I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 493 Luo Huai: Squeeze it dry!

"Is it that guy Li Ming?" Luo Huai, who had just climbed into the sub-field, vaguely saw a big dark red guy on the ground and a fast light spot.

Because of his familiarity with light, he recognized it as Li Ming's light.

"The light spot has become weaker..." Luo Huai saw the light spot approaching the big guy for a moment, and then quickly pushed to the edge, guessing that Li Ming was hit.

When the dark red monster saw this, he couldn't wait to rush over.

It was too late, Luo Huai stopped thinking, loosened his grip on the spider silk, and stepped on the ceiling, making his fall faster.

Thanks to the fact that the sub-field is not as big as the main field, with a maximum height of ten meters, the vertical drop is quickly reached.

"Who?!" Li Ming, who was half-kneeling on the ground, was startled.

"Me!" Luo Huai dispersed the smoke with a palm full of energy, and then he saw Li Ming's disgraced look.

He grabbed the back of Li Ming's neck, and the fusion blood spread along his fingers and stuck to Li Ming's entire back.

Then he took Li Ming and flew up, the dancing dragon wings blowing away the surrounding smoke and dust.

"What is that!" Those who had not yet escaped looked back and were startled by the sudden appearance of Dragon Wings.

"Is that monster a dragon?"

When they heard that there was a dragon, some class members who were a little confident in their own strength stopped at the exit to watch.

It's right at the exit anyway, so if it's a big deal, just run away.

"No, that's not a dragon at all." There was a man in the middle of the pair of huge dragon wings. He was carrying another man and flew to the ceiling.

The ceiling was just a thin metal layer, not very strong. Luo Huai raised his head and breathed a dragon's breath and successfully opened a hole, taking Li Ming outside.

"Are you feeling better?" Luo Huai asked.

Bathed in the sunshine, Li Ming's complexion improved a little, "It's better."

"Let me help you again." Luo Huai raised his hand, and a ball of fused blood flew towards his head.

When it was almost done, Luo Huai opened his palm, and the fused blood expanded two-dimensionally, becoming gradually transparent and the material became crystalline.

Luo Huai built a convex mirror, a magnifying glass, and under his deliberate control, the focus of this huge magnifying glass coincided with Li Ming.

The heat (fire) in the sun was absorbed by Luo Huai, while all the light was given to Li Ming.

"Ahem!" Li Ming frowned, suddenly receiving such strong energy made him a little uncomfortable.

But he got better soon. The gathered light not only repaired his body, but also made him feel like he was back to the beginning.

"Roar!" There was scorching heat behind him, and flames spurted out from the holes in the ceiling, almost melting the entire ceiling.

"You absorb it first, and then come back when it's almost done." Luo Huai released a block out of thin air, allowing Li Ming to stand on it, while he flipped backwards and rushed downwards.

"Here we come!" There were actually several people waiting for Luo Huai to come back and fight the monster.

boom! Luo Huai, who was wearing the Flame Dragon Armor, was very reckless, especially for such a not-so-big monster.

Although he is still only as big as the monster's head.

The flying kick from the sky did not knock the monster over. The monster had thick limbs and long sharp claws that pierced the ground, and its grip was extremely terrifying.

Luo Huai's kick only knocked its head to the ground, and he himself was whipped out by the monster's tail whip as it turned around.

But Luo Huaike was much better. He also grabbed the ground with all four limbs and stopped forcefully.

The monster is actually very smart and knows how to occupy the arena, so that it can have its own energy and exert its strength as in the fantasy world.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the monster seems to be growing, and the black substance on its body is becoming more and more solid.

"I seem to have seen you before somewhere...especially those eyeballs, I seem to have seen them more than once."

"Roar..." The monster did not pounce immediately. It was absorbing energy for subsequent actions.

Originally, the panic of the crowd could also provide it with a special energy, but now that all the people have run away, another guy has arrived who is not afraid of it at all, so it can only be more cautious.

"By the way, those monster fragments stolen by the underground guild."

I didn't expect it to be used for this. Now the monster in front of me can really be called a monster.

"Is this a biological weapon?"

In terms of destructive power, this small monster is sometimes more troublesome because it is very flexible.

Originally, after killing Li Ming, the monster was ready to rush out and kill.

It can cause huge casualties in this densely populated area within minutes before security personnel arrive.

This is the purpose of its appearance, and the student is just a pawn who wants to gain powerful power and is used to act as a puppet of the monster's consciousness.

But now...it seems to have another "monster" in front of it.

And this "monster" gave him a bad feeling, as if it had been beaten by this guy somewhere.

"Come on." Luo Huai raised his fingers provocatively, knowing that the other party understood.

Sure enough, the next moment, a wave of flames spurted over.

It's just that high temperature has little effect on Luohuai.

Before the Flame Dragon Armor was revoked, he was very strong. He could be called a little guy for the time being... without any younger brothers.

So far, he has been able to defeat powerful opponents across classes, thanks to the Flame Dragon Armor.

Against the wave of fire, Luo Huai rushed forward and grabbed the monster's jaw with both hands.

The monster quickly bit it, but the strength of the Flame Dragon Armor was no joke, and one of its teeth was broken directly.

So it wanted to throw Luo Huai down again.

But since Luo Huai chose to get close, how could he be easily thrown away?

He took advantage of the monster's head-raising movement, let go, turned over on top of it, and successfully rode on the monster's back.

Monster: This feels familiar...

Luo Huai: The feeling is here!

Everything seems to be back to the beginning.

The dragon's claws and tail instantly extended like fangs, piercing through the gaps in the hard material on the monster's surface.

Suck, suck, suck!

It's time to squeeze out the fun again. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net

"Roar!" The monster suddenly panicked. It wanted to throw Luo Huai down, but Luo Huai's four limbs and five fixed points on the dragon's tail were now just a dog-skin plaster, which was stuck to death.

In fact, if it weren't for the giant transformation, he would even want to use his mouth.

Hehe, it’s just energy...don’t think too hard~

It was necessary to do this, because since it was a terrible attack by an underground guild, the self-destruction function must be in place.

As long as the monster is sucked dry, the monster will be an empty shell by then.

But just when Luo Huai was about to successfully drain the monster, he suddenly heard a scream.

It's not from the monster, but it comes from the monster's body.

"Could it be..." Luo Huai was shocked, immediately let go, and retreated far away.

His brows furrowed, "Despicable..."

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