I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 30 Obtaining Treasures

The skeleton, affectionately called Xiaobai by Maikuan players, is one of the most common monsters in Maikuan. It is similar to a zombie, except that it is a skeleton holding a bow.

As a long-range weapon, as long as it draws its bow, an arrow will automatically appear on its bow.

All new players of Maikuai Meng have experienced the nightmare of being dominated by it, especially when they are surrounded in the wild. It screams every day and the earth... The only way to solve it is to dig, fill, and fill.

Perhaps it is precisely because hate breeds love that it is affectionately called Xiaobai.

However, it may also be because the items it drops are {bones}, {bow} and {arrows}.

In hard mode, Xiaobai's archery skills can only be described in two words: locking the head.

Luo Huai didn't know how difficult it was for the little white one in the temple at this time. Anyway, the arrow that came over was aimed at his head.

Fortunately, he had made a shield early. He raised his left arm, and the shield fixed on his arm lay in front of him, protecting his entire upper body.


The shield blessed by its characteristics perfectly blocked the arrow and bounced it to the ground.

Before the second arrow was fired, Luo Huai removed his shield and rushed forward, holding the stone sword in his hand.

But after all, it was relatively far away. The skeleton's bow opened again, and arrows appeared out of thin air.

Luo Huai quickly raised his shield. Affected by the deceleration characteristic of raising the shield, he also came to a sudden stop.

Bang! Another arrow was blocked, and Luo Huai continued to sprint.

When he rushed to the temple gate, the skeleton drew his bow and arrow again, but this time he would not give the skeleton another chance.

The stone sword was thrown, drawing a perfect parabola in the air, and struck the skeleton's hand.

The wooden bow lost its support and fell to the ground along with the arrow that had just appeared.

The skeleton, which suddenly lost its hands and weapons, froze on the spot, as if wondering, why has no one broken its hands in the game before?

In the blink of an eye, Luo Huai also rushed in front of the skeleton. He put away his shield, held the stone ax with both hands, and struck the skeleton's neck with all his strength.


Before the skeleton could react, the skeleton fell into pieces and scattered on the ground.


Just after killing the skeleton, another creaking sound appeared in the dark corner next to it.

Luo Huai turned around and saw two pairs of scarlet fluorescent eyes floating in the darkness.

"It's a spider." Luo Huai instantly recognized the monster's true form with his quick thinking.

Pulling out the stone ax from the pile of broken bones, he immediately turned to deal with the spider.

Just as he was about to rush forward, he found that his feet encountered unprecedented resistance, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to extricate himself.

"No, this spider is not simple."

Luo Huai looked down and saw that his feet were stuck to the ground by a fine spider web. A particularly thick spider silk was pulled out from the spider web, and the other end was just under the two pairs of scarlet compound eyes.

Luo Huai fixed his eyes and let his eyes adjust to the dark light.

Originally, he could easily see clearly in this level of darkness, but the fluorescent compound eyes emitted by the spider made it impossible for him to see the spider's body clearly.

After confirming the target, the stone ax came out of his hand and was thrown at the spider's head. The spider's mouth was tugging at the silk thread. It didn't dodge in a hurry and was hit squarely.

The spider's eyes dimmed and turned into a wisp of white smoke, as did the bone fragments next to it.

There are {Bones x2}, {Arrows x2}, {Silk Thread x2} and other dropped items on the ground.

Luo Huai just wanted to pick it up, but his feet got bumped again and he almost fell down.

"The sword is very efficient at removing cobwebs."

Any sword will do. Luo Huai took out the wooden sword. After a few stirs, pixel fragments appeared on the spider web, and then turned into {silk thread x1}.

"With three silk threads and three wooden sticks, I can make a bow. Do you want to make one?"

After a little thought, of course he still had to do it. What he lacked most now was long-range attack methods.

Although the cube is powerful, its use has many restrictions, is inconvenient, and can easily hurt yourself.

It just so happens that he can also shoot a bow. He played with it when he was a child, but he is no good at it.

Use the workbench to make a bow and put it on your back so you can take it out at any time. Although there is only one arrow, it is still a trump card.

Luo Huai walked to the center of the temple. The floor here had the same pattern as the tower pillars outside.

If you remember correctly, it is empty below, with a nearly twenty-meter drop pit. There is a box containing items embedded in the four walls at the bottom of the cavity.

The stone pickaxe knocked off a block on the edge of the totem. Sure enough, what was underneath was not sand.

I threw a torch down, and the fleeting firelight illuminated the scene in the cave. There were no monsters and it was safe.

Luo Huai placed blocks along the stone wall and built a spiral staircase bit by bit to go down inside.

The reason why you need to be so careful is because in addition to the four boxes at the lowest part of the cave, there is actually a pressure plate in the middle. As long as something falls on it, it will be sensed and then trigger some fatal mechanisms... nine TNT bomb.

He definitely can't withstand such an explosion now, and once it explodes, most of the contents in the box will disappear.

No matter how you calculate it, it's a loss.

Besides, TNT is a good thing. It is very useful for escaping difficulties or exploring adventures.

When he arrived at the bottom, the first thing Luo Huai did was to dig up the floor, put nine TNTs into his backpack, UU reading www.uukanshu.net, and then opened the box.

The result...the first box was not as expected, with only a few bones and carrion.

The second one, huh? There are actually watermelon seeds, so you can eat watermelon in the future. But if we don’t get out of the desert, these are just empty words.

The third one, wow! There is an emerald! The raw ore of the new mineral is even rarer than diamond.

But it's just rare. Emerald is completely useless at the moment. No matter how good the items it synthesizes are and how crucial the purpose is, if it can't be used, it's meaningless.

There was only the last one left, and Luo Huai felt a little uneasy. None of the items in the first three boxes could help him get out of the desert. At most, they could help him survive for a few more days.

"Guide, guide, promised miracle~" Luo Huai prayed before opening the box.

Squeak~The lid of the box was pushed open.

"Oh, no~"

At a cursory glance, there were only one or two items inside.

"Eh? This is...a compass? It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

A round base with only a thin red pointer in the middle.

This is a miracle, whatever you need comes from you.

After Luo Huai took the contents of the box, he also dug out the box, which fully demonstrated the good habit of not wasting things.

The wool cubes used as totems in the temple must also be taken away.

After leaving the desert temple, which was now transparent on all sides, Luo Huai continued on his way home with the compass in hand.

But Luo Huai immediately discovered the problem, "Huh? Why does the pointer keep changing its position?"

Logically speaking, the compass needle should always point to one point, the birth point.

Unless... Luo Huai thought of a possibility.

"I'm actually not in the main world right now."

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