
In the dark mine tunnel, scattered torches provided the only light, and a man let out a sick laugh.

"I can't even dig out a few irons, but I dare to hope for diamonds?"

"Hmph...hem...haha! Hahaha!"

What is a diamond? Isn't that a special mineral that is only available in creative mode?

Another wheat player who is driven crazy by diamonds every day.

"Sure enough, mining has no future." Luo Huai threw the stone pickaxe and said.

It was night when we escaped underground, and it was estimated that it would be almost dawn, and after digging sideways for so long, we should not encounter the fusion element again.

"Then go up."

Luo Huai started to move upward.

When he got close to the ground and dug out a rock above his head, a pile of sand suddenly fell down, burying him entirely.

He quickly took out the stone shovel and danced wildly. The sand turned into sand cubes and was put into his backpack.

But after one pile of sand was dug out, there was another pile, and there was an endless supply.

what's the situation? Why is there so much sand above my head?

If it weren't for the fact that shovel-shaped tools are very efficient at digging objects like sand, Luo Huai might not have been able to escape this disaster.

Finally, Luo Huai crawled to the ground. When he stretched his head out of the pit, he subconsciously wanted to open his mouth and take a deep breath to let the fresh air wash away his heart and lungs.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

However, what enters the mouth faster than air is the flying yellow sand, which is full in large quantities.

"This is a desert?"

No! I dug a few kilometers at most in one night. Are you telling me that I went from a wasteland to a desert?

Please, cross biomes!

It doesn’t matter in the game, but not here. It would take several months to cross a biome, even on the ground, right?

Suddenly, Luo Huai thought of something.

[Lost traveler], it turns out that lost means this.

"Everyone has to get lost..."

If Luo Huai could still judge the direction through the stars, moon and sun, now he is really blind.

After standing for a while, the wind stopped and the sand finally stopped being messy.

There is plenty of food at the moment. There are still some {cooked fish} and {cooked salmon}. The wheat field harvested twice has yielded a lot of wheat. Every three can be combined into one loaf. There are about half a group, about thirty, which can eat a section. time.

Luo Huai started walking in the desert. Originally, he wanted to go back and see if he could follow the mine tunnel back to the place where he encountered the elements. But when he looked at the pit at his feet, he found that there was already a piece of yellow sand. The ground is gone.

If it was just buried by sand, it couldn't have been so fast, not to mention that he had to dig out all the sand that had poured down before he came out. It was obvious that even the pit had disappeared.

Lost traveler is so suitable to describe him now.

The only problem now was the water source, and the dryness in his throat reminded him that it was time to drink water.

The mine is dark and not particularly dry, so it can be ignored, but not here.

The only bucket contains only lava. Why don't you take a sip?

Forget it, the magma is too powerful.

Exhaling the iron armor from the backpack produced an unexpected effect. The helmet seemed to be able to filter sand and dust in the air. Maybe this was also the effect of resisting attacks.

Luo Huai walked in the desert all day, and he went south as much as possible based on his intuition.

But everywhere you look is yellow sand, with nothing that can serve as a beacon.

Desert nights are cold, when the stars appear and the temperature drops to freezing.

Luo Huai built a bonfire with coal, sticks and logs to warm himself up.

The disadvantage of iron armor is that it is difficult to keep warm. Luo Huai thought that he would get himself a set of leather equipment when he went back this time, which would be much more comfortable.

But that's all after returning.

"Hey~ How can we find the way back?" Luo Huai stretched, then lay down and looked at the stars in the sky.


When he was a child, he loved watching stars from the trees in the yard, but he rarely did so after getting a computer.

Somehow, Luo Huai's consciousness fell into a slight blur, as if he was dreaming or waking up.

In the dark, he heard a whisper.

A miraculous gift...

A sudden awakening.

Luo Huai saw a shooting star falling from the sky.

At the same time, the prompt sound sounded:

Trigger [Stargazing]

[Stargazing] Stars guide the direction of destiny.

Luo Huai quickly stood up, climbed up the round stone wall, and stood at the highest point staring at the shooting star.

Until the meteor disappeared from the sky.

"Is it this direction?"

Luo Huai recorded the trajectory of the meteor and the direction in which it finally disappeared.

Without waiting for tomorrow, without stopping for a moment, Luo Huai knocked down the bonfire and the wall and immediately embarked on his journey.

The effect of the [Lost] event may take effect at any time, especially when his senses are blocked. The desert may change again as soon as he closes and opens his eyes.

Moreover, there are stars at night as reference objects that can continuously correct the direction of the deviation. If it is during the day, it is too reluctant to rely only on a scorching sun, and the strong light stimulation of the sun will also lead to a deviation in judgment.


It was too uncomfortable to be without water, and my throat made a leaking sound like a broken bellows.

Remember that the reward of the desert island copy includes a {clean drinking pot}, I hope there is water.

With luck in mind, Luo Huai took it out, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net With a sway, there was the sound of water hitting the wall of the pot.

He was overjoyed, and immediately unscrewed the spout of the pot, took a small sip to moisten his throat, then took another small sip to replenish the water, and put the kettle back.

Water resources are limited, so you have to save it and don't get carried away by dryness.

Being embarrassed doesn't mean he has lost his judgment.

"What exactly is guidance?"

After walking for a long time, Luo Huai still didn't see any improvement.

Just when he thought he had remembered the wrong direction and was planning to stop if there was no change after passing the sand dune in front of him.

A building suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

At first it was just a sharp point, but after climbing over the sand dunes, you saw the whole thing.

It was a large building similar to a pyramid, except that there were four more square tower pillars at the four corners, with pictographic totems on them.


The building in front of me is simply a realistic version of one of the ruins in the wheat block.

In fact it is.

The Desert Temple is generated in the desert biome. It is located under the ground at the central golden position. There are four chests as treasures.

That is the culprit that drives players to get lost in the desert, and it is also the only hope for travelers who accidentally get lost in the desert.

"But what's in it?"

A miracle is called a miracle because it follows a crisis.

It turns out that this is correct.

When Luo Huai approached the desert temple, he saw a sudden flash of light inside the temple's door.

An arrow shot out of the darkness without any warning.

After the arrows, there was the sound of skeletons colliding and grinding.


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