I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1597 Biological Mecha + Strange Bird.JPG

Huo Lin's right hand held Shi Yuan's left hand, and they both wore a special bracelet on their wrists.彡

The moment he held his hand, a bright light burst out from both bracelets.

"Ouch!!!" Nine huge strange birds wreaked havoc on the ground. The huge bodies more than 20 meters high crazily crushed the surrounding giant trees and anti-aircraft guns.

Cannonballs can't stop these strange birds, they can only let their claws destroy everything.

And those strange birds also experienced huge and strange changes after landing.

Except for the wings, their bodies flowed like melted ooze. The original bird's body actually stretched out its monster-like limbs and claws and stood up.

The nine white giant birds seemed to have become nine giant statues with bird heads and human bodies. The bird heads were also like a beast-shaped human being put on the bird's skull.

Desperate people in this era call them angels.彡

The white death that devours sinful human beings.

The weird holiness is mixed with a hint of uncanny valley-like weirdness and absurdity.

In fact, to humans, these monsters are grotesque and absurd, making people wonder if God is playing an incomprehensible joke on them.

The white strange bird grabbed hold of the anti-aircraft gun and pulled it out of the ground by its roots.

It opened its mouth wide and swallowed all the remains in its hands.

But its targets are obviously not just these, but also humans underground.

Human beings hiding underground usually don't emit a scent, but today, they smelled it.彡

Those weak underground ants, although those on the ground have been eaten away, there are still many hidden underground.

On this planet today, these little bugs have neither hard armor nor terrible toxins. They are simply pieces of tender and attractive meat, which are so attractive to all monsters on the surface.

The strange birds are rampant in this forest, destroying all facilities that attack them.

Finally, they uncovered a layer of patterns and discovered

But at this moment, from the other side, the strange birds noticed the dangerous atmosphere at the same time, and they all looked back.

A beam of white light erupted from a certain point on the ground, and a huge cloud of gray matter poured out from the ground, filling everything around it.

When the plants in the forest encounter these gray substances, they all melt like ice under the scorching sun and merge into the gray substances.彡

Then these spread out gray substances seemed to come alive again, shrinking towards the center of the explosion. The substance rubbed against the ground, making a heavy flowing sound, and then the huge mass of substance gradually condensed into a shape.

It was a huge gray stone statue kneeling on one knee. His shape was like a monster, but he had a mechanical armor-like shell attached to the surface.

The heavy breathing showed that it was also a huge creature, but it was transformed and controlled by two humans.

This is the new reliance of mankind in this era, the giant.

But this reliance can only be used to gain some breathing space. Facing countless monsters on the entire planet, humans are powerless.

"Ouch?" The strange birds seemed to see such a monster for the first time, but they immediately regarded it as an opponent of the same size.

They all screamed strangely and flew up, swarming up.彡

Their deformed bodies prevent them from flying as agilely as birds, but it allows them to fly to low altitudes and then swoop down quickly.

"Coming!" Inside the giant's body, Shi Yuan and Huo Lin were wrapped in gray matter, and their consciousnesses were connected together, merging into the same person, completely synchronized.

Only the nerves of two people can barely bear the nerve load of controlling a giant.


The nine strange birds rushed into the giant in the blink of an eye, and the huge force pushed it down instantly. Even if they tried to block, they could not withstand such overlapping brute force impacts. The giant was violently crushed to the ground, shaking up a large area of ​​stone and soil. of fragments.


The strange bird's sharp claws and beak bit into the giant's armor. Most of it did not penetrate, but some of them still hit the gaps in the armor. The giant's pain as a living body was fed back to the two people deep inside his body along the nerves. in mind.彡

If two people didn't bear this kind of pain together, the driver's nerves wouldn't last long before they collapsed.

"Damn it!!!" Shi Yuan and Huo Lin endured the pain and began to fight back.


The mecha shells on the giant's shoulders and arms suddenly stabbed out very long spikes, piercing the three strange birds that flew on it, causing huge wounds.

Blood immediately poured out of the strange bird's body. The blood fell on the giant and was immediately absorbed by the gray matter, and the giant gained more power at this moment.

The other strange birds were frightened and quickly flapped their wings and flew up.

But what is even more frightening is that they dragged away the injured strange birds, threw them on the ground, and then swarmed up and ate them up. The strange birds that were not yet dead were bitten by other strange birds. Below, all the internal organs and intestines were torn out and scrambled to be devoured.彡

This is not uncommon among monsters. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Those group monsters are not so much a group of cooperative relationships, but rather a competitive relationship.

Everyone is numb.

What's even more difficult is that, like the giant, the monster's vitality is instantly replenished after eating food.

Every battle with a group of monsters is like this, and it only gets harder and harder.

"Supply preparation, replenish supplies for the giant at any time!" Du Pingang, who rushed to the war room underground, immediately ordered the personnel in place to prepare for support.

"The overall mental state of the Giant driver remains stable, while the No. 2 driver has slight fluctuations and is trending to increase."

"Release trace amounts of calming substances."彡


Du Pingang focused his attention on the large screen during the battle and the various driver's mental conditions displayed on the screen next to him.

It is still too difficult for two children to control the giants with just their neurological abilities, but for various reasons, they still have to face monsters again and again.


However, at the same time, a certain guy was free falling from high altitude.

Luo Huai is used to being treated specially by the will of the world every time he enters the dungeon world.

He didn't even bother to fly, but was going to fall directly to the ground.彡

He was now so high above the clouds that he couldn't even see the earth.

Although he chose the theme of this world, the plot content shown on a screen may only be a certain place in this world, so now it seems that he, who was thrown around by the will of the world, may have deviated from the main line of the plot.

Hey, hey, hey... By the way, he still wants to fight alien bugs. After all, this is the home planet of humans in this world.

PS: Oops, I originally wanted to persecute Chuan Chuan Xiang, but after thinking about it I decided against it (with a smile of a kind person)

. :

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