I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1602 The child injected with medicine

"Can I go in and have a look?"

"This is not allowed. Only medical staff can go in."

"All right."

Dr. Du was nowhere to be seen. Luo Huai looked at the people in the ward and wanted to go in and take a look.

After all, he has taken on the important task of guarding the research institute at a young age. At first glance, he is treated like a protagonist.

But since they are not allowed to enter, then forget it.

The people here are already friendly enough. If it were a civilization that was not unified internally, they might have locked him up the moment they saw him.

But even though he was not locked up, Luo Huai had nowhere to go. Xuan

The scene where the plot takes place is shifted here, so just waiting, something may happen, or nothing may happen.

It would be better to take a look at the situation at Alang's side. Luo Huai walked back to the room where he was just now and sat down with his eyes closed to relax.

The people who followed him were relieved to see him so calm.

In the ward.

Shi Yuan and Huo Lin woke up and opened their eyes at the same time.

They have been like this since they became the controllers of giants together. Xuan

Especially after every time the giants disintegrate, it takes them a while to slowly separate from the state of "a person".

Medical staff arrived as soon as they woke up and checked their bodies, and they all cooperated with blank eyes.

Their movements were so consistent that the medical staff who examined the body also moved in unison.

It was not until the examination was completed that the two looked at each other, and their synchronized nerves and consciousness realized the existence of the other individual, and their consciousness began to gradually separate.

"Shi Yuan."


Every time they call each other's name again, it means they have regained themselves. Xuan

It's a pity that the physical condition has not fully recovered, and it has accumulated with the old injuries.

The two of them knew what the consequences would be if this continued, and they were already prepared to realize it.

"Song Yuan and the others should be arriving soon." Shi Yuan looked at the digital clock on the wall. A few days had passed.

It's common to be in a coma for a few days after a battle.

"Well, they don't have to be like us anymore." Hollin's face was expressionless, but she still sounded a little happy.

Children like them, if they are still here, will sooner or later have to be like them, fighting constantly and overdrawing their bodies little by little.

Or he is always sitting in a wheelchair and cannot even stand up. Xuan

If this continues, there will only be fewer and fewer people in the institute.

"Let's go out and take a look. The material collection team should be back at noon, and we should go over to help."


Shi Yuan got out of bed first, then took Huo Lin's hand and helped her get off the bed.

After getting used to their bodies, they held each other's hands and went out, which was natural.

Consciousness synchronization will make people subconsciously close, just like facing another self. This kind of relationship is different from family, friendship, love, etc., but it is very close.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that they would meet strangers after going out. Xuan

Luo Huai, who happened to be passing by the door, happened to bump into the two people who came out. The three people looked at each other, and the scene paused for a while.

"Yo? You guys are awake."

"Uh, ah...right." Shi Yuan and Huo Lin didn't know what the situation was, but they just replied since the other party spoke to them in a familiar manner.

But Luo Huai's outfit didn't look like someone from the research institute.

He has become familiar with shopping here in the past few days.

"Where's Dr. Du?" Shi Yuan asked.

"Oh, he's in the research room."

"Who are you?" Huo Lin couldn't hold back and asked straightforwardly.

"You can ask Dr. Du."

Luo Huai said carelessly, and then he went to the research room with the two of them.

The two people following him were always looking at him suspiciously from behind.

It was not because of worry. If Dr. Du knew the situation, it would be no big problem. It was just that the other party gave them a lively feeling that did not belong here.

Under the apocalypse, except for the unknown children, everyone has an indelible "mourning" temperament.

Moreover, the other party seemed to be of the same age as them. Xuan

This made them even more curious, or in other words a desire to communicate, as they had few peers in the shelter.

Luo Huai seemed to feel their gaze, suddenly turned around, walked backwards, and then said to them: "My name is Luo Huai, I have heard your names from Dr. Du, Shi Yuan and Huo Lin, Right?"

"Yeah." Shi Yuan and Huo Lin nodded at the same time.

The movements are still quite synchronized.

"Um...do you have anything to ask?"

"How did you stand up?"

Luo Huai saw that they all seemed shy, so he took the initiative to ask, but he didn't expect that this was the first question they asked. Xuan

Unlike Dr. Du, although they have experienced many battles, they are still just children at heart, a few years younger than Luo Huai. Moreover, they seem to be thin and have suffered from the side effects of drugs for a long time.

"How did you stand up?" Luo Huai answered the question with a question. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

"We injected a strengthening potion made with monster blood." Shi Yuan answered straightforwardly.

"Don't you even know this?" Huo Lin heard Luo Huai ask this and immediately realized that he was unusual. "Where are you from? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Let's answer the previous question first. I think you and I should be pretty much the same."

"You also injected the medicine? But why are you alone?" Shi Yuan asked curiously.

In their impression, children who are injected with medicine are always in pairs. Xuan

"Well... let's ask your doctor."

Unknowingly, I walked to the entrance of the institute, greeted the person at the door familiarly, and the door opened.

Shi Yuan and Huo Lin saw Dr. Du lying in front of the computer at a glance, looking like he was thinking about something.

They vaguely remembered that after the relocation plan was gradually implemented, the doctor did not live like this. After all, after the relocation was completed, they were abandoned by the times.

What made the doctor start researching again?

"You guys are awake." Dr. Du noticed the person standing at the door and turned his head.

But when he saw Luo Huai, a ray of light appeared in his eyes, and then he asked in a tentative tone: "How about... another try?"

"No." Luo Huai flatly refused, "Doctor, you should face reality."

"???" Huo Lin and Shi Yuan looked at the two of them in confusion, not understanding what they were talking about.

Only Dr. Du knew that he was feeling miserable these days.

Why did it happen at this time, when he originally felt that his merits were complete and his death was nothing, but the young man who suddenly appeared at this time destroyed his academic worldview. Didn't this make him die in peace? --

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