I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 28 Encountering a Lava Lake

But after all, iron was dug, which is a good thing.

Once dug, there are eight iron ore blocks, which is considered a small vein.

Luo Huai took out the furnace in his backpack, put the mined iron ore into it to smelt it, and then put a coal in the fuel port below.

The furnace automatically lit up a strong fire. The firelight reflected on my face, but I couldn't feel any heat. It was very magical.

Turning around and continuing to dig forward, Tie Jiu was left here to be burned. No one would steal from such a ghost place anyway.

Besides, people who don't have the blessing of wheat cube properties may not even be able to reach in and can only destroy it forcefully.

Yang Shou's payment was still worth it. In the next period of time, Luo Huai advanced several hundred meters underground and dug out a dozen more pieces of iron.

"Explode this stone pickaxe and go back."

He thought this in his mind, and he said the same thing half an hour ago when the third stone pickaxe was about to explode.

Ah! Wheat nugget player.

"This is really the last one!" Making up his mind, he swung the last pickaxe, and the stone pickaxe shattered in response.

Um? Why is it empty in front?

As the stone was smashed, a huge cavity suddenly appeared in front of it. There was light inside, and a wave of heat rushed towards the face.

"This is..." Luo Huai leaned forward with his upper body and leaned out to check. He saw a huge cavity with a height of more than ten meters and a red bottom. "Underground magma lake?"

But this place is only tens of meters below the ground. How could there be a magma lake?

Neither the pressure nor the heat was enough.

"Wait a minute..." Luo Huai's eyes narrowed, and he discovered that there was something fishy about the lava lake.

Why does this magma lake have square edges?

"A lake of lava in a barley block?"

There is no doubt that such smooth right angles cannot exist in nature.

"It started with tools, then the monsters were refreshed, then the body came with its own characteristics, then the minerals started to be refreshed, and now even the terrain started to appear..." Luo Huaisi said.

The characteristics of wheat cubes are becoming more and more complete, and they are all adapted to and harmonious with reality.

This is a game invading the fantasy world.

"Humph, I'm thinking too much."

I waved away this unrealistic thought. The fantasy world is the source of all fantasies. How could it be said that it was invaded?

Luo Huai was going to go back and get the heated iron first.

The lava lake in the wheat block itself is not dangerous. As long as the player is careful not to fall into it, nothing will happen.

But after reconciling with reality, other changes will inevitably occur.

For example, lava-based elements?

Luo Huai, who was walking back, shook his head, trying to get rid of his random thoughts about the elements.

There was nothing he could do about it. The elemental monster that left the biggest impression on him during these days was that he was chased by a fused element just now.

The elemental's racial properties allow it to spawn anywhere.

Returning to the original furnace, he took out the eight iron ingots inside.

Each iron ingot is as long as the palm of your hand and three fingers wide. The physical object is heavy in your hand, but after it is transformed into an object, it is fine. The weight becomes only enough to prove its existence.

With iron, you can make more items, including armor, tools, crucibles, etc.

Iron ingots are one of the most versatile items in wheat blocks. Unlike red stones, they are needed by both advanced players and players with disabilities.

"The bucket must be made, as well as the flint and steel, and, by the way, the shield. I will be much safer with that."

Luo Huai began to plan his little iron.

Taking out the workbench, he used three iron ingots to make a bucket, and one iron ingot and six wooden squares to make a shield.

"Flint and steel also require flint."

Flint has a chance to be dropped when breaking gravel blocks, and is mainly used to make flint and arrows.

Luohuai has a lot of gravel cubes in his backpack. Apart from rocks, they are the most numerous in the ground.

Place gravel blocks to fill the entire mine tunnel, and then dig them out with a stone shovel.

very good! not a single one.

After ten years of longevity, you only get a little iron and then use it up?

After going back and forth several times, with great difficulty, a {flint} fell out.

Now the flint and steel was made.

{Flint} can ignite fire on most blocks. The flame will extinguish after a period of time. The duration depends on the material of the block being ignited.

It is said that the hell rocks in hell will burn forever as long as they are not actively extinguished.

After making the three-piece suit, Luo Huai waited there for a while. The iron ingots he dug up later had not yet been burned. He planned to use this iron and the three remaining irons on hand to make some iron armor.

Each piece of iron armor in the wheat block can provide good damage reduction, plus the raw materials are relatively easy to obtain, making it the most cost-effective in the early stage.

A few minutes later, Luo Huai put on full body armor. The armor was divided into four parts, namely helmet, breastplate, leggings and shoes.

The square armor in the game has been transformed into light armor that fits closely to the body. The hand joints and elbows are protected, and no part of the body is exposed. The chest and shoulder armor are covered with fantasy patterns, quite like a knight. The knightly warrior in the novel.

The helmet wraps the entire head, leaving only three gaps for ventilation: the eyes, mouth and nose.

From the appearance, the prismatic eye sockets are dark, and the pupils cannot be seen.

There is a jaw guard at the mouth and nose, covering the lower half of the face.

The overall tone is close to silvery white, but slightly darker.

Luo Huai gently tapped the armor on his chest, and it made a crisp sound. It seemed weak, but in fact it was extremely tough. Before its durability was exhausted, there would not even be a scratch on its surface.

"Ah~, this irrepressible sense of security."

Luo Huai thought silently in his heart to take off his clothes and read a book www. uukanshu. ntThe armor automatically retracted from the backpack. When I wanted to put it on, I just put my thoughts into the backpack and the armor appeared on my body again.

Moreover, the vision and movements are not affected at all, as if they are not wearing anything.

In comparison, that bulletproof suit was weak.

Maybe it was a coincidence that after making this set of armor, the iron ingots just happened to be used up.

Luo Huai packed up his tools, put on his armor, and headed towards the magma lake.


Luo Huai realized that he had made a mistake.

"Can anyone tell me what's the difference between wearing an iron shell and getting close to magma, and being roasted in a pot?

The armor was put into his backpack, and Luo Huai once again went into battle in his original suit.

He actually came to the magma lake for one purpose, and that was to collect magma.

The magma in the wheat cubes also contains many properties and has many uses.

Enduring the scorching heat, he took out the empty bucket and stretched it out.

If this were a normal iron bucket, it would have melted, but the one in Luo Huai's hand had special properties.


A one-cubic-meter vacancy appeared out of thin air at the corner of the magma lake, but it was quickly submerged by the surrounding magma.

The iron bucket in Luo Huai's hand was already filled with red magma. He took it back as an item, and the {bucket} became a {magma bucket}.

"One bucket at most, that's all for now."

Luo Huai achieved his goal and began to retreat, but instead of leaving, he opened another mine tunnel directly on the same level of the magma lake.

He still doesn't plan to go back to the ground, and the reason why he excavates at this height is because in the wheat block, the level of the magma lake is also known as the diamond layer.

As the name suggests, at this height, the diamonds produced are the highest.

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