Zhang Ping took a full morning to pick out the iron beads from the dough one after another.

In the afternoon, he was arranged by Liu Tiefeng to be familiar with various materials. Most of the special materials of Pearl City are mainly derived from alienated beasts and mutant plants.

For example, the red chain snake, which was originally an ordinary red chain snake, is a non-poisonous snake.

But after becoming an alienated beast, this kind of snake will change from a poisonous snake to a poisonous snake. Not only will it grow fangs that secrete fire poison, but also the scales of the whole body will also be alienated. The defensive power is very powerful. , It can also emit high temperatures, leaving burnt marks wherever it passes.

Zhang Ping does not exclude learning these contents, even more attentive than studying mathematics, physics and chemistry in his previous life. While teaching Liu Tiefeng, he also said in passing that he used to collect materials and deal with alienated beasts when he was young. method.

These methods are actually valuable experience.

Zhang Ping spent the next two days studying until the night of the 22nd.

The other party asked him to meet in the small park behind the sirloin ramen shop on the 23rd, but he planned to step on the spot first and get familiar with the environment.

After all, after the original owner attended the Mingzhu Ability Academy, the last time he returned to the orphanage was three years ago. Zhang Ping does not know what changes there is now.

After confirming that Liu Tiefeng was asleep, Zhang Ping took advantage of the night and left the Iron Soul.

He already wears an assassination ring, just like the ghost of the night.

Not far from the Iron Soul, a Heavenly Fox with a brawny man's skin on his forehead was staring at the shop sign boredly.

It did not find that Zhang Ping had left the window on the side of the shop at all, and even subconsciously ignored his task, just staring at the shop blankly.

Suspicious, suspicious.

How can the fox not be suspicious.

'Luo Shiyu' never let go of his doubts about Zhang Ping.

But it thinks that if Zhang Ping is really a suspect, then he is definitely not the main leader.

So it sent its men to monitor Zhang Ping's every move, hoping to discover the rebellious forces among human beings.

The problem is that Zhang Ping’s behavior is normal during the day. At night, because of the effects of the nightwalker and the assassination ring, the Heavenly Fox sent by it still remembers what the mission is, but it always subconsciously ignores the key information and takes a few days. No gain.

Tonight is the last surveillance.

If not found again, this Heavenly Fox will give up monitoring Zhang Ping.


No surprises and no dangers along the way.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Ping came to the small park.

This small park is very different from the park in his memory. There are many trees in the originally flat open space. These trees are not high, nor are they particularly dense, but after entering the small park, they have a feeling of being in the forest.

Something is wrong.

Zhang Ping couldn't help holding the dagger hidden in his sleeve.

He has a feeling of being peeped, and there are others in the woods.

Suddenly, he saw a red light flashing on the right side, he immediately adjusted his posture, and then saw a mouse about the size of an adult domestic cat walking out from behind a tree.

This is an alienated beast!

Zhang Ping makes a judgment as soon as he sees the mouse, and then initiates the appraisal.

[Identification Successful]

[Alienation Beast: Armored Venomous Rat]

[Race: Alienation Rat]

[Potential: ⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 50]

[level: primary level alienated beast]

[level: 5]

[Innate talent]

[Poisonous Tail: The bone spurs at the end of the tail contain highly poisonous]

[Hardened fur: Fur is like armor, defensive power is greatly improved, but it is also agile Descending]


Fortunately, it is just a primary level alienated beast.

There is a level gap between the two levels and Level 5, but the gap is not big.

Zhang Ping feel relieved after watching, if there is an intermediate alienated beast, I am afraid he will not escape to death tonight.

But even the primary level alienated beast can't be careless.

After all, the identification results have shown that the tail of this armored poison-tailed rat is highly poisonous.

Because of lack of experience, Zhang Ping did not carry antidote with him when he went out.

As far as he knows, all alienated beasts are extremely poisonous.

If you don’t carry a universal antidote with you, you can basically declare death once you are poisoned.

Don’t be careless.

But there is no need to be overly frightened.

It's like encountering a poisonous snake, as long as you don't get bitten.

Zhang Ping right hand squeezed the dagger tightly, focusing on the armored venomous rat.

This armored venomous rat did not act rashly, but walked around Zhang Ping, looking for Zhang Ping’s weak spot.

The IQ of alienated beasts is not low, and some traps that are effective against ordinary animals can hardly have an effect on alienated beasts.

They will be more cautious than ordinary animals to test their prey. If the prey is too strong, they will take the initiative to evacuate, and if the prey is found to be weak, they will take advantage of its weakness.

Zhang Ping ordered himself to remain calm, and then went through all the knowledge points learned in school to deal with alienated beasts in his head, and next moment chose to take the initiative.

In an instant, his feet exerted strength, and the whole person was like a cheetah in the dark.

The armored venomous rat is full of bristles. Except for the elemental awakened, most awakened will attack the eyes when encountering the armored venomous rat. This is the most obvious key to the armored venomous rat.

The sharp blade of Beauty Tears pierced the key of the armored venomous rat. The armored venomous rat couldn't dodge, so it simply curled its body into a ball and rotated it clockwise to unload its force. Zhang Ping aimed at the critical blow , Finally fell on the hard fur of the armored venomous rat, but most of its strength was taken off.

The fur of the armored rat is very hard.

Even though the dagger in Zhang Ping's hand is extremely sharp, after being removed from the overwhelming majority power, it is still difficult to damage the armored venomous rat.

If a hit is missed, Zhang Ping immediately retreats.

The curled body of the armored venomous rat stretched out fiercely, staring at Zhang Ping with scarlet eyes, and the tail pierced continuously.

Because of its height, the attack points of the armored rat's tail are all on Zhang Ping's knees. Zhang Ping can't block it, so he has to stand on tiptoe back and forth and quickly pull away from the armored rat distance.

Seeing that a series of attacks have failed, the armored venomous rat stopped the offensive and chose to save his energy.

One meter away, Zhang Ping panted, sweating on his forehead.

It was mainly the attack just now, he hardly reserved his strength, and the subsequent series of dodges were not to be careless.

Sure enough, actual combat is more physically demanding than exercise.

Pearl Ability Academy has special courses to teach how to allocate and save energy.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and simply changed the posture of holding the dagger. At the same time, the way of standing also changed. His left foot was in front and his right foot was behind, and his hands gradually raised.

Bright Fist · Mouse chasing style!

Zhang Ping knows very well that it is impossible to play the formidable power of chasing rats by relying on his own fists.

So he still didn't give up the dagger, but used Bright Fist's methods to deal with small alienated beasts.

His speed is faster than the armored venomous rat. The armored venomous rat dare not act rashly after he has pulled a distance. In fact, he can continue to retreat and get rid of the armored venomous rat completely.

The problem is that the patrol team is already occupied by Heavenly Fox, and he can't find someone to ask for help.

If he does not solve the armored poison-tailed rat in front of him, then tomorrow if a child from the orphanage comes to play in the park, he may be killed.

This is a result he cannot accept.

Take a deep breath.

He stepped towards the armored venomous rat again.

The body of the armored venomous rat shrank slightly, but its tail was raised high, looking like a big scorpion.

Suddenly, Zhang Ping accelerated violently, first attacking the right side of the armored venom tail, and then turned to the left when the armored venom tail stabbed to the right.

However, the armored venom rat reacted very quickly, the tail'S' twisted, and it immediately pierced Zhang Ping's protruding arm.

There is a weak spot.

Zhang Ping eyes shined, with both legs fiercely Horse-Riding Stance, pressing down the center of gravity fiercely.

He pressed down with a horse stride, and his hand also changed trajectory, which happened to be staggered with the tail of the armored rat.

This is the middle door of the armored venomous rat wide open. Faced with a punch of rash change, it is already inevitable. He can only use his whole body and try his best to retreat.

But it's too late.

It hasn't started yet, and then its head is punched by Zhang Ping.

this fist momentum is big, power is deep, even if the armored venomous rat is protected by bristles, it is still black in front of it.

When it recovers its eyesight, a sabre light strikes instantly.

Zhang Ping's hand holding a dagger pierced into the eyes of the armored venomous rat, and instantly pierced the eyeball of the armored venomous rat, and then the dagger drove straight in, penetrating the brain of the armored venomous rat.

However, at the last second before the armored venomous rat died, the body also reacted instinctively. The body curled up and its tail pierced Zhang Ping's wrist.

Zhang Ping has always been guarding against the tail of the armored venomous rat. When the armored venomous rat curls up, he flies back.

In the blink of an eye, the battle is over.

The last counterattack of the armored venomous rat failed, the corpse fell on the ground, and blood flowed out of its eye sockets.


Zhang Ping took two steps back, slightly relaxed.

This result is not unexpected.

After all, it is night, he has the nightwalker innate talent, and he has a huge advantage.

In addition, the weakness of this alienated beast is very obvious.

Because the defensive power of the armored venomous rat's fur has greatly increased, so the weight will increase accordingly, which leads to the slower speed of the armored venomous rat. Zhang Ping moves faster at night due to weight loss. Under the circumstances, the armored venomous rat is difficult to avoid.

However, the appearance of this armored venomous rat is a bit strange, and the nightwalker adds an assassination ring. In theory, the armored venomous rat is impossible to notice him.

He looked at all around, considering that his physical strength was not light, and finally did not stay there, but turned and left decisively.

A few minutes later, a woman in a light green military uniform appeared next to the armored venomous rat corpse. She squatted down to examine the cause of death of the armored venom rat.

"Sister Sisi, do you think your old friend is a human or an alienated beast?" She lifted the armored venomous rat with her hand and asked.

I don't know when, there was already a white clothed woman standing behind her. The woman was wearing an ice mask and her hair was still emitting a faint white mist.

"I don't know, but I hope he is human." The woman said lightly.

Although the organization has determined that alienated beasts have entered the city, it has only mastered the identity of a few alienated beasts. Every time an organization member enters the city, it is quite dangerous.

If Zhang Ping's abnormal or even weird behavior was not for the attention of the organization, she would not rashly contact Zhang Ping.

"But... if my life talisman is shattered tomorrow, you will directly detonate the black chamber." The woman thought for a while, and then added.

After all, she insists on contacting Zhang Ping, and she must take responsibility for any accident.

The girl in military uniform was silent for a moment, opened the mouth and said: "In my opinion, Zhang Ping must be an alienated beast. Just kill it."

"No, at least I can be sure , Zhang Ping's killing intent was true that night." The white clothed woman denied.

The girl in military uniform stood up and looked at the body of the armored poison-tailed rat, and sighed: "I hope you are right, Sister Sisi, at least he didn't eat this stinky rat in one bite, maybe it's really a human being."

"Well, it is not suitable to stay here for long, let's go." said the white clothed woman.

Then the two men cleaned up the body of the armored poison-tailed rat and quickly disappeared into the night.


Second day, Zhang Ping wakes up early.

Today, he decided to try the'kneading forging technique' again in the morning.

In the past two days, he will still take contract gem on time in the morning. Although the exercise method has been changed to face-to-face, his physical strength consumption is higher than usual, just because he can feel his progress. That's why he gave up his usual exercises and focused on the face-to-face exercises.

After eating the contract gem, he picked up the prepared materials and put them in the fire, while Liu Tiefeng smoked a cigarette to guide him.

Probably because of psychological preparation, the high temperature did not force him back. He gritted his teeth and insisted on the movements of his hands, crushing and rubbing the various materials evenly.

Suddenly, he felt a burning pain in his stomach and couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

Who knows this inhalation, the flame in the fire was sucked out of the stove by him, and it was sucked into his nose like a stream of water, and the warm flame went down his throat into his stomach At the same time, he felt that he was full of energy, and the rubbing movement became smoother.

Any new innate talent?

Zhang Ping thought to himself, but because the forging was not over yet, he didn't dare to distract himself, instead he focused more on the movements of his hands.

Liu Tiefeng on the side didn't say anything. After all, each awakened in Pearl City has different abilities, all kinds of strange things, he has already seen it all.

But after a while, he felt that something was wrong, opened the mouth and said: "The temperature of the stove is too low, so add firewood."

Zhang Ping also realized that he had just sucked Take too much heat, quickly free a hand to add firewood.

When the flames became vigorous again, he continued the action at hand.

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