I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1596 Monster Planet

"Insects? I'm okay, but master, is anyone really willing to eat bugs?" Yu Ling is indeed a girl who has been crawling around since she was a child. When she thought of eating bugs, she didn't resist immediately.鸜

"Insects... uh..." Alang's whole body became alert. Rather than saying that she was afraid, it felt like she knew the taste, and she definitely didn't use a good method.

"I'm fine! A Luo's cooking must be delicious!"

"Hmm...A Lang is the best." Luo Huai hugged A Lang and patted his head lovingly.

"Uh..." Tu Yuling didn't know whether he should stand or sit every time like this. In short, it was better to silently reduce his presence.

"Okay, let's enter." Luo Huai is now able to find the world by himself, and no longer needs to enter the starry sky library of the academy.

However, this will also lead to more different possibilities in the dungeon world you enter, and it can be regarded as an early adaptation for future adventure life.


[Breakthroughs in science and technology have brought new progress in the process of civilization. This is a new era and a new hope. 】

"Dr. Du, what could happen in the universe?"

"At least for humans, there are countless materials and resources that symbolize hope."

Du Pingang, dressed in researcher white, touched the little boy in the wheelchair.

"Doctor, is there life in the universe?"

"..." Du Pinggang was silent and did not answer, but after thinking about it, he still wanted to give the child an answer, "Maybe."

"Wow...that's great." The boy looked out the window. In the blue sky, there were birds flying with light wings.鸜

And he could only stay in this small room. When he thought that there was life that could live in a wider universe, his eyes showed longing.

But he knew it wasn't just his legs that couldn't leave the wheelchair.

Or maybe it's not just him, but them... There are many children like him in this treatment institute.

Humanity has been abandoned by this planet, and the only thing left before us is to leave our homeland.

"Doctor, I want to go with you."

"Children, you have to go first. Don't you want to stand up early? Leave this planet and you will get better soon."

"Really?" When he heard that he could stand up, the light in the boy's eyes lit up again.鸜

"Really, this is the result of my ten years of research. Believe me, kid, I still need to be here to help more kids like you."

"Yeah." The child was attracted by the joy of recovery and was no longer obsessed with the problem just now.

"Take him there." Du Pinggang said to the female researcher who was coming, and she pushed Li Songyuan and followed a female researcher.

Today is a special day, they are going to send the children in the institute into the universe.

The first batch are these orphans, and then there will be more children from the families.

Walking to the window, Du Pingang also looked at the sky outside.

The wings of the birds flap freely in the air, not like they do now.鸜

Hey... the mechanical door at the rear opened, and a man and a woman walked in from the outside. The difference was that they were not wearing the uniforms in the research institute, but a kind of gray tight-fitting clothes. The texture was very close to the skin, giving people a It's the feeling on the skin.

No one in the room had any unusual thoughts about such clothing, it was all very common.

What really surprised people was the age of these two people. They looked like they might just be adults, or even not. They were still completely young boys and girls.

"Doctor." When they came in, they bowed to Dr. Du first.

"Yuan Song has been sent into the rocket. The rocket will be launched at noon today."

"Thank you, doctor." The expressionless faces of the boy and girl relaxed at the same time.

"I told him that you will go there in the next few batches." Du Pingang turned around and looked at the two children, who also grew up in the research institute, "I can arrange for you to go, and you can protect them." For the children who arrive there, the future development of mankind will also be centered there." Yu

"But doctor, you still need defensive strength here."

"We..." Du Pinggang said this, took off his eyes, and closed them thoughtfully, "The future is your child after all. Going to the universe is bound to leave a group of people behind. The new civilization needs more Strength protects you.”

"..." The two people in front of Dr. Du lowered their heads.

But at this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded in the room, orange-red lights flashed, and a tense atmosphere instantly filled the entire institute.

'alarm! alarm! A "flock of birds" suddenly appeared in the south, nine in number! Orange alert! ’

"Doctor!" The boys and girls immediately raised their heads, waiting for the doctor's instructions.

Dr. Du immediately shouted: "Those birds are coming for the rocket! Go and protect the launch pad!"

"Yes!" The two people who received the order rushed out immediately, and Dr. Du also rushed to other places.

"Shi Yuan, this way! Let's go directly to the launch pad!"

"Okay. UU read www.uukanshu.net"

After rushing through a passage, the girl stopped the boy running to the other side.

Shi Yuan's reaction was also very fast. He immediately turned around and followed them. Their running speed was very fast, far beyond the level of ordinary people.

The sound of artillery shells being fired could be heard overhead, but this did not give them a sense of security.

In today's world, the weapons that humans used in the past are no longer the absolute reliance of humans.鸜

Even its powerless performance brings more despair to people.

"Huolin!" Shi Yuan quickly rushed to the end of the passage, jumped onto the exit to the ground, and then turned around and pulled up Huolin who was also jumping up.

Everything around me suddenly became clear.

Most of the area is located above the underground research institute. It is not a huge city, but a huge virgin forest, tall and thick trees, and various "low plants" as tall as a person, as if returning to ancient times.

If it weren't for the faintly visible remains of urban high-rises in the distance, no one would think that humans on this planet had ever prospered.

"Ouch!" A rough bird song came from the sky, and nine huge white birds descended from the sky. Their wings looked so light from a distance, but when they got closer, they turned out to be giant birds that could easily crush giant trees. blade.

All the shells fired from the anti-aircraft guns hidden underground were focused on the huge white strange bird, but they could do nothing but raise large amounts of smoke and fire.鸜


As soon as the strange bird's huge wings flapped, a strong wind instantly extinguished all the dust and flames. Even the fired shells deflected and landed in the dilapidated city in the distance.

Shi Yuan and Huo Lin climbed up a tree and saw all the scenes, and then they looked at each other.

"Let's go."


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