I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 735 Alice herself

"Alice!" Wilson said with difficulty to the old man in the wheelchair under tremendous pressure.

Whether it was due to the pressure of his mind or his own anger, this name made him grit his teeth.

"Stop talking nonsense." Luo Huai increased the intensity of his telepathy to shut up.

Then he greeted the old man, "Hello."

"Hello." Although the old man didn't know Luo Huai, this was outside of her plan, but fortunately the result was good.

She said: "The base has been successfully taken over by the Red Queen, and I have relieved Wilson of his staff authority."

"So it's all over?"

"It's over." The old man's face was full of exhaustion, and when she said this, she also looked relieved.

Luo Huai knows this old man. In the movie, she is Alice, the real Alice.

From the fact that Wilson called her name just now, it can be confirmed that she should be the same.

At this moment, other teams that were advancing here arrived here unimpeded after the Red Queen rebelled and controlled the base.

As soon as the captain entered the door, he understood the people and the situation and signaled the others to put down their guns. The matter had been resolved.

"You are..." As soon as Alice walked in from the door, her eyes couldn't move away from the old man.

The familiar feeling coming from the bottom of her heart gave her a premonition.

"Alice...you're here." The old man saw Alice and called out, without feeling strange at all.

At this moment, the familiar feeling in Alice's heart completely exploded.

"What on earth is going on?" She stood there, not knowing what she was thinking, but she couldn't stop the confusion in her eyes.

The old man knew that she had guessed it, so he sighed: "As you think, you are my clone, and I... am the original Alice."

The captain and the others entered with expressions on their faces, while Lyon and the others listened carefully to the whole story.

Wilson: I'm a BOSS! At least come and take a look at me!

It's a pity that no one liked him.

The old man took a laborious breath and spoke slowly, "The former Umbrella Company was indeed a drug company that benefited mankind, and my father was a researcher and one of the important shareholders. Everything about him was very successful. A happy career and a happy family...until his daughter was born..."

This should have been a better thing. He was going to be a father, but unfortunately something happened. This baby girl who was still in her infancy was found to have an incredibly fast cell division rate, which meant that her growth would be Several times faster than ordinary people.

Faster growth, faster aging.

While other children were still learning to talk, the girl had already reached the age of junior high school. By the time other children reached junior high school, she was almost entering middle age.

If this continues, she will even be older than her father.

In order to save his daughter's life, the father decided to use his abilities to do something. He developed many potions, but in the end they had little effect. Seeing that his daughter was about to become a candle in the wind, he stretched out his sights to Entering a field full of taboos: viruses.

"But it's impossible for my father to let me personally experiment with viruses, and it's hard to find other people with the same disease as me, so I have you, Alice, my young clone." The old man looked at Alice, The eyes are complicated.

Her heart is kind, even if it's her clone, she still feels guilty about it.

"But I am obviously a security guard of the Umbrella Company, and I have memories." Alice felt a slight resistance in her heart.

"Clones can artificially implant part of their memory, but that memory is very vague and full of loopholes. As long as you recall it carefully, you will find that many things in the memory are illogical."

Alice immediately recalled something.

"It seems so." The reality forced her to admit.

"It's never an accident that you're the perfect recipient of a virus, because you've already been inoculated with the source virions."

The father was very happy that his daughter was saved. The virus successfully inhibited the rapid division of cells and activated the activity of cells, which meant that the real Alice could return to that youthful age.

But soon the virus showed its fangs.

The powerful activity it provided gradually caused the cells to escape the category of normal humans. Those over-activated cells began to spread unbridled, until... a dead clone body stood up.

The father realized he had opened Pandora's box.

So he began to remedy the situation and develop a drug to suppress the virus, but he did not expect that his partners saw the opportunity hidden in the virus, and their ambitions were drawn out.

After several arguments, the partner seemed to give in and promised not to mention making money from the virus again.

Unexpectedly, on the day when the virus inhibitor was successfully developed, an "accident" happened.

In the end, Alice in a wheelchair inherited his father's shares and became that partner's puppet.

"I spent a long time investigating all this, so I have been waiting for this opportunity, waiting for that guy to enter the cryogenic chamber."

"What about the Red Queen..." Alice asked.

"It was my father who developed her. My father had a premonition of the assassination, so he secretly locked the Red Queen's hidden authority to me. The projection of that little girl is us when we were children. The Red Queen still has part of our personality. , so she possesses extraordinary intelligence and...emotions."

No wonder Alice feels familiar when seeing the Red Queen.

Pressing the button on the wheelchair, a metal stand rose from the old man's side, where the reagents were stored.

"Take these, go outside and open them, and that's it."

She gave these potions to Alice, and she believed in herself even more.

"What about you, Alice?" Alice looked at the old self in front of her. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

The old man smiled in relief, "Maybe it's God's will. The experiment succeeded on you, but it failed on me."

Now she is just relying on medicine to survive.

She handed Alice an artificial iris, "This is the memory of my youth, the memory that truly belongs to Alice. I give this to you, you should have it..."

"Live with my memory and enjoy the life I didn't have time to enjoy."

The old man's breath was getting weaker and weaker. She was lying on a chair, maybe asleep. It could be seen that she was really not going to die soon.

Suddenly, she woke up again, "Let's go, leave me alone, I've reached the end."

But suddenly, a figure walked up and stood between the two Alices.

"Luo Huai?" Alice was surprised, not knowing what she wanted to do with him.

Luo Huai ignored her and asked the old man with a smile, "If I can cure you, how much can you promise me with your share rights?"

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