I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1619 The difference between man and beast lies in skill

"This is it!" A feeling similar to when the bracelet was controlled came over his heart, and this time, Huo Lin felt it too.逨

Their sense of connection with the giant was quickly fading, and soon they could no longer feel their position in the giant's body, and the weightless feeling of being enveloped by the giant also came with them.

So sad.

But soon, they discovered that they were reconnected to the giant's nerves, but the tingling pain from the outside was no longer so strong, it could only be said to be felt.

"Feel the flow of energy and matter in the giant's body." Luo Huai's voice reached their ears through the giant's nerves.

Now, Luo Huai is the giant.

The perspective is pulled to the outside.

The lizard monster rushed towards the rocket that had risen to the ground. It did not breathe fire again. It seemed that this ability was not something it could release casually.逨

But when it tilted its head sideways and opened its huge mouth, an extremely long tongue shot out, just like a chameleon catching bugs.

The people inside the rocket knew nothing about the coming disaster. They could only feel a slight shock.

Dr. Du looked at this scene and could only watch from afar.

But at this moment, the flames burning the giant were suddenly pushed away by a huge palm. The strong wind of the palm instantly suppressed the surrounding flames, and the remaining strong wind continued to rush towards the lizard monster with undiminished power.

"?" The lizard monster suddenly felt a hot wind blowing from his back and turned around immediately.

In wild survival, any sudden threat must be dealt with immediately.

In the remaining smoke, the giant stepped out step by step from the ashes.逨

Seeing this scene, the lizard monster's pupils shrank and turned into vertical needle shapes, which was a sign that it was fully in combat mode.

Being able to resist the flames already shows the threat of the other party.

The sharp claws under its body brushed against the light, the flames were useless, and all that was left was hand-to-hand combat.

The giant walked dozens of meters in front of it. For the two behemoths that trampled the forest under their feet, this was already a very short distance.

The giant controlled by Luo Huai has a very different behavior. Although not much can be seen on the surface, the wild intuition of the lizard monster can be felt very accurately.

It regards the existence in front of it as a new enemy.

Red light once bulged from the lizard monster's belly, but this time it wasn't that bulging, allowing it to move while charging up.逨

The slender limbs allowed it to crawl quickly in the forest terrain with intricate roots. With one movement, it rushed past the giant, then turned its slender neck and spit out the flames that surged to its mouth towards the giant. back.

The giant's movements were still not fast, and he could not avoid the jet of flames.

But something strange happened this time. After the flames fell on the giant's back, they did not spread quickly again. Instead, they all fell to the ground like water drops on a lotus leaf, and were stepped on by the giant who turned around. destroy.

The danger level of the giant in the eyes of the lizard monster increased by one step, but it did not hesitate. After touching the fire and seeing that it had no effect, it immediately started running. As the giant turned around, it once ran to its back, and then launched attacked.

In the first contact, the giant's armor was vulnerable to its claws, not to mention that it still had energy infused into its claws.

The open claws cut through the air, and there was a sound of breaking through the air, a fierce sweeping claw attack.

However, the giant's speed suddenly increased. He bent forward to avoid the attack. He retracted his legs and took advantage of the situation to squat. After turning his body, he supported one leg and kicked out with the other leg, supporting his upper body in the middle. The belly of a lizard monster.逨

For the first time, the giant showed extraordinary strength for its size.

"That's...Huo Lin and Shi Yuan?" In the research institute, Dr. Du's eyes were shocked when he saw this scene on the screen.

He knew that Luo Huai was teaching Huo Lin and Shi Yuan, but now...no, those two children were not controlling the giant.

Whether it was the flexibility that was bursting out now or the fact that they were unaware after being exposed to the flames, it was not like those two children could do this.

It's Luo Huai, it's him.

Dr. Du remembered what he asked Luo Huai when he passed the door. He didn't even pay attention at the time.

"Is this your strength?"

Watching the giant step towards the kicked lizard monster, he kicked it over again before the lizard monster could turn over.

The hanging hearts of Dr. Du and others finally dropped. At the same time, Dr. Du also began to recall what Luo Huai said before, and it seemed that everything was confirmed now.

He knew that relocating the satellite base was not completely redundant. A stable environment was needed to preserve the knowledge retained by the old humans, but perhaps humans did not have to completely escape the planet.

However, no matter how we envision the future here, we have to wait until the external problems are resolved.

The giant controlled by Luo Huai actually didn't have much more power. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net It was just that he supplied the giant's body with the energy it normally needed and exerted the power it was supposed to exert.

Huo Lin and Shi Yuan probably didn't notice that when they usually controlled the giant, there was actually a delay in movement feedback, which made the giant's movements look very slow.

This is also related to insufficient energy supply.逨

But even if all of these are up to standard, pure strength is not enough to deal with wild monsters that are larger than themselves.

Therefore, Luo Huai never gave the lizard monster a chance to stand up since he succeeded in the first kick.

The movement of four limbs allows the lizard monster to move very quickly, but it also causes the mobility to be more severely hindered when it cannot turn over, not to mention there are many trees on the ground.

It's just that after the giant kicked it several times, the damage caused was just that. For a rough-skinned monster, as long as it was not a crushing level, the blunt damage caused by such kicks was nothing.

Luo Huai also noticed it, or he knew it from the beginning.

It's just that he now hopes to win the battle with the same configuration as Huo Lin Shiyuan. Only in this way can they understand what they can do under the current conditions.

Observing his surroundings, he took advantage of the giant's height and saw several protruding gravel terrains not far away.逨

Although the giant can also turn the armor into spikes, the lizard monster's body becomes scorching when it is hit, and the energy fills its body, and the spikes made of gray matter will soften upon contact.

He grabbed the long tail of the lizard monster that was still rolling on the ground, dragged it up, and spun it around hard.

There was no point of focus, and the lizard monster couldn't resist. It got off the ground and was thrown out by the giant with force, hitting the gravel area.

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