I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1749 Returning in Embarrassment

【I come from the world of punishment】 【】

There is a monkey above and a cow below, sandwiched between the two sides. I don’t know how to explain it.

Soon enough, the classmate who was driving took advantage of the buffalo being disturbed by the summoned beast and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The car suddenly retreated, blocking the rear half of the car in front of the charging cow.

Boom! The monster buffalo spared no effort in this collision, causing the rear of the car to drift and the entire car to spin and roll over.

"Huh?" Luo Huai saw that the direction of the rollover was towards the driver's seat. He immediately moved over and sprinted over. He jumped on the car window and broke the glass. He pulled the classmate who was driving out, then jumped with him and jumped directly. He jumped to Li Ming's side and handed him over.

He said: "It seems that the safety of the crusade is still open to question, especially the audit of the equipment, which has been a bit sloppy this time."

"I'll submit a report when I get back." Li Ming looked over Luo Huai's shoulder and saw that the cow that was holding the front of the car broke the windshield and crushed the driver's steering wheel and everything to pieces.

His face quickly darkened, and he realized that the college's decision-making this time was indeed a bit too hasty. On the one hand, it was due to financial pressure, and on the other hand, there were errors in decision-making and judgment.

"We'd better take action. At least it should have some effect."

Li Ming raised his hands, pinched his palms, and threw two haloes with jagged edges above his head, cutting off several branches.

The ape above was caught off guard and his feet were empty. He quickly grabbed the branch on the side and swung up again. He slowly fell to the ground. Before he could get up, he was attacked by the surrounding students.

After throwing away the nimbus, Li Ming followed the movements of his hands and gathered light spots on his wrists. The moment he folded his arms to form a cross, another light golden cross light shot towards the head of the buffalo at the front of the car.


Although this light did not cause much damage, it caused the cow to fall into temporary blindness, shaking its head and tail in place and unable to find its direction.

The students in the other car finally found the opportunity to get out of the car and immediately came to support the battle.

A melee broke out on the muddy forest road.

Luo Huai was looking around at this time, thinking that if these monsters were sent by the Niu Ape, where was he? Is he hiding somewhere around to see the opportunity? I don’t know how smart this guy is.

"Luo Huai, help!" Li Ming called him to work. Everyone was busy working, but he stood there alone and stood out.

But the monsters seemed to ignore him, and even the apes didn't throw stones at him.

Maybe it's because the clone's body doesn't really have much energy, so monsters regard him as a threat.

The current battle situation is not bad. As long as there are no elite monsters to join, these monsters are just ordinary monsters. Students with more hunting experience can handle it, especially this time it is a joint crusade, which is to deal with the stronger ones. monster.

The breeze blew through the woods, causing chaos as soon as they approached the center of the battlefield, but Luo Huai caught an unusual breath from this breath.

At this time, everyone was working together to defeat one of the monster buffaloes, and the other one had also been seriously injured. The price for achieving this situation was that the two warriors were pushed away by the horns. Fortunately, there were no trees behind them, otherwise they would have been stabbed through the body by the horns and nailed. On the tree.

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【I come from the world of punishment】 【】

Soon the other buffalo was also taken care of, and the remaining apes had a bright idea. Seeing that they couldn't fight, they all ran away shaking their branches. n

"Hey, why didn't you move when I just called you for help?" Li Ming came over and asked a little reproachfully.

"This is just a test attack by a monster. If all of our attention is attracted, it will not be safe behind us." Luo Huai still didn't find Niu Yuan, but his intuition told him that there was something Lurking deeper in the woods, the other party seemed to be aware of his vigilance and never took action.

After a brief eye contact, Li Ming understood. He looked into the woods, then turned to comfort the wounded.

At the same time, a figure disappeared quietly in the depths of the dense forest. It was the size of a small mountain and was as quiet as a mountain. It was submerged in the mist amid the mist and mist.

"The car broke down and we can't go any further." Li Ming discussed it with everyone, and everyone agreed to the plan to retreat first. After all, someone was injured, but the faces of the elite monsters have not been seen yet. It is inconvenient to have some scruples. adventure.

The only dilemma now is whether to bring these two cows with us.

There is no doubt about the value of these two big bulls, but there is only one transport truck, which can barely fit everyone in, and there is still room for the wounded. There is really no room for monsters.

Dragging it was not an option, as the two pairs of big horns could easily get stuck, and an ox weighing several tons was not suitable for dragging in forest terrain.

Let alone the next time you come back, any monster's body left alone in the wild will be eaten up by monsters of all sizes within half a day, and the remaining residue will be robbed of nutrients by the roots of the surrounding plants. Nothing left.

Sigh... No matter how unfortunate it is, I have to go.

The students who all piled into the car took one last look at the trophy that could not be taken away and started on their way home.

The first crusade ended in failure, which was not good news for everyone in the academy who was looking forward to the results. Even knowing that two big bulls were killed was not satisfactory.

The classmates who came back were very nervous, fearing that someone would poke their spines and gossip.

Fortunately, the sacrificed transport truck and the horrific impact marks on the vehicle defended them.

When people passing by saw the metal frame and the terrible bending marks on the body, they all took a breath. They couldn't imagine facing such a monster, and naturally they wouldn't blame him. Failed classmates.

This can only be blamed on the opponent being too strong. Everyone has a new understanding of the danger level in the jungle now, which actually makes the pressure on the academy a little less.

Li Ming, who came back, quickly reported the latest information to his superiors, and emphasized that additional equipment should be dispatched. At least the vehicle could no longer be a simple transport vehicle with a metal frame welded on. It would have to be equipped with an additional layer of plate armor, and the cab would also need to be installed. Need to be reinforced.

In addition, the academy also needs to consider the feasibility of the original plan - whether the elite monsters should be killed by the official government or continue to be rewarded in the form of crusade.

"The superiors still decided to attack." Li Ming was not surprised by the news. "But the good news is that the superiors also agreed to add vehicles and increase the supply of supplies."

"A very compromise plan." Luo Huai shrugged, not surprised.

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【I come from the world of punishment】 【】

However, the two of them soon realized that the superiors had not decided to compromise, but chose to tear up the paper very violently.

It was an armored vehicle. If it hadn't been for the gun barrel being removed, they would have thought it came directly from a nearby armed base.

According to the weight of this vehicle, the two cows just now were followed by infantrymen charging at the tank with their bare hands. In the end, only one horn was left in the body, which was still hard. The transcoding has been serious recently, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please use your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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