability event that evil spirits will breed, but the base may be larger, so it is always possible. . "But I'm afraid of man-made things." Duan Hai also knows these truths. If this kind of thing really becomes a common phenomenon, he can't possibly have heard about it now. "Man-made disasters account for most of the suffering in a person's life." "That's why we have the Demon Slayer Division." Luo Huai can't do anything about it. In fact, there are many natural disasters that may be man-made disasters. . He added: "Due to the remaining problems of the dead energy in the wild during this period, such incidents may become more frequent, and things will get better in the future." "Well, I also have to go back in advance to deploy the college's countermeasures." Duan Hai He left immediately, he was here also to observe the impact of being sneaky. What Yun Lin and Shen Lin experienced last night was not entirely an illusion. In other words, under the influence of the illusion, they fell into a state similar to sleepwalking. The difference was that they were more aggressive, whether towards themselves or others. All are more dangerous. The college's teaching, accommodation, and commercial areas are all crowded places and must be protected. Watching Duan Hai leave, Luo Huai returned his eyes to his hands. A very cold black bead lies quietly in the palm of your hand. If you look closely, you can still see a faint black shadow in it, just like when two people are stuck together. This is exactly Two-faced Ghost, but now it is sealed in this bead. Thinking of what happened yesterday, even Luo Huai felt a little scared. It's not that he couldn't beat him, but this guy's attack took longer than he expected, and he almost succeeded. Fortunately, he and Duan Hai acted in time. This was also the reason why Zhang Ziwen was suddenly taken away before. If he hadn't arrived in time, Shen Lin might not have been saved. When the two-faced ghost saw that his plan was failing, he quickly grabbed the other person's soul and controlled their bodies to break out of the scarecrow's encirclement. Luo Huai didn't want to hurt the two bodies, so he let it go. But later, when the two-faced ghost began to erode the two souls and prepared to escape into his own ghost realm, he had no reason to let it go. The two-faced ghost probably couldn't figure it out. In fact, the ghost realm it created in the first place was not his, but Luo Huai's. "Oh, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I didn't expect that the energy in the ghost realm could create such a special realm..." Luo Huai exhaled casually, and fell into the grass on the ground, which was immediately covered with a layer of white. Frost. When this extremely yin energy disperses, ghosts and some souls can appear, just like a ghost realm in reality. The two-faced ghost was also deceived by this, so he showed his form so rashly, but he didn't expect that this illusion that seemed to be beneficial to him turned out to be a trap. As for this bead, it is formed by condensing the soul energy that escaped after the Two-faced Ghost was defeated. It is harmless. I don’t know what happened to that guy Renping. According to that unlucky kid’s luck, he might as well keep this bead. He threw the beads into his backpack. The problem here has been solved, so he can leave. Although he also likes the daily leisurely life, when something happens, he still wants to see more. As for the public, in the past few days, driven by official information, several cases handled by the Demon Slayer Division have been disseminated to the public through the media. Sister Wutong immediately caught him and asked him.

He has been running around in various ways these days, and his family must have guessed what happened. Fortunately, as long as we find a way to deal with this kind of thing, it is only a small problem to deal with, just like Alang... This girl spent several points on the branch of drawing talismans in her painting skills overnight. I saw this girl early the next morning. There are a bunch of strange symbols in the room. Of course, everything was useless, and all the talismans on the TV were useless. However, in order not to irritate her, Luo Huai did not tell her this cruel fact. He would talk to her another night. Then, Luo Huai called Zhong Renping and asked where he was now. I had left my contact information before, but recently I heard Renping say that he has done a lot more work, because the establishment of the Demon Slayer Division finally allowed him to explain his identity, instead of being a deceiving and abducting magician. . :

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