I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1558 Goodbye Renping

"Click!" He took a photo of the two-faced ghost's soul bead and sent it to Zhong Renping. He responded shortly after. "This! This!" He was excited and incoherent. Luo Huai asked straightforwardly: "How about it? Let's sell it cheaply." "Yes, yes, yes!" It was obvious that this boy was very excited. He probably didn't gain much since the separation. "I want it now!" he said again. Well, there is definitely nothing to gain. Luo Huai was empty anyway and didn't care, so he asked: "Where are you? Are you coming over or should I come over?" "Well, I'm in this city in the northernmost part of the south. It seems a bit far away." Zhong Renping said a little embarrassed, what he meant Actually within today. "Then let me come over." Luo Huai looked at the map and saw that it was not far away. Anyway, he had flown over both the north and south areas, so the distance was not far. Besides, he has grown more now than before. Jumping on the spot, he turned into a stream of purple light. His flying method was more like a giant of light. Anyway, his various abilities allowed him to fly wherever he wanted. This method came from asking Li Ming and Dagu for advice. Before, he used energy to fly hard. Later, after the two people communicated and perfected it, he realized that it turned out that he wanted to energize himself and then make the movement trajectory of his own energy particles. Tends to move the whole body in one direction. In this way, the energy particles will not spill out as before, but will constantly cycle between inert and active, which is very energy-saving and can fly very quickly. As long as the balance of the proportion of particles in the two states in the body is not broken, it can fly almost all the time. When flying, one of the few limitations is the length of time it can withstand the energy transformation. But Luo Huai has almost no problem with this. The specific speed is also related to the properties of the particles. Li Ming's light particles are very fast, and his ender particles are also fast, with the extreme speed characteristics being fully maxed out. In addition, Luo Huai can even drive inert particles, making his flight control very smooth. The burst of speed that breaks the particle balance can last longer and stronger, and recover faster. This technique is not only used for flying, but can also be used for many combat details, such as high-energy enhanced strength, and this particle method can enhance speed. call out! Stretching out his hand, he quickly shuttled through the clouds. The city buildings below were constantly rotating. Soon, only the wilderness was left on the skyline in front of him. He also arrived at the northernmost city in the southern region. The city is large and covers the entire northern border of the region. Although the four regions seem to be much smaller after the merger of small and medium-sized cities, no matter how small a region is, it is still a region, and dozens of kilometers of roads are just like a short insect on the edge of a big city. This big city is more appropriately called an urban settlement. Even if Luo Huai's eyesight was as good as that of a hawk, he still wouldn't be able to find anyone at once among the densely packed buildings in such a big city. So he sent another message asking Zhong Renping, "Hey, I'm over the city, where are you?" "Senior Luo is really fast..." Zhong Renping, who had just put down his phone not long ago, felt secretly ashamed and replied, "I'm at the entrance to the central wilderness, Gate 3, standing outside the rest hall. It's quite lively here." "Oh, I saw it." With the assistance of little Alice, Luo Huai quickly Position locked. As soon as the direction changed, he swooped down, the flying energy barrier pushed away the air, and there was almost no movement. When he dropped to an altitude of about five hundred meters, the purple light dissipated, and he disappeared into the air. "Hey." Luo Huai quietly walked out from behind Zhong Renping, who was still looking up, and patted him on the shoulder. "Wow, Luo Huai, when did you arrive?!" He was obviously startled, but the people around him were not surprised at all. Luo Huai found a place where the crowd couldn't see him and came out. "Just arrived." Luo Huai took out the soul bead and threw it casually. Zhong Renping quickly stretched out his hands to catch it. "Senior, this thing can't be broken, it can't withstand bumps." He said with a bit of complaint, so these European emperors and big guys are the most annoying, and they don't understand the difficulties of his newbie and non-chiefs. . "Uh-huh~" Luo Huai shrugged and said indifferently, "You just need to call me by my name." "Well, after thinking about it, I'll call you senior." Zhong Renping scratched the back of his head. A bit shy. Since he said goodbye to Luo Huai last time, he has thought a lot. No matter how he thinks about Luo Huai, his strength must be more than this. Their profession of slaying demons is based on this virtue. If they meet someone who is more powerful than themselves, it will be fine. But if they are too powerful, it is better to be respectfully addressed by their seniors. Besides, he has indeed received a lot of care. "Okay." Since he insisted, Luo Huai didn't force it. "By the way, senior, how much do these soul beads cost?" Zhong Renping said that the soul beads should be carefully stored in jade and put in his backpack, and then he asked about the price. The senior just said that there was a discount, but it was not given to him for nothing. Besides, even if it was a gift, he would have to give something in return. This is etiquette. "Well..." Luo Huai looked at him up and down. His clothes were almost unchanged from the previous few days. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net was even a little more shabby. If he hadn't smelled the peculiar smell, he would have suspected that he hadn't taken a shower. "Do you demon-slayers have to wear this outfit?" "Uh, no, I'm just not that particular." Zhong Renping also knew that he didn't look very decent in this way, and he felt very wandering. "It's okay, let's have that tune again." Luo Huai himself is actually similar. As long as the clothes are washed clean, old clothes are not a problem at all. "It's about the exchange, whatever. If you demon slayers have any gadgets or props, you can give them to me to play with." "No problem." Zhong Renping nodded. Such an exchange is not a problem at all, and there is no disadvantage at all. . There are many ways to kill monsters, and there are many gadgets.

"Senior, can you take a look at this?" He knew that Senior didn't lack anything, so he wasn't afraid that what he brought out was too ordinary. "Oh? This is..." Luo Huai took a look and saw that he had a hexagonal compass pointer in his hand. The chassis was engraved with a yin and yang diagram, and dense scales were engraved on both sides. The pointer rotated slowly, as if there was no Clear goal direction. "Is this the Feng Shui compass commonly used by Taoist priests on TV?" "Yeah, almost." Zhong Renping input a trace of energy with the index finger of his other hand, and the pointer immediately started to rotate slowly, and finally stopped in one direction. Only then did Luo Huai realize that the scales on the sides could also slide. "It's just that this can also be used to target evil spirits within a certain distance. However, this is quite useless for a slightly more skilled demon slayer. It just puts on a facade in front of ordinary people, which is more convincing...Senior , I didn’t bring many things with me, this is the only gadget. How about you, or I can go home and look for it for you?" "It's okay, this thing is quite interesting, just good for playing." Luo Huai He took it and started playing with it with great interest. . :

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