I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 66 Mutation·Demon Zombie

{Summoning Stone of Doom}, open.

Skeleton zombies appear quickly! Come to the rescue!

The darkness in the dungeon was so low that except for the light in the corridor where Luo Huai lay, the rest of the place was pitch black.

There is no doubt that this is a natural monster spawning ground.

Less than ten seconds after it was turned on, Luo Huai vaguely heard the roar of zombies.

It is worthy of being the zombie with the highest refresh rate, appearing so quickly.

Soon the creaking sound of the skeleton's moving bones also appeared.

Monsters began to spawn in various cells.

The parasitic spider demon and other demon beasts noticed something strange behind them, temporarily gave up on Luo Huai, and turned to face the sudden appearance of the undead.

The squeaking sounds of spiders were mixed with the roars of beasts. The tall demonic beasts were not afraid of these small undead beings who were only a little taller than their ankles.

There was a gash on the back, and a slender tentacle suddenly popped out like lightning, lashing towards the zombies like a whip.

Suddenly a clearing was cleared in the darkness, and the newborn zombies had no mutations and were vulnerable to a single blow.

Only the skeleton standing in the distance can output a little damage. An arrow shot on the demon beast will cause real damage just like it is shot on the player.

No matter how high the demon beast's defense is, arrows with special characteristics can at least bury the arrowheads into its flesh.

The demonic beasts were in pain, and were not satisfied with using long-range attacks like tentacles to attack them with their huge bodies.

Each sweep of the claw blade can cut down a large number of monsters, but the demon beast will inevitably be injured by the last blow before death of some zombies.

As time went by, Demonmon also retreated a little.

Monsters whose original race is [Demon] have very strong endurance in battle, because they are passive in nature and are born for combat. Every time they kill a creature, they can obtain a share of soul energy to help them recover. and temporary strength enhancement.

Even the remaining soul fire of the undead cannot escape the fate of being sucked out.

But the undead they are facing now are an exception.

Plug-in products cannot win the soul...

Demon Behemoth: Gan! The blood pack is gone!

No matter how thick the health bar is, it can't withstand the damage from this dense ant colony.

So gradually, the demonic behemoths with an absolute advantage in size were unable to reach the deepest part of the cell. They could only rely on magic to disperse the swarms of monsters that kept coming.

Even the tentacles are not easy to use, because they are also part of their bodies and require blood loss.

This feeling is very strange. It is obvious that only one part of the body is hurt, but it feels like the whole body is damaged, but I can't feel the specific damage.

This is the horror of digital attacks.

Don't come over here!

The demon beasts all panicked in the end, because they felt that the indescribable damage on their bodies had reached a certain critical point.

On the other side of this critical point, they clearly felt that death was waiting for them.

Fire, lightning...all kinds of magic that demons are good at were thrown out regardless of consumption.

The zombie skeleton groups were cleared one after another, but there was no end.

Fortunately, most of the wheat block monsters have to be refreshed on the ground, otherwise they would be refreshed directly on the heads of the demon monsters, and they would not even have a chance to be consumed.

Although it's not much better now.

It didn't take long.

The demonic behemoths that had lost their endurance finally let out howls of unwillingness one after another.

The huge body fell limply to the ground.

"Finally dead. Sure enough, if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant."

The eyes of fate kept turning, and Luo Huai, who was lying on the ground, witnessed the whole process.

The moment the demon beast fell, he witnessed several zombies and skeletons mutate.

"It seems like these giant demon beasts give you a lot of experience..."

Luo Huai had a hunch that the mutated monster this time would be even more troublesome than last time...

Sure enough, when a mutated zombie waved his hand, the surrounding corpses suddenly started to commotion. They all began to vibrate strangely, and then fell down one after another and turned into white smoke.

The white smoke did not dissipate directly as usual. All the white smoke gathered together and was finally inhaled by the mutated zombies.

The aura of the mutated zombie's entire corpse suddenly changed.

Luo Huai recalled the last time a monster was killed and the player became more flexible and alert...

[Beast] (Talent): Better overall ability, body with balanced values.

[Demon] (Talent): Harvest the spilled energy generated by the violent fluctuations of the surrounding souls and use it for your own use.

He immediately thought of the relationship. The mutation of the monsters was probably related to the target race they killed.

Like now, because other zombies have no souls, they directly become devoured.

While Luo Huai was thinking, the mutant zombie also looked at him.


After getting rid of the unnecessary existence present, it's time to carry out its mission as a monster.

Luo Huai happened to be in front of the cell door where he was located, and there were only a few iron poles between them.

Luo Huai actually saw the corner of its mouth curl up.

The mutated zombie put his hand on the iron pole, and the iron pole began to make the sound of being bent.

"This power is stronger than mine..."

Luo Huai looked past the mutated zombie to behind it.

Zombies are constantly being refreshed there, and then turn into white smoke and merge into the mutated zombies. Even if the mutated zombies do nothing now, they are still getting stronger.

But Luo Huai did not turn off the aura of the {Summoning Stone of Doom}.

He will die anyway, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net leaving a few good things to the enemy camp can be regarded as a little help he did for Ye Feng and the others.

Thinking about it this way, Luo Huai felt that it was quite good. After all, if he died, he would just return to the world of punishment. There was no punishment of death.

The mutant zombie had completely bent the iron rod on the cell door into a C-shape. It walked out of it, came to Luo Huai's head, and raised its hand.

The hand covered the green light, and the shadow just covered Luo Huai's face.

Luo Huai took the initiative to put away the Eye of Destiny and closed his consciousness.

Brother Zombie, be smart about your move.

Luo Huai made his last words in his heart.

But at this moment, there was the sound of footsteps stepping on the stairs at the entrance of the corridor. The mutated zombie dropped its hand and jumped back into the darkness behind it.

"What's going on in the dungeon? Why did the alarm sound?"

"The priest said there was a riot in the animal cage."

"How is that possible! Those demonic beasts are all of the same species and will not fight."

"Who knows, anyway, the priest saw a lot of magic fluctuations in the cell through the magic eyes."

"It can't be the human race from before, right? Could she sneak in on purpose?"

"You ask me who should I ask? Anyway, hurry up. It took a lot of effort from the city lord to catch those spider demons. This is the key to our victory this time."

"Yes, the city lord dared to monopolize the dungeon after it was made public and not let other city lords interfere, but it was because of these spider demons."

A small group of demonized soldiers came to Luo Huai's side while talking.

"Huh? Nothing unusual."

"You are blind, didn't you see the big hole in the cell?"

The demonized soldier noticed Luo Huai on the ground again.

"Isn't the spider demon fighting for this ration?"

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