As a mentally mature adult, Zhang Ping will naturally not be frightened and flustered in this situation.

He calmly entered the teaching building and found the faculty room, but when he saw outside the door that one of the teachers was also a fox with human skin, he just face doesn't change the teacher I walked through the room, but did not go in to ask for help.

The teacher does not seem to be reliable either.

These foxes are obviously alienated beasts, and it is still unknown how strong the battle strength is.

Should be exposed, these alienated beasts will do nothing but kill them in the school. Once the teacher is unreliable, then he is determined to die.

Besides, he didn't have any evidence, and he said nothing.

In case the teacher didn't believe him, he might beat the grass to scare the snake and put himself in danger.

"What a surprise!"

Zhang Ping entered the toilet, feeling a little complicated. After standing for a while, he came out again and walked towards the classroom.


There are two alienated beasts lurking in a school. Will there be more alienated beasts in the whole city?

Thinking even worse, who is the master of this city?

Zhang Ping lay on the desk, squinted his eyes and opened a small slit, looking at the scenery outside the window, and said in his heart: "It seems that my ability, there are still many things I don't understand."

The human skins attached to the two alienated beasts are very old, and it is obvious that it is not a day or two to hide in the school.

But before swallowing the gem of greed, he, like the overwhelming majority classmate, did not realize that Luo Shiyu and the teacher he did not know were alienated beasts.

So, this change must come from the gem of greed that I swallowed.

Zhang Ping opened his hand and condensed a gem of greed in a blink of an eye. He squinted at the gem of greed, and opened his mouth to eat the gem after a while.

After all, there is no stipulation that a person can only eat one greedy gem. Since this change originated from the greedy gem that he ate yesterday, what will happen if he eats another one?

After swallowing the gems, Zhang Ping blessed his soul. It was completely different from yesterday's'Human and Sword Unity'. This time he felt similar to the'interaction between heaven and man', and the whole person seemed to be sublimated.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes, only to feel that the entire world had become bright and gorgeous.

He looked at the table not far away, keenly smelled a trace of blood, and then naturally a horrible scene appeared in his eyes: the teacher in class was talking on the podium, and there was a person standing in the classroom. A huge fox was eating a student's head, and neither the teacher nor the student realized it.

[Successful identification]

[Blood-stained desk: There was once a student of good character and learning who was murdered by an alienated beast without anyone noticing it. The blood-stained desk recorded all this faithfully. 】

Zhang Ping suddenly appeared in front of two lines of words, he slightly startled, and immediately looked at other desks, but they did not inspire this unfathomable mystery's ability.

He thought for a while, looked down at him, and after staring for about one minute, suddenly lines of text began to appear before his eyes.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 89]

[innate talent]

[contract gem: consumable Physical +spirit strength condenses the contract gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the contract gem, life, soul, and consciousness will be Sovereigned by the summoner, but at the same time it will also gain the potential and luck of the summoner. After taking it for the first time, taking it again will slightly improve itself Potential, and there is a 1% probability of awakening a new innate talent. Remarks: Innate Ability obtained by summoner Zhang Ping's overdraft IQ, potential and luck, although very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Too much ambition does not seem to be a good thing. ]

[Absolute Order: You have absolute sovereignty over Summoned Beast, and Summoned Beast absolutely cannot violate your order]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s order, Summoner’s command, you will loyally execute it]

[Unstable Appraisal Technique: It can identify the target, and there is a very small probability of obtaining target information. The smaller the difference between the strengths of the two parties, the greater the probability of successfully obtaining information big. Remarks: Innate Ability, born out of the curiosity of Summoned Beast Zhang Ping and summoner Zhang Ping]

I really identified it!

Zhang Ping eyes shined, didn't expect can really identify the information.

But when he saw that Summoned Beast said it was himself and the summoner was himself, he suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Is he now considered both his own father and his own son?

Fortunately, this brings a new benefit, that is, he has absolute sovereignty over his own consciousness, which means that other creatures cannot affect his subjective consciousness.

Next, he carefully read all the information identified. Even though he was as stable as Old Dog, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked at this moment.

It turns out that his ability is not called the greed gem, but the contract gem.

The ability of the contract gem is far more powerful than he thought.

Awakening of the new innate talent means awakening the second or even the third type and fourth superpowers. This equivalent to has infinite probability.

Generally speaking, everyone has only one ability.

Although with practice, this ability will continue to become stronger, and even the way of using it will be broadened, but in the final analysis, it is still just an ability.

The contract gem can continuously enhance the potential of Summoned Beast and even inspire new abilities, which is very terrifying.

After understanding his own information, Zhang Ping has a rough idea.

What he needs to do now is to live well, as long as he lives there is hope.

But this does not mean that he will do nothing. First of all, he must figure out the true situation of the city, without asking for knowledge, at least to know whether Pearl City is the final human or an alienated beast. Have the final say.

He doesn't want his desk to become a blood-stained desk.


After class, Zhang Ping ate lunch hastily and then left school.

When he was in class, he had already figured out an excuse to go to the patrol team to find Su Jingyao, by the way, to see how many alienated beasts there are in the city.

Walking on the street, he quickly saw a human-shaped fox eating a human arm while reading a newspaper with Erlang's legs in the eyes of others in a cold weapon shop. This is just an ordinary middle age person, gnawing chicken feet and reading the newspaper.

[Identification Successful]

[Alienated Beast: Heavenly Fox]

[Race: Alienated Fox]

[Potential: Unknown]

[lifespan: unknown]

[innate talent]

[cognitive distortion: I have a position that distorts biological perception and can modify the target's perception ]

[Common sense subversion: When you do behaviors that do not conform to common sense, you can subvert the common sense of the target, force the target to be unable to detect the abnormality]

Zhang Ping continues to move forward, Did not stay in the slightest.

When he read the results of the appraisal, he immediately realized that Heavenly Fox might have penetrated the entire Pearl City.

Fortunately, he did not make a rash report, otherwise it was definitely him, not Heavenly Fox.

Next, along the way, he found a lot of Heavenly Fox, these foxes walked on the street swaggeringly, and even talked with people in a decent manner, and even the fox and the fox would bargain and even quarrel. .

They are wise, no less than human beings!

Two hours later, he came to the headquarters of the patrol team. He walked to the information desk and asked: "Excuse me, I want to find someone."

"Hello, Who do you want to find?" Behind the counter, a Heavenly Fox asked hoarsely.

Zhang Ping face doesn't change and said: "Su Jingyao, she should have just reported here today."

"Let me take a look." Heavenly Fox nodded, and then check the records.

For a moment, it looked at Zhang Ping and said: "Su Jingyao is still at the headquarters, do you need me to notify her to come over?"

"Okay, trouble you." Zhang Ping nodded and said.

[Identification Successful]

[Alienated Beast: Heavenly Fox]

[Race: Alienated Fox]

[Potential: Unknown]

[lifespan: unknown]

[innate talent]

[Cognitive Distortion: You have a position that distorts the cognition of a creature, and you can modify the cognition of the target ]

[Common sense subversion: When you do behaviors that do not conform to common sense, you can subvert the common sense of the target, force the target to be unable to detect the abnormality]

[Inexplicable trust: overwhelming majority biological I will trust you spontaneously]

The attribute of this Heavenly Fox is stronger than the previous Heavenly Fox!

Human overwhelming majority have only one type of Innate Ability, but alienated beasts do not. They generally have more than two types, and three types are not rare. This is also the fundamental reason why humans can only shrink in the city. Alienation Beasts are much stronger than humans.

In this world, if human beings are not intelligent, and know how to work together, know how to use tools, they are definitely at the bottom of the food chain.

For a moment, Zhang Ping heard the sound of footsteps and looked up, gradually showing a smile on his face.

Two Heavenly Foxes came, one of which was a Heavenly Fox with Su Jingyao's human skin on its forehead. This human skin was drenched with blood and looked terrifying.

"Zhang Ping, why are you looking for me?" Heavenly Fox walked up to Zhang Ping and asked hoarsely.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "The main reason is that you are not used to the patrol team. How do you feel? If you can’t accept it, then you might as well go farming with me."

"Who Go farming with you, and I will become stronger in the patrol team. In the future, I will go out to kill alien beasts and avenge my parents!" Heavenly Fox said ill-humoredly.

Zhang Ping sighed: "Well, it seems that you have adapted well, then I can rest assured."

"You really decided to go farming?" Heavenly Fox asked .

Zhang Ping shrugged, helplessly said: "Who makes me awaken is the useless ability, I am gone, I am afraid it will be a long, long time to see you next time."

"Well, See you next time." Heavenly Fox nodded, then turned and left.

Zhang Ping calmly walked out of the patrol team headquarters and looked up at the blue sky. It took a long time to sighed and looked like a boy who was broken in love.

Next, he enters the restaurant on the opposite corner not far away.

This restaurant just happened to see the gate of the patrol team headquarters. He ordered a cup of tea and then sat by the window.

Braveness does not mean recklessness, and anger does not mean indulgence. Zhang Ping senior is also a member of the rescue team, so although he is holding fire in his heart, the more angry he becomes, the more calm he becomes.

One afternoon passed, he got the information he needed, and then he returned to school.

The entire patrol team is not alive, all are Heavenly Fox.

This is the conclusion he concluded during an afternoon of observation, which means that no matter who it is, joining the patrol team is tantamount to being sentenced to death.

The patrol team has been completely controlled by Heavenly Fox. For Heavenly Fox, Pearl City has become an undefended hunting ground, and everyone is their livestock.

No wonder Heavenly Fox appears in even schools, because Pearl City has already fallen.

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