"I'm actually in a copy full of desert."

Walking in the desert, Luo Huai muttered the facts that he had just thought of a few minutes ago.

If that's the case, that's a big problem because it means he can't go back via the compass.

"There is no dungeon mission, this should be an exploration dungeon."

If he wants to get out of this dungeon, Luo Huai must find and obtain the most precious treasure of this dungeon. This is the rule.

"But..." Luo Huai frowned.

For purposeful players, it is not difficult to get in and out of this kind of dungeon. Some relatively simple ones can even come and leave at the drop of a hat... because they know what they are looking for.

This is why Luo Huai frowned. He didn't know what he was looking for.

The direction and purpose are completely unknown.

"Wait, direction!" The reverberation of the meteor flashed through his mind, and Luo Huai looked forward, "Maybe the Desert Temple is not the end point at all, it just happened to appear in this direction."

Luo Huai's footsteps became firm again.

As long as he keeps walking, there will always be a way out, and now he can only believe this.

As we walked... there was still an endless sea of ​​sand.

The uniform sand dunes, swaying with the hot wind, give people the illusion of standing still.

Luo Huai had already taken off his iron armor and had been away for who knows how long. The only thing Luo Huai was sure of was that there would be no monster spawning here at all. The two desert temples should be a construction problem.

"Why do I always encounter copies like this that test my endurance?" Luo Huai complained about his situation.

But this time there is no sea, only sand, no fish, and food is limited.

"It doesn't make sense, why not kill monsters?"

The desert biome in the wheat block will spawn a creature: the rabbit.

Rabbit is so cute, why...but I just want to eat it now! dying!

"There is no place for this kind of bird!" Luo Huai murmured secretly and started to stand up, "Where are the elements? Aren't they quite destined to me? There are quite a few of them!"

Phew~ A wisp of wind passed by, but nothing happened.

"It's boring..."

Luo Huai just said two words.


Suddenly there was a roar in the distance, the sound was so powerful that it made no sound from heaven to earth.

Luo Huai, who was climbing up a sand dune, couldn't see what was happening in front of him, but he still chose to go up and have a look.

After climbing to the top with all his strength, Luo Huai was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Smoke, dust, sand, these things that were supposed to be still, all started rolling at this moment.

Yellow sand filled the sky, blocking out the sun and making the world a little darker...

"Sandstorm!?" Luo Huai shouted, but his voice was quickly drowned out.

The rumbling sound became louder and louder, and gradually, only the rumbling sound was left next to my ears.

Luo Huai's first reaction after being shocked was to take out the cubes and build an airtight square shelter.

However, he just raised his hand, and the cube didn't even have time to appear in his hand.

In the sandstorm that seemed to swallow up the world, a light point suddenly came first.


Even Luo Huai's instinct of being able to dodge bullets was too stunned to react. The light spot hit his wrist and penetrated deep into his flesh.

Luo Huai snorted and held back from screaming. He had no time to care about his injuries. He immediately took the cube with his other hand.

But he never expected that this thing would fire continuously.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three more light points shot out rapidly, hitting the remaining intact wrist and two ankles respectively.

Three bloody holes appeared, and all the muscles and bones were broken.

"How could it be...I obviously paid attention..."

Losing his arms and legs, Luo Huai was exhausted and knelt on the sand dune, with darkness in front of him.

The sandstorm was only a few hundred meters away from him, and the wind was already starting to pull him up, trying to push him down.

However, Luo Huai felt a strong energy for no reason, straightened his back, and stubbornly raised his body.

Hanging should also be done in an orderly manner!


Another bright spot.

This time it was a direct hit to the heart.


Luo Huai let out a final roar, the second half of which was automatically harmonized by the sandstorm. Luo Huai fell to the ground in an extremely funny posture, twisted and twisted.

His consciousness became blurry, and Luo Huai was basically used to this feeling.

There is another way to produce such a copy, and that is death.

But in this case, the [Lost Traveler] event failed. Even if Luo Huai can be resurrected, the traveler is already dead.

Forget it, there’s no point in wasting time. If you fail, just fail.

With this last thought passing through his mind, Luo Huai fell completely unconscious.

The storm submerged Luo Huai's body, just like floods submerging ants, unable to make any waves.

At this time, in the flying yellow sand, a pair of narrow eyes looked back at the place where Luo Huai was buried.

"This newcomer seems a bit weak..."

[Baby of this element] killed [Wood Ghost].

Um? Luo Huai's consciousness suddenly woke up in chaos, and he was floating in darkness.

What the hell? [Baby of this Element] Killed me?

Wasn't I killed by rocks blown up by a sandstorm?

Having just experienced a death, Luo Huai's memory was a little confused.

This kind of resurrection is no good, it is far worse than punishing the world.

But that's right, how can anyone blow so accurately and be blown faster than the wind?

"Could it be the elements?" Luo Huai thought of what he had just set up, "That sandstorm?!"

This was much more shocking than encountering the sandstorm itself. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"Speaking of this name..."

Luo Huai looked at the name of the being who killed him, and the style felt inexplicably familiar, especially those two words, baby? You told me that your thing that covers half of the sky is...a baby?

Suddenly, something passed through Luo Huai's mind...

Someone who is treading water like crazy...

Someone basking in the sun...

Someone who loves taking a bath...

After identification, he is in the same group as those gods.

The [event] given by Punishment World seems quite reasonable when meeting the boss of Punishment World.

"So...actually, the one just now was a copy of Punishment World?"

Luo Huai looked at the scarlet words hanging in front of him suspiciously:

【Yes/No settlement? 】

His hand hesitated to touch it.

He obviously died, so the copy should have failed. Why can it still be settled?

But immediately, he was relieved.

Surviving the Dungeon of Punishment World was an achievement he could not hope for.


Luo Huai was curious about what rewards the copy of Punishment World would give.

However, the next prompt sound...

[Settlement, you melon! 】



Luo Huai was silent for a few seconds and slowly typed a question mark.

When I type a question mark, it’s not that I think there’s something wrong with you, but that I think there’s something wrong with my ears.

Is the recent notification sound due to taking the wrong medicine?

Or is the world consciousness that punishes the world inherently unfair?

Just as Luo Huai was brainstorming crazily, a vague shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

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