I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1618 The driver gets out of the way, I’ll do it

The lizard's mouth is very long and fully open. It gives the impression that it is several times larger in an instant, especially in the sight of the giant facing it. It is not a problem to bite the whole thing in one bite with such a big mouth.瀴

Not to mention that this lizard monster is larger than the previous white bird, and has almost caught up with the size of the white bird that devoured several of its companions. Its lizard-like body was lying on its stomach, but now it stands up when attacking. , and all of a sudden the giant seemed to be half shorter in front of it, becoming a dwarf.

The slender limbs stretched out and grabbed the giant's shoulders.

The huge body burst out with terrible brute force, trying to hunt the giant in the most brutal way. Its sharp claws pierced the surface of the giant's armor. The armor that could resist the white bird's several claw attacks was actually like this. It was easily scratched!

Bad start!

The giant leaned back, grabbed the lizard monster's forelimbs with both hands and pulled hard, and at the same time pushed its lower abdomen with his knees. When it felt that the lizard monster was pushed past its highest point, it exerted force on the thigh to drive the calf, and fiercely He kicked the lizard monster and sent it flying away.

A simple counter-fighting technique, but it can use its strength to throw enemies that are nearly larger than the average size upside down.

Boom, the lizard monster briefly experienced flying in the air, and then crashed into a hillside not far away.瀴

The giant didn't dare to relax, so he got up from the ground and faced the monster.

Bend your knees and bend your waist, ready for an explosion of strength at any time.

But the lizard monster's IQ doesn't seem to be very low. After just this moment, it stopped rushing forward blindly.

Before, it made the decision because of the size difference between the two parties, but now it actually learned its lesson immediately.

At this time, many humans cannot realize things immediately during battle.

"This monster can use energy." At the same time, Luo Huai, who followed him and moved not far away, made a new discovery. He was well hidden and no one noticed him.

In his eyes, the same flow appeared in the body of the lizard monster, which showed that the originally natural flow of energy was under control.瀴

The energy stored in the two places on the lizard monster's back flowed out and poured into its limbs, and its body seemed to have undergone morphological changes.

Sure enough, the monsters in this world can easily change their bodies... Let's record this for now.

However, the giant in front of the lizard monster cannot see this.

What's more, it was injured, and the opponent's attack power was so terrifying that even Dr. Du in the research institute was shocked.

Instruments that detect energy waves in the environment also show that the level of energy overflowing from the monster's body is different from previous monsters.

And immediately, everyone saw the lizard monster raising its front half.

An abnormal protrusion bulged from its abdomen to the middle of its throat, and a faint red light reflected under its gray-white abdomen.瀴

"That's it!" Dr. Du slapped the table and leaned forward...it was unmistakable, it was the monster in the shelter data from other areas that he had received a long time ago.

A monster that can breathe fire like the legendary dragon!

Sure enough, the next second, the bulge moved along the lizard monster's throat toward its mouth until it got stuck in the chin, opening its mouth wide.


Like a huge flamethrower, the red flames spurted out from the huge mouth, instantly engulfing the giant in front of him.

Huo Lin and Shi Yuan inside the giant's body cried out in pain at the same time.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a flame with energy characteristics. They feel that the armor on the giant's body is rapidly disintegrating. Even if they want to protrude spikes on the body, the moment the gray material protrudes, it will be immediately consumed by the flames. melt.瀴

The burning pain was transmitted to them through the nerves without reservation, making them seem to be in a sea of ​​fire.

Defense weapons were fired from the research institute, but the lizard monster had already noticed the attack from this little insect. He just turned its fire-breathing head, and the flames it spit out became a wall of fire.

The ammunition was softened the moment it passed through, and the energy in the flames activated the explosive material inside the cannonball just by getting close, exploding into a ball of fireworks in the surrounding air.

At this moment, the rocket silo at the other end of the institute opened its exit, and the platform began to rise. The manned rocket slowly rose to the surface.

There are already people on board there. With the most cutting-edge aerospace technology of old mankind, this rocket only requires one minute of preparation time.

But one minute is too precious for now.

The giant's life and death are uncertain in the blazing flames. This energy flame is extremely resistant to burning, not to mention that the substances on the giant's body are extracted from plants and are naturally restrained.瀴

The lizard monster didn't seem to worry that the flames would not burn the giant to death. After all, ancient humans began the process of truly conquering nature from the moment they learned to make fire. This shows how terrifying the ability to use flames is in nature.

Compared with the two foods in the giant's body, it seems that the rocket full of people is more attractive to the lizard monster.

It decided to turn around and eat a sumptuous dinner first, leaving this guy who might be burnt alone.

Dr. Du in the institute realized this and ordered firepower to stop it, but there was no way, it was all in vain.

"It hurts..." At this time, Huo Lin and Shi Yuan in the giant body had only this thought in their minds.

Pain and death even caused cracks in their highly synchronized consciousness, which disrupted their nerve endurance and caused the giants to fall apart.

Only at this moment did they realize that they had been able to last for more than a year not because of their strength, but because they had not met any powerful monsters at all.瀴

Sure enough, just as they imagined, if they encountered such a monster that could spit out fire and electricity, they would have no ability to resist at all.

Just a fire easily destroyed all hope.


Their consciousness gradually blurred, melting into the heat that was getting closer and closer.

But at this moment, a sense of coolness suddenly appeared, coming from the heels and going straight up, cooling their brains.

Both of them shivered as if a person who was about to fall asleep was suddenly plunged into cold water.

"Hey, hey, hey, it seems like you really still have a lot of abilities that you haven't used properly."

"Brother Luo?!"

Yes, it was so urgent, they actually forgot that there was a senior who was much more powerful than them this time!

But then I immediately thought about it. Although Brother Luo can control gray matter, it looked like he had never been exposed to this before, so how could he help? Even now he has connected to the giant's consciousness.

But they forgot that if they could wake up and think about this problem now, it meant that Luo Huai had already helped.

It was just an emergency situation and the people in the rocket were in danger. Luo Huai stopped explaining without any ink and directly took control from the two children. Then he said: "You two, step aside and take a good look at the performance of this giant." The strength that comes out.”

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