I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1603 Side Effects of Monster Serum

The results of projects that had never been calculated to be successful before are now in front of our eyes. Jin

This is ironclad proof that the old human body can adapt to the new environment. Even if his previous theories and experiments are overturned many times, it is impossible to deny this objective fact.

The doctor was not only unwilling, but also regretful.

If we had known this result earlier, perhaps many things could have turned around.

But he was not at the top level of scientific research in the old human civilization. It was just by luck that his institute survived.

"Doctor, what is this?" Huo Lin and Shi Yuan looked curiously at the small plate of blood samples on the research table, and they noticed a familiar scent from it.

"His blood." Dr. Du pointed at Luo Huai, and then said to the two of them, "Okay, don't get too close. If you inject the monster serum, you will have a natural bloodthirsty impulse toward this kind of blood."

"Oh." The two held hands and quickly stepped back. Jin

"You all go out for a walk. It's enough for me to study alone here." Du Pingang saw the three of them standing here and could only watch, so he asked them to leave.

The three of them left the research room obediently, but Huo Lin and Shi Yuan were more than a little more curious about Luo Huai.

"The doctor said that was your blood. Did you really inject the monster serum?" Shi Yuan asked.

"But you're not from here, right?" Huo Lin asked again without waiting for Luo Huai to answer.

"Please ask each of you." Luo Huai couldn't answer. He raised his hand to signal them not to ask, and then said, "Actually, I have adapted to the new environment. This is the change in my blood."

"This is the blood of monsters!" Huo Lin said with great certainty, because that's what they were after being injected with monster serum.

"Strictly speaking, this should be the blood of creatures that have adapted to the new environment, right?" Luo Huai looked at the two of them, and the special substances flowing in their bodies showed their shadows in his eyes, "You injected the monster The serum is actually equivalent to achieving this effect." Jin

"Yes." Although Huo Lin and Shi Yuan are mainly responsible for fighting, they are also learned and can understand.

"But older adults cannot withstand the effects of the serum. I heard from the doctor that if adults use the serum rashly, they will turn into monsters." Huo Lin seemed to have remembered something, and lowered his head in disappointment.

Children like them have not always been injected with serum. It is said that one year, there was a gap in the age of children. There were no children of the right age to receive the serum, so adults had to use the serum, but the cost was very high.

Also that year, the number of people in the shelter was much smaller, and many children became orphans.

They, as well as the first group of children who went to the universe, and their parents almost all passed away that year. They were still very young at that time, but the slightly older Huo Lin and Shi Yuan were not convinced. There are still many memories.

I also remember the look in my parents' eyes that told them to stay in the room when they left. They didn't understand at that time, until the people who entered the room again were people from the institute, not their parents anymore.

"The old human body on this planet cannot perfectly adapt to changes in the environment. Ingesting too many new substances will cause the body's functions to be overactive and highly stressed for a long time, which will put a very heavy load on the mind and body. In an excessively large environment, Under oppression, a person's spirit breaks down and he turns into a monster." Little Alice said to Luo Huai while the two were silent. Jin

In the past few days, little Alice has completed the collection of basic information, as well as the research on the new environment of this world. Unlike people in this world, because she understands the basic theories at the world level, she has many research ideas. A lot, and progress is rapid.

This is probably someone who has been abandoned by the times.

Sighing inwardly, the three of them fell into a brief silence.

However, Shen Lin and Shi Yuan recovered quickly. There are no children in this era who are not strong.

Hollin spoke again and asked: "Have you had any side effects on your body after adapting to the new environment? Uh...I mean, any changes."

"After we injected the serum, in addition to improving our physical fitness, we also gained a little more wild intuition." Shi Yuan said, "This is what the doctor said. This allows us to control the special substances developed by the research institute and at the same time strengthen our nerve strength. and acuity, but that makes us also a little...bloodthirsty."

To put it bluntly, with the ability of a beast monster, it is somewhat more wild. Jin

If such side effects were more severe, they would be the same side effects that the serum showed on adults, turning them into monsters.

"Humans are actually bloodthirsty, but civilization has protected us for so long that we have forgotten it." Luo Huai said.

"Hey, you haven't said what you are like yet." This little girl Huolin is quite persistent.

"I..." Luo Huai had no choice but to raise his hand and hold it close to show them.

Phew~ a small flame suddenly appeared.

"Wow!" Both of them seemed to have seen something incredible. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net

"How did you do that!" This goes beyond biology. Jin

"Can't monsters breathe fire?" Luo Huai asked, but little Alice's research has actually shown that monsters born in the environment of this world can already achieve a high degree of application of energy.

But now it seems that they have never encountered such a monster.

Perhaps it is precisely because they have never met that they have survived until now.

"I heard from the doctor that there were monsters that could breathe fire in the messages sent from other shelters a long time ago." Shi Yuan recalled.

"But that shelter is far away from us." Hollin also remembered, "If it were very close, the two of us might not be able to defeat such a monster."

The two children couldn't help but think of the tragedy of fighting such a monster, and felt a sense of pressure again.

"Well, you don't need to be too afraid. I feel that the strange birds you are dealing with are already very scary. Maybe the fire-breathing monsters will be easier to deal with." Jin

After all, in order to use energy in the body of a monster that uses energy, the strength of the body may not be as strong as that of a strange bird. Moreover, the higher the energy concentration in the body, the more obvious the effect of using energy to restrain relationships. That kind of monster, for humans, Speaking, it might be easier to target.

Of course, if the entire army is wiped out in the first encounter, there seems to be no room for research.

"Yeah." Huo Lin and Shi Yuan were comforted and felt a little better.

Encouragement from people of similar age makes them feel less lonely. After all, although they are two people, they are also "fighting alone" after synchronizing their consciousness.

"By the way, let's go help the recycling team." Suddenly, Shi Yuan remembered what they wanted to do when they left the room.

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