I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 91 The true meaning of [Self-denial] (Day 1 of practice fragments)

"Luo Huai, there is a mountain top ahead. Go down there and hide in the ground immediately!" Qinglin found a mountain peak exposed in front of him and made a decision immediately.

Ye Kuang told him that Luo Huai had the ability to escape to the ground. In this situation, the only way to escape pursuit was underground.

"how about you?"

"I'll find another way out! Anyway, the two of us together will definitely be the most dangerous!"

"Okay, be careful!" Luo Huai didn't pretend to be pretentious. He looked at the faint mountain peak and squatted down, planning to jump down under the cover of clouds and mist.

But the eye of fate suddenly flashed brightly, warning him.

This is not urging him to jump quickly, but stopping him.

"What's going on?" Luo Huai didn't understand, but he still believed in the Eye of Destiny.

And at the moment when he hesitated, the moon blade that was chasing him instantly surpassed them and chopped down on the mountain peak.

There was no explosion, Luo Huai only saw a flash of green light in the vast white field, followed by the loud sound of huge rocks falling into the mountains.


Could it be? !

Qinglin and Luo Huai quickly flew over the peak, but there was no peak there now, replaced by a smooth cut.

The mountain is cut off!

"It seems we can't escape." Luo Huai smiled bitterly at Qing Lin, who was holding the flying sword next to him.

"Yeah, it seems there's no point in running away. We're still far away from the guild's headquarters." Qinglin let Feijian slow down slowly. There was no point in escaping.

With enemies of this level, no one except the president can save them.

"If something happens to Ye Feng around here, I'm afraid..."

"Look carefully, at least it's rare for our three brothers to die on the same day."

"This is nothing to be happy about."

The two of them closed their eyes and waited for the beheading or waist-cutting from the moon blade.

But after waiting for a long time, the death date did not come.

Luo Huai opened his eyes slightly and took a look.

But just this glance shocked him!

The demonized city lord was hovering less than two meters away from him! He could even feel the temperature on the demonized city lord's body - it came from the dark green streaks all over his body that were constantly emitting sparks.

The expanded bat wings almost enveloped the space around the two of them.

"Qinglin, what's going on?" Luo Huai asked Qinglin in a low voice.

"have no idea."

The Demonized City Lord heard their exchange and didn't pay attention. Instead, he got close to Luo Huai and smelled something with his nose. He seemed to have something he wanted to confirm.

The two of them didn't dare to move. They were as if they were being held in the palm of their hands.

"Boy, you smell like a devil..." The city lord suddenly spoke.

"I was once attacked by the devil's magic." Luo Huai didn't know if it was appropriate to reply, but now he seemed to have nothing else to do but this.

"I know that you do have the aura left by our race's magic, but that's not what I'm talking about..." The city lord's eyes that had been closed suddenly opened, "I'm talking about the smell of your soul."

Suddenly, Luo Huai and the city lord's eyes met.

In an instant, his sight was drawn into the eyes of the city lord. Countless flames, rolling magma, and a hellscape filled with nether green filled his spirit.

"It seems that your soul is very adaptable to this environment." The city lord's whisper suddenly came to his ears.

Only then did Luo Huai realize that this hell realm only gave him a shock, but no discomfort at all.

"I'm not a devil!" Luo Huai has a very clear understanding of his racial classification.

The eyes of the Eye of Destiny suddenly locked, and Luo Huai saw a standing figure in the sea of ​​flames.

"What the hell!" The city lord quickly closed his eyes and returned to his original appearance, with fear in his tone, "You can actually see into my soul!"

Luo Huai's vision returned to normal, and he quickly checked to see how Qing Lin was doing.

"I'm fine..." Qinglin raised his hand to reassure him, but he closed his eyes. Two drops of blood and tears seeped out from the corners of his eyes, leaving two blood marks on his face.

"If players other than the demon race dare to look directly into my eyes, their eyes will be burned, just like him."

The city lord seemed to have no temper that a demonized person should have. Even though he had just been frightened and lost his temper, he did not become so angry that he wanted to kill the two people immediately.

"My racial classification is beast clan."

"Maybe it was just before, but not necessarily now."

"So what? Can you still make me your subordinate?" Luo Huai's expression was tepid.

"No, I'm just curious as to why you, a member of the beast clan, smell like a devil."

"I said, I don't know."

But when he said this, Luo Huai suddenly thought of the pair of red crosses that suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"No way……"

Luo Huai suspected that if he shouted a slogan about demon transformation now, a green fire might appear on the spot.

"It seems that you have remembered something. Don't worry, think slowly, I will give you time."

Well, since the city lord is generous, Luo Huai should think about it carefully.

According to similar circumstances, the red cross eye and the devil...

The connection between these two is that they both collided with Luo Huai as spiritual attacks, and were restrained by his [Kiji]...

Wait, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett【Kenji】?

Luo Huai recalled the process of obtaining [Kenji].

The introduction only said that the attacker would see themselves in him.

But combined with the ability of the shadow that is exactly the same as himself, it can be found that he has fallen into a misunderstanding.

See yourself? Is that an illusion? But what kind of illusion can deceive someone who is not even a living being, but is just psychic energy (spiritual energy) that operates according to laws?

No, just like illusions are ineffective against elemental races, psychics see the world from a different perspective than ordinary beings. They can see through all disguises and see the essence of things from their origin.

Then these psychic powers can be mistaken for... no, not mistaken.

What the spirit can “see” is real.

"The moment I was attacked, I became the thing that attacked me... essentially." Luo Huai muttered in disbelief, which was unprecedented.

"Is that so?" The demonized city lord heard it. He didn't use vision, but his other senses were very sharp.

Moon Blade quietly approached Luo Huai's neck. He already knew the general idea. Based on the city lord's extensive knowledge, he could basically deduce similar reasons. It was originally out of interest, so now he could kill him.

It's not that he doesn't kill, he just controls himself better.

But suddenly, Luo Huai shouted again: "Wait a minute! There is still something unexplainable!"

"Young man, don't speak out of breath! It's wrong to break sentences randomly. You have to consider the feelings of the audience."

The city lord knew he was an old listener at first glance.

Luo Huai ignored his complaints and expressed his final conclusion:

"The reason why I got these abilities is because..."

(Pah! Out of context! Half of the story!)

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