I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 87: The melon that is twisted is not sweet, but the person who twists the melon just wants t

"You can leave if you want, but I happen to have a good friend of the president of the Cross Trial Society. Wait until I ask him." Xi Wutong dialed the communication.

Luo Huai was happy at first, but became nervous and sweated later.

What does this feel like?

It's like you lied to the class teacher, but the class teacher called your parents back.

What's more important is that the parent's phone number you reported is fake! And it really got through!

"Ah..." Luo Huai hugged his head and resigned himself to waiting for the lie to be exposed.

Over there, Xi Wutong's communication was opened.

"Hello? Sister Wutong, why did you suddenly remember to call me?" On the other end of the communication was a rather young-sounding man. He is the current president of the Cross Trial Society, [Luminosity Heaven].

But immediately, Luo Huai concluded that this guy was not a normal person and would definitely like to commit suicide. You will know after listening to his next words:

"I think the last time I saw you was when you were one hundred and forty years old...(?ω?)hiahiahia"

"Heaven, I haven't seen you for so many years and you still need a spanking. You are obviously not young anymore..."

"That's not the case. How can I compare with you." Opposite Guangdu Tiantang was sitting in his office. His assistant was not around, so he raised his nose unscrupulously.

Alas, it is so tiring to create a glamorous image in daily life. It is rare to relax, so I have to indulge a little.

"Can you try saying something again?" If Xi Wutong had a mobile phone in her hand at this time, she might have crushed it.

Luo Huai stepped back a little in fear.

I don’t know the parents and I have a quarrel with the class teacher. What should I do? Waiting online...not too urgent.

It's good to eat melon, but you'll end up dead anyway, so be patient.

"Alright, Sister Wutong, let's stop wrangling. Let's talk about what you want to do with me. Business is more important." Guangdu Tiantang stopped as soon as it was good, and just in time to stop Wutong's anger, he suddenly became serious.

You were obviously the one who started it, okay?

Xi Wutong felt so choked that he felt uncomfortable. He pressed his chest several times before calming down. "I want someone, but he seems to be from your guild."

"Hey~, when did my guild have a girl who is as beautiful as a flower and can be attracted by Sister Wutong? Why didn't I see it?" Guangdu Tiantang's words offended all the girls in his guild.

Just as his female assistant opened the door and came back, she heard these words and her hand holding the kettle shook, "President, not long ago you complimented her on her beauty. So it turned out that it was all a lie?"

After saying that, the female assistant ran out with a blush on her face.

Luminosity Paradise:…

"Did the car overturn?" Xi Wutong gloated.

"It's none of your business. You'd better tell me who you want." Guangdu Tiantang was very curious about what kind of people in his guild could make Xi Wutong come to him directly. Don’t even think about making a core member. There aren’t many people, even fewer girls, and only one has been promoted in recent years.”

"Don't worry, I won't steal your girl, she's a man."

"What?" Guangdu Tiantian almost overturned the table, "Which man doesn't have the eyes to offend you? Are you going to lock him up in your guild and torture him to death?"

"Ten years ago I advised you to look into your brain, but it seems you still haven't."

"What's his name?" Guangdu Tian couldn't wait to know which warrior was lucky enough to be admitted into his guild.

"His name is Mu Gui." When Xi Wutong said this, he looked at Luo Huai and saw that he was pretending to be calm. He actually already had the answer in his heart.

"Wood Ghost? I can't remember. When are you talking about?"

"Just this year."

"I personally recruited this year's members. Why don't I remember that there is this person in my guild?" Guangdu Heaven was shocked. This was someone pretending to be a vicious incident.

"Oh, it's okay." Xi Wutong's mood suddenly improved, and he was about to hang up the phone, muttering: "I saw the two crosses in his eyes and thought he was from your family..."

It happened that the light heaven heard it.

"Wait!!!" he suddenly yelled, "What did you just say?? There are crosses in your eyes?"

"No, no, you heard it wrong..." Xi Wutong secretly thought that he was the worst talker, and quickly denied it three times.

But the Guangdu Heaven over there was completely ungrateful. He firmly believed that he heard correctly, "Old woman! Please tell me clearly, is there a cross in that wooden ghost's eye?"

"No, you really heard me wrong. I meant he had stones in his eyes. And if you call me an old woman again, do you believe I will tear your mouth out?"

"Don't try to lie to me. I haven't heard anything wrong in all these years. Please tell me clearly..."

Snapped! Xi Wutong hung up the communication and set it up to refuse communication for a short period of time.


"Sister Wutong, you are being unkind. Why did you lie about me?" Luo Huai defended himself.

"So what? I just need to know if you are from the Cross Guild." Xi Wutong stood up and narrowed his eyes as expected, "The results did not disappoint me. You kid never told the truth!"

"Humph!" Now that the matter was revealed, Luo Huai stood up stubbornly, "So what!"

Then he was caught by Xi Wutong and was beaten violently.

"Do you realize your mistake? Come and join my guild honestly."

"No. UUReading www.uukanshu.net" Luo Huai's clothes were burned to tatters again, and he looked quite miserable, "And why do I, a man, want to join your guild, which is full of girls?"

Qinglin:? ? ?

"Because..." Xi Wutong came prepared this time, "Look at your pitiful panel values. Apart from my sister who kindly took you in, which other guild would want you?"

Her Dao Eye can see the basic values ​​of players who are far weaker than her.

Even though Luo Huai showed various strange things, in the face of that kind of numerical value, what she said was true.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Luo Huai's physical fitness and numerical values ​​do not match, but why is she too strong? Strengths and weaknesses all look the same to her.

"How come no one wants me anymore! I saw that the president just now was quite interested in me."

"You are very ambitious at a young age. The conditions for joining the Cross Trial Society are notoriously strict. I just asked out of curiosity. You really forgot how much you weigh, right?"

"I do not care!"

"Would you like to add it?"

"do not add!"

Luo Huai simply started fighting on the ground.

It's like a naughty kid who wants to go out to play but his parents won't let him.

Even Xi Wutong herself had the illusion of being a mother. She quickly shook her head to get rid of this terrible thought.

Not in love yet! How is it possible to just take care of the baby? terrible.

"Anyway, the matter is settled."

"Sister Wutong, the melon that you twist is not sweet." Seeing that the trick was ineffective, Luo Huai changed his words and prayed.

"Whatever sweetness you want, just quench your thirst." Xi Wutong, the female devil, was completely unreasonable.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don’t rob the boy by force…”

Luohuai's cries were everywhere in the valley.

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