I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 45 Stew and kill the ancient pterosaur

Small squares hit the ancient pterosaur one after another, and then expanded into large squares and fixed them in the air, restricting its movement.

Finally, with the efforts of the ancient pterosaur, its mouth was freed again, but soon it found that its body was not free anymore.

Densely packed round stone squares surrounded its whole body up to its neck. It was fine if it didn't move, but it felt like it was being crushed when it moved.

It tried to wave its claws, but unfortunately its claws were also fixed by the cobblestone blocks, so there was nothing it could do.

Luo Huai looked at the ancient pterosaur trapped in the tree and breathed a sigh of relief.

Under normal circumstances, the ancient pterosaur can definitely destroy cobblestone blocks, but that requires space for energy storage and display. Luo Huai paid special attention to this point and used blocks to store the energy required for each limb of the ancient pterosaur. All the space was blocked, and then the feat of trapping the ancient pterosaur was completed.

If he wanted to crush boulders with sheer brute force, Luo Huai knew that those big guys could definitely do it easily, but it was absolutely impossible for a mere ancient pterosaur.

The ancient pterosaur's neck was still twisting, and it wanted to turn its head and bite Luo Huai who was standing behind it.

Luo Huai was now standing on a square in the air, and he threw the last few squares in his hand onto the ancient pterosaur's head.

Now the ancient pterosaur was completely unable to move.

The barbecue that attracted him is still chewing in Luo Huai's mouth. It's not that the barbecue suddenly became delicious, but Luo Huai suddenly found that chewing the meat was a bit addictive, and he felt like he couldn't chew it. Think of it as grinding your teeth.

"What to do with the ancient pterosaur?"

An unprecedentedly large prey was trapped here, but Luohuai was in trouble.

He couldn't even cut the bones of the weakest Oviraptor, and the skin of the rare-level Ancient Pterosaur couldn't even be scratched, leaving it open to scratches.

"Physical methods are not enough, so let's take the method of magical damage!"

Luo Huai jumped onto a block next to the ancient pterosaur's head, and he took out...

The ancient pterosaur was just irritable because of being trapped, but when it saw what Luo Huai took out, its irritability suddenly turned into panic.

What is that bucket of red liquid? Why is there such a high temperature!

That's right, Luo Huai ruthlessly took out the magma bucket. No matter how high your physical defense is, the damage in front of the magma is all real damage.

What's more, the ancient pterosaur looks like the kind of monster that can't use magic and relies solely on the body. Its crazy restlessness has exposed its fear of magma.

Luo Huai showed no mercy and pointed the magma bucket at a square above the ancient pterosaur's head.

A one cubic meter magma source block appeared instantly, and magma continued to flow out and spread around.

This distance is not infinite. The magma flowing out of the source flows out in the horizontal direction and stops spreading after four or five meters. However, in the vertical direction, this distance can be expanded to more than ten or even dozens of meters.

Therefore, the head of the ancient pterosaur including the body in the stone was quickly submerged in the magma, and a magma waterfall appeared in the sky.

It doesn't matter whether it's cruel or not, this is a world of punishment and hell.

Besides, the ancient pterosaur should have died when its head was covered with magma. Its living environment made it impossible for its head to have any high-temperature resistance function. After a click, it only had time to feel hot, and its brain was Mature first.

The oviraptor whose neck was chopped more than a dozen times before dying expressed envy.

Seeing that it was almost done, Luo Huai filled the magma back with an empty bucket. The magma waterfall that lost its source of magma quickly shrank and disappeared.

Luo Huai knocked open the cobblestone blocks that trapped the ancient pterosaur bit by bit. The feeling was a bit subtle, as if he was peeling off the mud shell on the outside of a freshly roasted beggar's chicken.

After he finished knocking the boulder under the ancient pterosaur, only the head of the ancient pterosaur was stuck by the block. The whole body was hanging in the air, and its skin had been directly burnt black under the action of the magma. .

Luo Huai knocked off the last block, and the ancient pterosaur's body fell to the ground under the influence of gravity.

With a bang, an object with a light blue shimmer rolled out from under it.

"Dropping items, rare ones!"

I forgot to mention here that the dropped items actually have different lights. According to the monster level, white (common), blue (rare), purple (epic), and orange (legendary) drops are dropped. And if it is a gold-rated monster, the light of the dropped object will appear with a few strands of gold based on the original color.

Like the previous rare earth element core, it actually had an inconspicuous blue light, but now the drops dropped by the ancient pterosaur have a strong blue light.

Luo Huai jumped down overjoyed, using blocks in the air to cushion his landing on the ground several times. As soon as he reached the ground, he ran over and picked up the rare-level dropped object.

[Wing membrane of ancient pterosaur] (rare)

Introduction: Bearing the heavy responsibility of flying, it is undoubtedly the toughest.

This is a very good production material, Luo Huai commented.

Putting away the fallen items, he took out the stone sword and stone axe, scratched a few pieces of flesh on the ancient pterosaur, and then left quickly.

The huge corpse of the ancient pterosaur will definitely attract many carnivorous monsters, UU reading www.uukanshu. NET Large monsters may not be able to come in, but there will be small ones. Luo Huai is not interested in making canned appetizers before meals.

No longer trying to explore inside, he returned to the beach, released the small wooden boat and left directly.

This map is really not something he can beat. If he gets lucky once, he can't be greedy anymore.

Luo Huai finally chewed up the Oviraptor meat in his mouth, and in line with the principle of not wasting it, he swallowed it.

"Ding! The toughness of the skin is slightly improved."

The moment he swallowed the meat, a beep sounded suddenly.

Can eating this meat directly improve your strength?

This information flashed through my mind like a thunderbolt.

Should I stay a little longer?

The small wooden boat, which had not gone very far, swung its tail and turned back.

Luo Huai set foot on this land again, but Luo Huai did not enter the jungle immediately. Instead, he hid in a tree first, and then took out some Oviraptor meat and threw it into his mouth.

After chewing it for a few times, Luo Huai immediately drank the meat and swallowed it down to the point where he could barely swallow it.

He was testing whether the effect was a one-off.

"Ding! The toughness of the skin is slightly improved."

It’s not a one-time thing! Luo Huai suddenly became excited.

Compared to that unknown snake temple, the improvement here is more real and visible!

Having found a way to improve quickly, he hopes to fill the several-year starting gap between him and Ye Feng Qinglin!

"Stacking attributes, right? I like it best."

Take out all the oviraptor meat in your backpack, eat it one after another, and swallow it.


This stuff really doesn’t taste good, but in order to improve, I have no choice but to endure it.

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