[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 89]

[level: primary level awakened]

[level: 2]

[innate talent]

[contract gem: can consume physical strength + spirit strength to condense the contract gem, once the target voluntarily accepts the contract gem, life, soul, and consciousness will be summoner Sovereign, but at the same time The summoner's potential and luck blessings, after taking it for the first time, taking it again will slightly increase its potential, and there is a 1% probability of awakening a new innate talent. Remarks: Innate Ability obtained by summoner Zhang Ping's overdraft IQ, potential and luck, although very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Too much ambition does not seem to be a good thing. ]

[Absolute Order: You have absolute sovereignty over Summoned Beast, and Summoned Beast absolutely cannot violate your order]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s order, You will loyally execute the summoner's command]

[Stable version of Appraisal Technique: Appraisal Technique can be used to identify the target, and there is a very small probability of obtaining target information. The smaller the difference between the strengths of the two parties, the greater the probability of successfully obtaining information , The first identification is successful, and the success probability of subsequent identification of the same target will be greatly improved. Remarks: Innate Ability, born out of the curiosity of Summoned Beast Zhang Ping and summoner Zhang Ping]

[nightwalker: Obtain night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, movement speed is greatly increased, and weight Falling down, completely invisible in the shadows]

[fire eater: can restore physical strength by swallowing flames, and convert excess flames into Fire Element energy, which is stored in the body. After the energy is released, it will temporarily gain the flame winding effect until Fire Element storage is exhausted.

This ability will gradually increase the user’s high temperature resistance.

Remarks: After all, potential is only potential. Only when it is realized as strength is the real power]


After some effort, Zhang Ping will The materials are put into the mold, hit with a sledgehammer, and poured with kerosene, then he sits on the ground to rest, and check his attributes by the way.

immediately, he found that his potential was one star missing.

But after reading the remarks of the new innate talent, he realized the meaning of potential.

The so-called potential is not strength.

It is the unrealized power in his body.

Only through exercise or new innate talent can the potential be turned into strength.

The potential of other awakened and even alienated beasts is limited, but Zhang Ping can continuously strengthen its potential through the contract gem, and then realize its potential into strength through training and awakening new innate talent.

This is a broad and open road with no end in sight!

Actually, after reading the remarks, Zhang Ping remembered a little detail of the previous observation of Heavenly Fox.

He observes the adult Heavenly Fox, most of the potential is only two stars, but the Heavenly Fox cub he wants to kill has the potential of four stars.

At the time, he mistakenly thought that the cub was a genius in Heavenly Fox, so he had a stronger potential.

Now he realized that with hindsight, he realized that it was because the potential of the Heavenly Fox cub had not yet been realized as strength.

"No, I added a star when I awakened the nightwalker."

Zhang Ping quickly remembered the night when he awakened the nightwalker, but it’s not easy to say. After all, how much potential nightwalker would consume him, he didn't know.

Different levels of abilities definitely consume different potentials.

For example, he was classified as useless.

If it is a truly useless ability, it must consume very little potential.

According to this idea, the ability of nightwalker may have limited potential, or the potential was not much consumed at that time.

Awakened's ability level is actually difficult to accurately identify, and the examiner can only make judgments based on past experience.

Currently, Pearl City divides abilities into seven levels: The ability that can't cause influence, the ability that has no usefulness, such as: farting to silence the sound, alien death.

'Fart muffling' is a well-known ability of the Pearl Ability Academy. Its awakened name is unknown, but the ability is very simple and easy to understand, that is, the sound of his fart will be eliminated. .

In the first grade, teachers will repeatedly use this ability as an example.

While awakened possesses the'alien death light', his eyes can shoot light waves that cannot be seen by creatures. This kind of light waves can kill all aliens in seconds.

The problem is that there has never been an alien in Pearl City so far, so this ability is also classified as useless. The reason is that the target of the ability does not exist.

[Convenience Level]

It can provide some convenience for itself, but it cannot be used for combat abilities.

For example: cold immunity, tooth regeneration.

There was an awakened who was awakened from a cold and later became a doctor.

He is committed to studying viruses that can cause colds in humans, and even wants to use viruses as weapons. Finally, he accidentally infected a virus that does not cause colds but can cause fever. As a result, his brain burned out. idiot.

[Practical level]

The ability to provide positive help for yourself.

For example: storage space, food gain, eagle eye, olfactory enhancement.

In fact, the development potential of the first three abilities is not bad. The reason why they are classified as practical level is mainly because the awakened of these three abilities are often difficult to advance. Most of them stop at the intermediate level. It is difficult to break through as a high-level capable person.

To put it simply, the potential of these three abilities is exhausted at the intermediate level.

Most of the subsequent levels are the same as the practical level. If they are strengthened without limit, they can be very powerful. The problem is that after the potential is exhausted, they will stop at different levels, so they are divided. To different levels.

There is another situation that can also cause the ability to be degraded, that is, the conditions for launching the ability are too harsh.

Zhang Ping’s contract gem only consumes physical strength and spirit strength, but the ability to activate the conditions is to consume soul, luck, lifespan, humanity, etc.

Because this type of ability cannot be used frequently, it will also lower the rating.

【Practical level】

Abilities that can be used in combat, such as: Iron Body, rapid healing, enhancement of the five senses, Appraisal Technique.

[City Defender]

Have the ability to grow into the potential of protecting a city, such as: mind control, gravity manipulation, equipment forging, Heavenly Eye.

[Guardian level]

Have the ability to grow into the potential of guarding a country, for example: Sixth Sense strengthens and predicts the future.

[Infinite Level]

Have unimaginable potential and abilities whose limits cannot be determined, such as: ability replication, Divine Item forging, Divine Vision.


Among these seven levels, all awakening actual combat-level abilities are eligible to join the patrol team and investigation team, and some special practical-level abilities are also available after inspection Eligibility to join the organization.

For example, those with storage space capabilities in the practical level are mostly absorbed by the three major organizations as logisticians.

Pearl Ability Academy Most of the awakened abilities are convenient and practical. Only a few geniuses can reach the actual combat level. For example, Su Jingyao’s awakened divine sense power is the actual combat level. Lifting an object weighing nearly half a ton, although it can only last for thirty seconds.

There is also Zhang Chen that Su Jingyao mentioned at the beginning. His'Rock Armor' is also a combat-level ability.

As for the higher defensive level, the Pearl Ability Academy only has one, and that is Luo Shiyu.

Luo Shiyu’s ability is temperature control. She can easily change the temperature within ten meters of her body. If it weren't for being killed prematurely by Heavenly Fox, with her potential, sooner or later she could become the pillar of Pearl City.

As for the next level, the National Protection and Infinite Level, Pearl City has not appeared in hundreds of years, and the owner only exists in textbooks.

For example, infinite-level ability replication, Pearl City once appeared in Pearl City two hundred years ago.

This person with ability can copy all abilities below the national protection level. As for whether he can copy the ability of infinite level, because his contemporaries only have an infinite ability, so no one can experiment. The answer is unknown.

Zhang Ping is basically certain that the contract gem ability is absolutely unlimited.

He doesn't even need to copy someone's abilities, as long as he keeps swallowing the contract gem, he will naturally be able to awaken all kinds of abilities.

Almighty is only a matter of time.

He didn't continue thinking, after all, potential is only potential.

Although he has now gained a new ability, he is still primary level awakened, and any intermediate awakened can take him to the ground.


The second forging failed without surprise.

Because the fire eater's ability suddenly awakened, the temperature in the furnace was too low for a period of time, which resulted in part of the material not being well integrated into the iron essence. As a result, there were a lot of cracks in the pattern of the pearl knife. Need to test the knife, you can tell that this knife is useless.

Zhang Ping was a little disappointed, but because of awakening new abilities, he was not depressed.

He simply sits by the stove, constantly absorbing the flame in the stove, once the flame is weak, he adds firewood, and then continues to absorb the flame.

Because I just awakened, the fire eater has limited reserves of the Fire Element. After half an hour of smoking, Zhang Ping felt full.

He can feel an extra energy in his body. This energy is not stored in a certain body organ, but dispersed throughout the body with the blood. When he wants to control this energy, This energy flows with his mind like a stream of heat.

It’s like getting a new toy. He has been manipulating this heat flow throughout the noon, sometimes focusing the heat flow in his fists, sometimes focusing the heat flow in his legs, and even tried to lift the anus to remove the heat flow. Focus on an unspeakable part.

To be honest, this ability is much more fun than contract gem and nightwalker.

Contract gem is powerful, but it is only a gem in the end. Both the visual effects and the feeling of manipulation are relatively ordinary. When using it, it may seem like suddenly becoming a little tired and a little sleepy, because of physical strength and The spirit strength is consumed.

As for nightwalker, it is only passively enhanced at night, which can only be regarded as a passive ability.

The fire eater is different.

The fire eater allows him to swallow the flames and manipulate the Fire Element energy in his body.

strictly speaking, this is where he really comes into contact with superpowers that can be manipulated.

By the evening, he can already manipulate a small amount of Fire Element energy to wrap around his fingers. Once this energy leaks from the fingers, it will turn into flames and wrap around the fingers, at least from the visual effects. , This ability is really cool.

One more thing, Zhang Ping discovered that the Fire Element in his body can actually resist the cold when he is full of energy, which gives him more confidence to meet the mysterious woman who stuffed him with a note.

At night, after eating, he inhaled another flame.

After confirming that Liu Tiefeng was asleep, he left the Iron Soul and set off toward the small park.

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