I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 492 The troubled Li Ming

Fires were rising in the arena, and thick smoke was billowing. The toxic smoke made the panicked crowd even more confused.

It's okay for class people, who can use energy to push away smoke and dust, but ordinary people can't, especially those who run in a hurry and knock people down. It's chaos in an area, stamping on them, and one person tripping over a group of people.

And chaos makes people lose their minds, which will be even worse.

"Ah!" A woman couldn't keep up with the crowd and fell on the steps.

Fortunately, there was a strong man behind her who directly lifted her up with one hand, "Don't stop, hurry up and move forward!"

Women are lucky to meet a professional who has a sense of public responsibility.

But people further inside are not so lucky. Dangerous existences are raging, and even professional people have no time to take care of themselves.

And the arena in the center is the source of all troubles - a huge monster that has been wrapped in a red substance.

He is at least four meters tall, nearly the height of a two-story building.

It has thick limbs, a body shape like a beast, extremely thick limbs, and behind it is a long tail that is waving like a fire whip. The head is shaped like some kind of magic dragon, but it has no wings. It has several irregularly rotating eyes. Distributed on the top of the skull.

Red flames spurted out from the ferocious flame mouth. There were no sharp teeth, because the purpose of the monster's appearance seemed to be to destroy.

"Prison of Heavy Earth!" An earth mage took action.

Immediately afterwards, another natural citizen came to help, "Otomu's Prison!"

The ring beneath the monster's feet cracked, and thick waves of earth surged out, covering the monster.

Under the blessing of special energy, the soil was several times heavier than ordinary soil and rocks, and even exceeded the stones at one time.

After covering the monster, the soil and sand began to shrink, and the powerful squeeze further restricted the monster's movement.

The vine of Otomu took advantage of the situation, burrowed into the soil and sand, and stretched out its roots, making it stronger.

The monster suddenly left only its head and tail outside, and its movements were completely restricted.

Generally speaking, the crisis should be under control at this point, but this is the mortal world and energy is scarce. The two professional people who took action actually relied on the device in the arena to maintain energy concentration.

Moreover, the arena was filled with thick smoke, and the harmful substances in it also caused great trouble to the casters.

This control spell won't last long.

"Let's go!" The mage was a referee with considerable strength. He yelled at the students who were still standing in a daze opposite the monster.

The student seemed to be hesitating, but in the end he had no choice but to turn around and run away, with a very unwilling look on his face.

But just when he turned around to run away, the monster suddenly became violent. It roared, seeming to tell the other party to stop.

The fierce struggle of the powerful body made it even more difficult to maintain the control spell. The caster couldn't help but cough violently because of the roar just now, which made it even worse.

The seal appeared loose.

The monster noticed this, shook its head and sprayed flames at the seal. The vines of Otomu were burned by the flames, and the heavy soil was baked hard and crisp by the flames.

Seeing that the time had come, the monster waved its long tail, and the tail needle that gathered heat energy at the end stretched out and suddenly nailed the seal.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the seal, and it suddenly began to loosen. With the struggle, there were more and more cracks.

Finally, there was a crisp sound, and the heavy earth seal mixed with the black charcoal of wood and vine fell sparsely on the ground.

"Roar!!!" After regaining its freedom, the monster roared happily, but it had no ink marks, and its purpose was very clear, it was the student.

"Damn it." The student who was targeted by the monster knew that he couldn't run away, so he could only react.

Look at the two spellcasters, half-kneeling on the ground exhausted... The smoke is deadly. They tried their best and must retreat quickly.

"There is no other way, just try to deal with it." The light covered the student's body, protecting him from the thick smoke and allowing him to gain extraordinary speed.

The dazzling stream of light was released from the ring on his finger, which attracted the monster's attention very well.

Yes, this student is Li Ming who also came to participate in the competition.

Ever since he returned from his space journey and was discharged from the hospital, he has been improving his strength. Especially after seeing monsters falling from the sky, he has been improving himself day and night, and his combat power has improved by leaps and bounds.

The class he belongs to is relatively low, and belongs to the CD class, so he was also assigned to the sub-field, but this also allowed him to pass all the way without any disadvantage, which made his classmates look up to him with admiration.

But I didn't expect that something unexpected happened in the last game of the second round today.

One of the male students he was fighting against, a class priest, ignored the referee's warning and summoned an uncontrollable monster. What's worse, he didn't seem to be very clean himself.

When he was summoned, some evil power surged from his body, making his spellcasting speed extremely fast.

Li Ming could see from the other party's expression that the guy probably didn't expect that he could do this, and his summoning target seemed to have been deliberately distorted, which was why the current uncontrollable situation occurred.

When the monster first came out, its shape was still unstable. It was just a big black mass of unknown substance. But as soon as it appeared, it opened a large hole and swallowed the student who summoned it.

It's not that he ate it, but that the monster seemed to need a host to attach to.

It ended up looking like this.

Moreover, the monster also inherited part of the host's mind...or perhaps the host's sanity was affected, so it clung to Li Ming's opponent.

In short, Li Ming's situation is very dangerous now!

Tear it apart!

The monster's long tail whipped over like a whip, hitting Li Ming who was sprinting sideways.

In desperation, Li Ming only had time to block it with his arms. He was still wearing standard equipment.

But this is only enough for one emergency. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The entire tail of the monster is covered with undercuts. The moment it is drawn, it is like a long saw has been cut on it.

The standard equipment is just a face-to-face, and the armor on the arm is completely scattered.

If it weren't for the protection of light, Li Ming's arm might have been severed altogether.

But it wasn't much better. He flew out and hit the wall at the edge of the ring.

A dent was made in the flat wall. Although this wall was only temporarily built, its strength was considerable, which showed that the force of this blow was terrifying.

When Li Ming fell down, he knelt on the ground and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

The reason why he hasn't fainted yet is because he can achieve extremely brief actinization and is immune to most physical damage.

"But my light has also bottomed out..." Li Ming smiled bitterly in his heart.

The sun can't even shine through the damn ceiling, and the crystals used to store light on the body are similar to those used in previous games...

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