I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1598 Hongding Shock

"Launch material supplies!"

Under the siege of the strange birds, the giant's armor only lasted for less than a minute. Although two strange birds were killed at the cost, the remaining four strange birds devoured the injured strange birds and became What's even more terrifying is that the sharp claws and beaks can tear off pieces of armor.

The part of the armor that was torn open was quickly targeted by other strange birds and took advantage of it.

Tear! A strange bird swung its claws across and tore off a large piece of flesh from the giant's shoulder.

The "flesh" composed of gray matter was also the food of the strange birds. They immediately swarmed up and snatched up all the pieces of meat.

The giant was seriously injured and quickly retreated to accept the material supply bombs fired from behind.

Those were two special cannonballs. After they were concentrated on the giant's back, they immediately merged into it. The giant's wound squirmed a few times and healed in the blink of an eye. Even the torn off armor was quickly reborn.

However, although the wound was healed, the pain endured by the two people inside the giant's body was not reduced at all. bream

They still had to deal with residual pain from the giant's nerves.

"Volatility continues to increase."

"Inject a sedative." Du Pingang took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to watch this scene.

The sedatives that can relieve the giant's nerves are different from ordinary medical sedatives, and are more harmful to the human body.

If those two children cannot grow up, then relying on these medicines, they will be like the previous children sooner or later.


Outside, the strange bird screamed unwillingly. They devoured their companions, but they were still no match for the giants who had supplies from their underground bases. Moreover, the giants did not fight solely with brute force. They spotted the flaws of the four strange birds beneath them and pierced all their bodies in one breath. bream

This way, you can avoid ending up with a scary monster.

"Cough cough cough!" After the last strange bird stopped moving, Huo Lin and Shi Yuan coughed loudly at the same time. The giant suddenly lost strength and knelt on the ground with one knee and his hands on the ground.

The armor on its body began to melt and flow away, and the gray substance that made up its body melted and spread on the ground, then shrank toward the center until the figures of Huo Lin and Shi Yuan were gradually revealed.

Their movements were like giants. The gray matter seemed to ignore the principles of physics and all gathered into their bracelets little by little.

A group of people in white ran out of the underground exit, carrying stretchers and some mobile medical equipment.

Seeing these people, Huo Lin and Shi Yuan finally reached their limit, closed their eyes and fell into the gray mire.

"Quick, nutritional medicine, active energy injection."

The man in white quickly surrounded the two men, carried them onto a stretcher, and at the same time injected some medicine into them with a syringe.

After the liquid was injected, Huo Lin and Shi Yuan's faces relaxed a little, and they fainted.

After people carried it away, the gray matter on the ground seemed to have become waste, and no one came to recycle it.

But just after the people left, the gray matter seeped into the surrounding ground, and the surrounding surface vegetation that had been digested by the gray matter seemed to be more lush.

Including those dismembered strange birds, their flesh and blood that fell on the ground seeped into the ground at an unusual speed. At the same time, the vegetation in that area seemed to be swaying happily, giving people a more lush look. Feel.

"Doctor, both of them are in relatively stable condition, but they have not fully recovered from the physical overdraft injury last time. They have suffered new injuries this time. I am afraid that the internal injuries will accumulate and become more serious."

"How likely is it to be overloaded in the next battle?"

The person who made the report was silent for a moment and then said: "I'm afraid... it will exceed 50%."

"More than half..." Through the glass of the medical room, Du Pingang lowered his eyes and stared at the two thin figures lying on the hospital bed with respirators.

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