Zhang Ping back the soul of iron, the only feeling is poor.

dojo fees are too expensive, even a small dojo, fees are between 300-500, he needs to save at least a few months to be able to apply the most basic items.

"do not know can not apply for funding to Liu Sishan activities."

Zhang Ping lying in bed before going to bed suddenly thought, Liu Sishan organization is located, it should be very rich .

Next week, Zhang Ping's life is very regular.

During the day he left the iron in the soul of learning, then go out in the evening to continue the investigation of the dojo, Shun looked towards Liu Sishan identify Heavenly Fox.

sweep team and he will not be shot in the Heavenly Fox identify immediately after, but from time to time to clean up shot Heavenly Fox, until several days later, Zhang Ping only to find there are a few Heavenly Fox disappeared.

apparently swept team shot.

Zhang Ping is very clear, remove the team does not trust him, after all, did not mention Liu Sishan own organization where what reason he knows is sweeping team, simply because he Appraisal Technique and upgrade a.

contract gem can upgrade potential, and the potential for a total of three directions consumption.

The first potential is slowly released through exercise.

so he can continue to breakthrough human limits, with ordinary people difficult to match fitness, continue to exercise it, he felt one day talk to physically strengthen awakened lines under a high.

The second is to have a new awakening percent probability of innate talent.

To some extent, Zhang Ping can be considered Luck Emperor, after all, he has awakened three kinds of Innate Ability.

is the original third innate talent upgrade.

From the 'unstable Appraisal Technique' to 'stable version Appraisal Technique', because Appraisal Technique can be said that most of the skills used by Zhang Ping, so this skill upgrade fast, two days ago and evolution to 'Tactics Appraisal Technique'.

Tactics Appraisal Technique, camp goals can be identified or forces belong, if there is no target camp camp is not displayed.

He requalification Liu Sishan after skills upgrading, in order to know each other belong forces called sweep team.

There is finally the cheek of his application for funding activities to Liu Sishan.

Liu Sishan in the second day of his application for funding activities gave him 10000 Pearl currency.

With active funds, Zhang Ping ready to join a dojo beating case, and other similar understanding, and then choose a few trusted Hall Master tried to make contact, see if you can draw more than a few battle strength .


Zhang Ping came Beastmaster Fist hall again.

In fact, is not the best choice Beastmaster Fist Museum, the problem is ...... it close enough to the soul of iron.

Zhang Ping bought a Beastmaster Fist style of the first three courses, and finally into the dojo in the room, dojo, a total of 5-Layer, where the two alive on the ground, there are three layers in the ground.

Under the leadership of the waiter small elder sister, Zhang Ping came to a room.

The room has a lot of apprentices, but these apprentices are generally aged between 25 and 30, Zhang Ping misfits in the crowd, until a young boy with him almost come, the situation is slightly better.


The boy next to conspire Zhang Ping, opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping nodded and said:. "Hello"

"You also learn to Beastmaster Fist?" Wang Jieming road.

Zhang Ping Mimi seeing each other Tucao said: "we can not come to learn flower arranging it."

"ah, sorry, asked superfluous words, my name is Wang Jieming. "Young realized that he asked a stupid question, touched the back of the head, sorry and said.

Zhang Ping self-introduced: ". Zhang Ping"

Fortunately, vapid dialogue to this end, because instructors come.

instructor is a brawny young reckoned at between 40-50, and in fact overwhelming majority fleshy body are awakened to strengthen the Department of burly majestic, all of them are muscular big brother.

This instructor keep the beard, like a wolf with a pair of eyes, you can see he has a pair of canine teeth when opening.

Zhang Ping, when instructors introduce themselves directly launch Appraisal Technique, then instructor intelligence was identified.

[successful identification]

[Name: Bai De]

[Race: Human]

[forces: Beastmaster Fist Museum]

[potential: ⭐]

[lifespan: 159]

[other bands: high level awakened]

[level: 25 ]

[innate talent]

{fill-shaped food: gradually changing physique through food. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Ben wolf form: to stimulate the body potential strength, gradually transformed into a human wolf form, greatly enhance the speed]

[mad battle lion form: to stimulate the body potential strength, strong lion into a human form, full-body strengthening]



to see the light from the attribute, with almost Liu Sishan a long short.

But Liu Sishan and Bai De stronger ones, it might have played know, after all, how fast Ben wolf form, how strong fighting mad lion form, just look at the literal description is hard to imagine.

Bai De themselves after the introduction, there is no nonsense, but directly to the question.

"Beastmaster Fist-type three, respectively Monkey King Style, Giant Crocodile Style, Phoenix Claw Style, like Bright Fist, three type corresponding to three biological, Monkey King Style varied action, nothing stereotypes , Giant Crocodile Style exercise that power, born after the Great Accomplishment can tear Tiger Balm, Phoenix Claw Style refers to the same force has a high requirement, I recommend that you learn Giant Crocodile Style, and finally learn Phoenix Claw Style. "

"well, then we are actually learning, action to follow me."

Bai De finished, then began to teach Monkey King Style.

Monkey King Style not imitate apes moves, but a very fast attack speed of boxing, was called Monkey King Style, that is to take the 'hard core ape given' meaning.

boxing has a matching footwork, Zhang Ping felt when learning of this step is the Monkey King Style of the essence.

first class, we all learned very slow, mainly because of an error, is not willing to slow rather wrong.

Bai De teach the First Style, Then you repeat the exercise has been so apprentices, he apprenticed in the shuttle, and continue to correct a wrong with each apprentice.

Zhang Ping when he walked around, looked at trying to get it nodded and said: time. "Yes, continue"

When he went to Wang Jieming around, suddenly brows frowned, next constantly corrected Wang Jieming action, but after every correction, Wang Jieming action again very quickly out of shape.

"feet, watch your feet."

"No, your feet point is not in force toes, but in the heel, optimistic about."

"your pelvis is not to separate from the lower body? otherwise, how do upper body and lower body move did not fit?"


Bai De teach more than ten minutes, and finally completely silent.

He thought, walked over to Zhang Ping, opened the mouth and said: "You try to learn from him."

Sometimes, the combat is the best teacher.

Some people just extraordinary natural talent, so he obediently learn, learn a few years may neither entry and honestly, but in actual combat but can be quickly improved.

Bai De Wang Jieming is now counting on this type of genius, or want church Wang Jieming Beastmaster Fist three, absolute is a painful task. The remaining

Let apprentice slightly open, Zhang Ping and Wang Jieming opposition stations.

"not allowed to use other capabilities, can only use the Monkey King Style, begin it." Bai De said.

Zhang Ping instant shot, his feint to the left a bit, then dart from the right side to Wang Jieming, Wang Jieming immediately instinctive punch shot, Zhang Ping is like a monkey climbing a tree, the body close to Wang Jieming arm forward, then a punch in Wang Jieming facade, but in the end he turn on the water, and did not exert oneself.


Bai De They looked at the field, and finally sighed, Zhang Ping Wang Jieming play like adults beating and hanging baby, there is no suspense.

Obviously, Wang Jieming not combat-type genius.

all around the awakened were all joking, discerning eye can see, Zhang Ping has not generally turn on the water, but let a sea.

Wang Jieming with Zhang Ping about the same age, but the strength of far worse.

At least, the Monkey King Style this move, Zhang Ping has reached the entry-level, and even fur Wang Jieming have not learned.

"Well, stop it." Bai De sighed.

Zhang Ping cup one fist in the other hand Road: "you let me win"


Wang Jieming just smile, adventurer see a Zhang Ping turn on the water, as he was a beaten, naturally more clear, every Zhang Ping fist hit him collect all the fresh, otherwise he would have beaten vomiting blood.

"You do not fit boxing, I will refund the tuition." Bai De came to Wang Jieming he said.

Wang Jieming quickly opened the mouth and said: "! White instructor, I want to study, believe me, I can learn"


Bai De some silent, he really did not want to teach Wang Jieming.

Each instructor can teach apprentices on so much, taught genius soon finished apprenticeship, teach deadwood you need to spend a lot of time, the same time, teach a no innate talent of his apprentices have enough teach three or four genius.

"let me learn a few days, I beg you, white instructors." Wang Jieming Distressed Road.

Bai De helplessly said: "Then for five days, if within five days Monkey King Style has not started, I only refund seventy percent."

"OK, Thank white instructors. "Wang Jieming immediately promised.

Zhang Ping curious, Wang Jieming since there is no innate talent, why should hard to learn boxing, from Wang Jieming physique look, not like fleshy body strengthening awakened system.

Because of curiosity, he decided to use the Appraisal Technique for Wang Jieming.

[success] Identification

[Name: Wang Jieming]

[Race: Human]

[potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 92]

[oRDER: primary level awakened]

[level: 5]

[innate talent]

[Qinnengbuzhuo: 90% reduction in the ability to learn any skills can be promoted by exercise, adhere to every day, the same type of workout growth rate increased by 10% up to 1000%. ]

so that's how it is.

Zhang Ping Wang Jieming read the attribute, finally understand how it was.

Have to say, Wang Jieming entirely the late great God, although the pre-learning skills difficult, but as long as the entry and continue to persist, the growth rate will be faster.

And Wang Jieming has seven potential, the worst is high level awakened, there may even become a top awakened.

This guy is a talent.

Although Pearl City have awakened a lot, but in fact most of them are middle awakened, high level awakened and top awakened, the number is very rare, but awakened after all, only mortal flesh and blood, disease, internal injury, age, so will slowly weaken its own strength.

For example, Liu Tiefeng, although the intermediate awakened, but he now even the primary level awakened he have to beat.

Even the ordinary person can cause harm to him in case he was caught off guard.

Age does creep up, this is the reality.

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