Such fusion beasts are usually the prototypes of all kinds of strange mythical beasts in ancient books.

According to the energy recovery progress calculated by the researchers, this kind of monster should not have formed so quickly, let alone appear in the academy jungle.

But now such monsters still appear, and even the academy wilderness area, which is isolated from the outside environment, has been affected. You can imagine how bad the situation in the wilderness outside is.

Everyone on the bus is not unfamiliar with weird monsters. They have almost gotten used to it after going to the fantasy world dungeon a few times. What needs to be taken seriously is the danger of the monsters themselves.

For example, the Ox-Ape is good at throwing. It seems to be mentioned in the intelligence, but this ability is often the most dangerous attack method of this kind of monster. Just like a person who can use a gun is completely different from using bare hands.

"This is the current information. There is still some time. Let's discuss it quickly in the communication channel. Don't suffer a big loss if there is a mistake in cooperation."

When Li Ming finished speaking, everyone had already put on their helmets.

Usually some people are too lazy to wear them, but this time everyone wore them. No one wanted to have their head opened by a stone thrown from nowhere.

Li Ming and Zimu also put on the patrol helmets of the second team, and the whole vehicle suddenly looked more unified.

Only Luo Huai looked out of place in his casual clothes.

"Wear one too." Li Ming pushed his shoulder.

"Oh..." Luo Huai casually took out an iron helmet and put it on. It was enchanted with projectile protection and looked good-looking with its blue-purple halo. If it weren't for the plain equipment without decorations, it would definitely be quite gorgeous and good-looking.

Suddenly, Luo Huai, who had just put on his helmet, felt a bump on the back of his head, as if some pebbles had hit it.

With one side of his face, he looked through the gap in the metal frame behind him and caught a glimpse of a branch swaying in the trees that he was passing quickly, but no other figure was seen. He looked back and saw a stone spinning on the floor and falling on the car board, clanging and bouncing several times. .

"Be alert!" Li Ming immediately ordered, and everyone tensed up instantly, switching from sitting facing each other to crawling back to back facing outside the car.

But Luo Huai then picked up the pebble, looked at it, and said, "This pebble is too small for an ox or ape to throw away easily."

Judging from the footage captured by the drone just mentioned in the intelligence, Niu Yuan is at least three meters tall, and the palm of his hand is as big as a basketball. A stone for such a small jujube is less than half the size of his little fingernail, and Almost like pinching sand.

Although some of the pebbles collapsed due to the collision, the piece in Luo Huai's hand was indeed the main body.

"You still have something to say, come here and lie down." Li Ming pulled him over. The next moment, a lot of small stones flew in from outside the metal frame, hitting the frame and everyone's helmets.

Li Ming patted Luo Huai angrily and said, "Have you forgotten what you learned in college? Once a powerful monster appears in the wild, it will stimulate the spawning of similar monsters in nearby areas."

To put it simply, just like in the game, many degraded versions of minions will always be born around the elite monster boss, which are similar to his subordinates, and they naturally have a command-and-driving relationship.

"So this mountain forest is now occupied by monkeys?"

"Uh..." Li Ming had a second thought, "Maybe it was occupied by cows?"

As a degraded version of the boss, the minions generally only have one of the boss's monster racial characteristics.

"That's not bad, beef is always popular."

As soon as the words were said, bang! The car suddenly stopped and hit something.

Luo Huai spoke first: "You are the one who says you are awesome, don't blame me."

"Still blaming the blame here, there's a fight!" Li Ming refused to play with him and followed his classmates who had jumped out of the car one by one.

When people outside took a look, they saw that the good guy had indeed hit the big guy. It was a two-meter-tall strong monster cow. The black and gray fur covered with mud was extremely tough. The front of the transport truck was dented. The monster cow He can still get up with his head shaking, shaking the pair of scary big corners above his head, trying to raise the front of the car and overturn the whole car.

Not to mention, the weight of the transport truck after everyone got off was much reduced, and it was quite unstable. The classmate who was driving the car tried to control the steering wheel in panic, but it didn't work.

At this time, everyone discovered that the originally solid earth and stone ground had actually become muddy, like the mud in a paddy field. The wheels got stuck in it, slipped and jammed. No wonder it was bumped up by a bull monster.

At this time, the situation of another transport truck was even worse. Another monster cow rushed out of the forest and hit it from the side with a mud field. The entire vehicle was stuck in the mud and there was a great risk of rollover. The car behind it had A few people managed to jump out, but more people still fell inside.

Seeing this, Li Ming was about to give orders, but the leading student of an adventure team shouted first: "Priest No. 1 and No. 2 are holding this buffalo! All mages are nearby to cast spells on the arrows of hunters and assassins, and attack others first. The vital part of a buffalo’s tail!”

As soon as the order is given, UU reads a book www. Action!

The two students who were called Priests No. 1 and 2 quickly slapped their hands on the ground. The sacrificial formations drawn on their palms when they got off the car were activated. The passage formations instantly spread all over the surrounding ground. The two of them worked together to summon, seven Eight jackals whose bodies were condensed from gray energy jumped out and pounced on the monster buffalo.

The claws attached to the energy grabbed the buffalo, and the jackal bit its tough skin frantically regardless of the cost. In an instant, the buffalo's power to withstand the car was dispersed, and the buffalo swayed its strong and huge body.

The other five students raised their bows and crossbows. With the blessing of the mage's magic, several arrows hit the weak point of the tail of another monster buffalo. Several of the arrows successfully pierced the softer skin.

The cow moaned in pain and gave up on overturning the cart. He shook off the arrows on his body and rushed towards him with two streams of white air snorting from his thick nose.

"Split to both sides and find thick tree trunks as cover!" shouted the same classmate who was the team leader.

Facing such a giant, even if several soldiers resist together, it is impossible to face its collision head-on. They can only use bunkers to detour and rely on human agility to contain it.

"It seems that it is understandable that students nowadays are a little arrogant." This kind of cooperation is worthy of Luo Huai's praise.

However, after a while, the students obviously forgot about the stones on the car just now.

I saw that the students who had just hid under the tree were immediately attacked by gravel. These gravels were attached with shallow energy, and each one was as powerful as a slingshot. It was okay to hit the armor, but when it hit the armor, If it hits the leather armor or soft armor, the person will scream in pain, and the exposed skin will be streaked with blood.

Upon seeing this, the warrior students immediately stepped forward and deployed their energy shield equipment to protect their surrounding teammates.

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