Three months before the graduation ceremony, the students have already started their separate journeys.

Zhang Ping did not leave school, but he did not go to the teaching building anymore. Instead, he did a three-point line of dormitories, playgrounds, and cafeterias. Base.

He is not the most prominent one. Many students do this. After all, they can only do the worst job when they leave school. There is no hope for the future, so it is better to stay in school and play more. A day is a day.

And he found that these students are safe, and almost no one has been replaced by Heavenly Fox.

In other words, Heavenly Fox targets either students with great potential or students who join key departments such as the patrol team. The others are not in a hurry because of the low threat.

For example, he, a summoner who could not obtain Summoned Beast, was destined to only farm. Naturally, there was no danger, so Heavenly Fox did not act on him immediately.

The negative example is Luo Shiyu. I remember that she had awakened extremely powerful abilities two years ago. I am afraid that on the day she was judged to be exceptionally talented, she had been targeted by Heavenly Fox.

Zhang Ping can feel that he is improving every day, and his physical fitness is getting better every day.

If it were not for the limited physical strength and spirit strength, he would definitely treat the contract gem as jelly beans. Unfortunately, after a few days, he did not awaken the new innate talent, but his potential continued to increase.

The most obvious feeling is that he has been able to do a thousand push-ups in just a few dozen days.

Furthermore, I quickly recovered my physical strength after finishing it, and I would not lie on the ground like a dead dog like before, tired unable to move even a little bit.


Zhang Ping sat on the bed, glanced at the night outside the window, and once again condensed a contract gem.

He threw the gem into his mouth and chewed slightly, then swallowed it.

This time, he suddenly felt completely silent. It seemed that the entire world had lost his voice. It took a long time to escape from the silence, and the sound of crickets and frogs sounded again.

He immediately released his appraisal.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 89]

[innate talent]

[contract gem: available Consume physical strength + spirit strength to condense the contract gem. Once the target accepts the contract gem voluntarily, the life, soul, and consciousness will be Sovereigned by the summoner, but at the same time it will also gain the potential and luck of the summoner. After the first use, the second use will be slightly improved. One's own potential, and there is a 1% probability of awakening a new innate talent. Remarks: Innate Ability obtained by summoner Zhang Ping's overdraft IQ, potential and luck, although very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Too much ambition does not seem to be a good thing. ]

[Absolute Order: You have absolute sovereignty over Summoned Beast, and Summoned Beast absolutely cannot violate your order]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s order, Summoner’s command, you will loyally execute it]

[Unstable Appraisal Technique: It can identify the target, and there is a very small probability of obtaining target information. The smaller the difference between the strengths of the two parties, the greater the probability of successfully obtaining information Large, the first identification is successful, and the success probability of subsequent identification of the same target will be greatly improved. Remarks: Innate Ability, born out of the curiosity of Summoned Beast Zhang Ping and summoner Zhang Ping]

[nightwalker: Obtain night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, movement speed is greatly increased, and weight Descent, completely invisible in the shadow. ]

Sure enough, there is an Innate Ability!

Zhang Ping does not need identification, the body feels it first.

After all, it's night time, and the improvement of eyesight and weight loss will be very obvious.

He got out of bed and tried it, and found that his body was much lighter, he could touch the ceiling with a slight jump, and there was almost no sound when he landed.

Under the dark night vision, the dark city outside the window becomes bright.

He even saw a huge raptor with its wings spread over 12 meters flying through the sky with billowing black smoke.

If this bird of prey descends from the sky and attacks the city, the consequences will be disastrous.

This world is too dangerous.

Zhang Ping put out a breath slightly, then turned and walked into the bathroom.

Just now he discovered that his potential has increased by one star. Originally his potential was three stars, but now it has become four stars. The most obvious change the body can feel is the addition of an innate talent, but there are still many hidden changes that he needs to explore on his own.

In the bathroom, he did two thousand five hundred push-ups in one breath. If he uses a compulsory order, it is estimated that he can do about three thousand.

Of course, this is related to the weight loss, and it is estimated that it will be greatly reduced during the day.

The five senses have become more acute.

Many voices that were inaudible before can now be heard vaguely as long as they are concentrated one's mind.

For example, the sound of teeth grinding while sleeping next door.

"I don't know what level I am equivalent to now?"

Zhang Ping came out of the bathroom and lay on the bed, thinking to himself.

Awakened is hierarchical and not complicated.

All awakened abilities can be classified as Level 1 awakened.

The primary level awakened is between Level 1 and 9, and when the breakthrough is at level 10, it is intermediate awakened.

Intermediate awakened breakthrough Level 20 will naturally become high level awakened, and then top awakened.

As for the top awakened, it is said that there are King-level awakened, but Pearl City has never seen King, even the City Lord is only the top awakened.

King is just a legend that has been passed down between awakened.


second day.

Zhang Ping wakes up half an hour earlier than usual. When he woke up, he was in the playground and his body was running automatically.

He did not change the order, but carefully felt his mental state.

Very good, very energetic.

I didn't feel sleepy because of waking up too early.

Zhang Ping estimates that it should be an increase in potential, so the sleep time he needs is reduced.

After running, he walked to the cafeteria automatically, and everything went in order until'Luo Shiyu' appeared.

"Luo Shiyu, good morning!"

"Luo Shiyu, let me line up for you, what do you want to eat?"

" I’m a little sleepy. When I see Luo Shiyu, I feel refreshed."

The huge fox with Luo Shiyu's human skin on his forehead walked slowly in the crowd, even though Zhang Ping’s strength has improved. , Still feel a chill.

Suddenly, Heavenly Fox walked to a girl, stretched out the sharp claw, pinched the girl’s neck and lifted it up, dragging her forward like a buffet.

Zhang Ping lowered his head and held the chopsticks tightly in his hands. He gritted his teeth slightly and ordered himself to continue eating until Heavenly Fox passed him, trying to eat everything before the bloody smell came over. .

When he left the cafeteria, many people in the cafeteria were still envious that the female classmate was selected by'Luo Shiyu' and could have breakfast with'Luo Shiyu'.

In the eyes of the classmates, Heavenly Fox was eating with the female classmate, but in Zhang Ping's eyes, the female classmate was torn apart by a terrifying fox and was Cruelly eaten.

We must find out the real situation of Pearl City as soon as possible!

It is necessary to confirm the difference between the strength of the enemy and ourselves!

Zhang Ping clenched his fists, returned to the dormitory and closed the door to start exercising.

"Push-ups a thousand times!"

He ordered to himself in his heart, and then his body began to move.

"Five hundred sit-ups!"

After a thousand push-ups, Zhang Ping was sweating profusely, but then he ordered himself again.

"Three hundred leapfrogs!"

"Come again!"

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth with flames burning in his eyes, and roared in his heart.

He has been exercising frantically all morning.

Pearl Ability Academy teaches students how to judge whether their body is overloaded, so as long as the limit is not reached, he will never stop!

At noon, he rested for two hours after eating, and then he got up again and started punching.

Pearl Ability Academy has boxing classes. Before students have the ability to awaken, the main training is physical fitness, boxing, and weapon use.

In addition to the basic boxing method, the boxing class will also teach a boxing method called'Pearl Three Fists'.

This is a boxing method created by many awakened ancestors specifically for alienated beasts. There are nine strokes at first, and then gradually reduced to three strokes.

The name has gradually changed from Pearl Nine Boxing to Pearl Three Fists, but everyone is generally referred to as'Bright Fist' for short.

Bright Fist 1st move is called'chasing the mouse'.

This is a move to attack the bottom road, specifically for alienated beasts that are smaller than itself. This move momentum is big, power is deep. This move momentum is big, power is deep.

Bright Fist 2nd move is called'Benwolf'.

This move is specifically aimed at alienated beasts that are similar to their own body, paying attention to hitting the eyes, ears, and spine.

Bright Fist 3rd move is named'Prison Bull'.

This move requires extremely high footwork, not aiming to achieve the best possible result but rather trying to avoid making mistakes. It is specifically used to target alien beasts that are much larger than their own. Power-based.

Although there are only three tricks, there are different ways to respond to different situations.

Many flesh-enhanced awakened have been studying these three tricks all their lives. It is said that City Lord is the Bright Fist Grandmaster, and can even use Bright Fist to kill alien beasts above level 30 with bare hands.

Although Zhang Ping is not physically strengthened awakened, it has the potential for continuous improvement of the contract gem. His body strength may not be weaker than the physically strengthened awakened in the future, so he does not plan on training in boxing and weapons give up.

After cultivation until the evening, Zhang Ping went to the cafeteria to have a good meal, and then went back to the dormitory to continue the cultivation.

Night is falling.

At nine o'clock, Zhang Ping changed into black clothes after taking a shower, and then walked out of the dormitory.

There are lower grade students taking advantage of the night on the playground. Zhang Ping walked out along the edge of the playground and glanced at the girls’ dormitory from a distance. His fists hidden in his pockets were silently clenched. tight.

He is still too weak now.

Leaving school, he walked through the night. Because of the innate talent of nightwalker, all passers-by did not notice his existence.

He walked through the streets around the school like a ghost, silently recording the information of Heavenly Fox in his heart.

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