I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 44 Catching an ancient pterosaur

Oh my god, I'm just an oviraptor! I'm just a humble ordinary monster, why does God torture me like this!

The oviraptor, which was supposed to be beheaded but was drained of blood and died, finally passed away.

The blurry mosaic on the neck showed how tortured it had been. For the first time, it felt that its tenacious vitality was a bad thing.

"I'm sorry, brother, I also want to give you a pleasure, but my ability is really limited."

Luo Huai was feeling guilty when he cut in the back, and he even treated the Oviraptor as a brother.

Ye Feng and Qing Lin: As his brothers, we have formed a deep friendship with the doctors in the city hospital and reached a long-term cooperative relationship.

Feeling guilty, Luo Huai dragged the Oviraptor's body back to the tree hole, and then set up a "nuclear" bonfire made of wheat blocks.

We call each other brothers and sisters, but we still have to taste the meat.

These days, I almost vomit after eating bread and grilled fish every day.

The furnace can only automatically bake items in wheat blocks. It is better to use a campfire. It welcomes all comers. Even in this small tree hole, the smoke is a bit thicker, but it is barely enough.

"I heard that dinosaur meat tastes like chicken, but I don't know if that's true." Luo Huai recalled what was said on TV, which seemed to be because dinosaurs were the ancestors of chickens.

The stone ax used to cut down the oviraptor was no longer usable. The ax blade was full of gaps, so Luo Huai took out a new stone ax. He really didn't lack this thing. He could just dig up some rocks and wood to make it. Paired with a stone sword, he began to dissect the body of the egg dragon.

After the Oviraptor died, the muscles on its body relaxed a lot. Luo Huai took the knife with less effort than before. You must know that he had cut the meat several times before he could see the bones inside.

But the meat was loose, but the bones were still hard. Even Luo Huai at the bone joints couldn't do anything about it.

He was forced to become a carver for a while, roasting all the cut meat on the campfire. He scraped off the minced meat from the bones bit by bit. Since it was not convenient to roast, he kneaded it into a ball and put it in the inventory of his backpack. .

After finishing this, two more stone tools were scrapped, and Luo Huai was stained red with blood.

When he walks out now, he is like a living fishing bait. The smell of blood will probably attract all the bloodthirsty monsters in the surrounding area.

Sitting by the campfire, he waited for the results of his efforts.

The meat placed on the campfire began to change, approaching the impression of barbecue.

“Finally we can eat!”

Luo Huai grabbed a strip of meat and stuffed it into his mouth without fear of burning it.

Hmm~ Although it has no taste, it tastes great and chewy.

"Bah, there's no taste at all. I'm just so excited. Besides, the meat is old and hard to chew."

Luo Huai started to feel disgusted while eating. He suddenly felt that grilled fish and bread were more delicious than this thing.

At least it has its own flavor when made.

"It doesn't taste good to me, but what if it's to other monsters?" A very Jiang Taigong idea came to Luo Huai's mind.

He took out his fishing rod, hooked a piece of meat on the bonfire to the fishhook, and then stretched out the hole, letting the meat piece hang in the air only two meters above the ground.

Today I will be the first person in the world to catch dinosaurs.

The height of this tree hole is more than ten meters high. With the powerful feature of the fishing rod that can pull anything, he can hang up all the dinosaurs biting the hook, and then let them fall to the ground half dead.

Then jump down and replenish a few knives at will. Hey, isn't it beautiful? It would be even better if there were drops.

Luo Huai suddenly felt the fishing rod in his hand being pulled slightly by a force while dreaming about the scene of his fruitful battles in his mind.

A dinosaur took the bait.

Luohua quickly got up, grabbed the fishing rod and pulled hard, and the dinosaur on the other end was pulled into the air.

"Haha, this is what happens if you can't fly." Luo Huai shouted while pulling.

But when he fully pulled up the fishing rod. After seeing the suspended dinosaur from the entrance of the cave...

Ancient Pterosaur: Little brother, who do you think can’t fly?

"Why is this guy still here?!"

Luo Huai was immediately frightened and put away his fishing rod, and quickly stepped back, trying to get away from the ancient pterosaur he had caught.

But the tree hole he dug was not deep to begin with, and he had already retreated to the bottom before taking two steps back.

Just a few meters long, it is not as long as the sharp beak of the ancient pterosaur. It can completely reach in and lift Luo Huai out.

It happened that the ancient pterosaur thought the same way, and it stretched its long pointed beak into the tree hole, trying to take Luohuai out.

But Luo Huai thought that the huge sharp mouth might stab him to death first, or even if it didn't work, it would directly hit his lungs, killing him half to death.

So, having already guessed the ancient pterosaur's intention, he picked up the stone axe, knocked off a log block at his side as quickly as possible, and moved in sideways.

Sure enough, the ancient pterosaur's sharp beak pierced it to the end, and a concave mark was made on the wooden wall where his back was originally leaning.

The force of this blow was extremely terrifying. The strength of this tree was no different from ordinary trees before the characteristics of the wheat block. However, when Luo Huai tried to destroy it using normal means, there was no mark left, not even a scratch. .

Luo Huai mentally estimated the terrifying numerical value of the ancient pterosaur. UUReading www. uukanshu.net

At the same time, wait for it to pull out its mouth.

"Huh? Why don't you pull your mouth out?"

But after waiting for a while, there was still no movement from the ancient pterosaur.

"its stuck?"

Luo Huai didn't believe it. Just now, the ancient pterosaur just tore up a big tree with his hands. How come it was so weak here?

Besides, how could a hunter who lived to such a big age make such a stupid mistake? If you push it in without estimating the size, it will be weird if it doesn't get stuck.

But when Luo Huai looked at the stuck dragon's mouth, he knew that the hole he dug was square. When the ancient pterosaur's mouth came in, it was crooked. When he pulled it out, it was stuck. .

As a monster, its IQ is not enough to quickly figure out this relationship.

This is not surprising. As a prehistoric creature that has never eaten barbecue, it is normal for it to be confused by the sudden aroma.

"Oh ho~, wonderful." Luo Huai tapped his left palm with his right hand.

He quickly opened a new tree hole a block away from the original tree hole, leading to the outside.

As soon as Luo Huai came out of the cave, he saw the ancient pterosaur's head close at hand, as well as its big eyes on it.

Luo Huai had a hideous smile on his face. Although it couldn't be seen under the iron helmet, the Egg Pterosaur instinctively sensed something called cruelty, and its desire to pull out its mouth became even more urgent.

The carelessness of the ancient pterosaur made Luo Huai's heart instantly burn with the hope of killing it. He took out a lot of cubes and hurriedly smashed them on the ancient pterosaur.

Don't worry, after seeing him, the ancient pterosaur increased the movement of its mouth a bit, and it was already loose.

Luo Huai must control it before it comes out.

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