The learning ability drops by 90%. What kind of experience is this?

Zhang Ping knows very well that some awakened abilities are very demanding, but so far only Wang Jieming has been seen.

Wang Jieming didn't learn Monkey King Style until the end of get out of class.

Zhang Ping must admit that the instructor Bai De’s Qi training is at least home. He is obviously very impatient, and still insists on breaking the Monkey King Style into pieces. The details are too detailed to teach Wang Jieming. , But Wang Jieming just can't learn it.

Instead, Zhang Ping, who was listening to him, has a better understanding of Monkey King Style. It is estimated that he will practice Small Accomplishment for a while.

These are the original words of Bai De.

Among all the apprentices, Zhang Ping is indeed the fastest apprentice to learn.

If you don't want to take care of the progress of all apprentices, you can learn the first three forms of Beastmaster Fist in one day.

Out of the Beastmaster Fist Pavilion, Zhang Ping and Wang Jieming happened to be on the same road.

Through small talk on the road, Zhang Ping learned that Wang Jieming's father is a member of the investigation team. He has been receiving elite education from mother and father at home since he was a child.

Recently, his mother always taught him to repeat things. He guessed that his mother was already incapable of teaching, but was just trying to save face, so he simply took out his usual savings to register at the Beastmaster Fist.

In fact, Wang Jieming's strength is not bad.

Whether it’s basic boxing or Bright Fist, he has already practiced brought to the point of perfection. He can at least be 5-50 with Zhang Ping, but since his awakening ability, he has learned new things faster It becomes very slow, so if you simply use Beastmaster Fist, he has been impossible to be Zhang Ping's opponent for a long time.

Half way, the two agreed to go to dojo together tomorrow and then parted ways.

Zhang Ping returned to the Iron Soul and turned the window into the room skillfully. Then he saw Liu Sishan sitting on the chair in front of the desk. He turned and closed the window first, and then asked, "Sister Sisi, Something?"

"Did you forget some information?" Liu Sishan asked.

Zhang Ping was taken aback, and then frowned: "What information?"

"Does Heavenly Fox have other abilities besides the inherent abilities of the race?" Liu Sishan was serious Asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: “There are indeed some Heavenly Foxes with additional abilities, but the Heavenly Fox I’ve designated to you are all ordinary Heavenly Fox and don’t have additional abilities, so I just I haven't mentioned it for the time being."

"In the operation to clear Heavenly Fox just now, one of the Heavenly Fox's conditions was wrong and someone was injured." Liu Sishan said solemnly.

Zhang Ping sits on the edge of the bed, frowned: "Sure it is another ability?"

"Yes, according to the information I got, it seems that some kind of language makes people trust each other Ability." Liu Sishan said.

Zhang Ping immediately realized what that ability was, opened the mouth and said: "I know this ability. The name is Inexplicable Trust, but the Heavenly Fox I identified has absolutely no additional skills."

"Are they swapping identities?" Liu Sishan frowned.

Zhang Ping said strangely: "The problem is that I identified Heavenly Fox randomly, and you also randomly shot Heavenly Fox. Before you do, no one should know who you will target."

"It may also be a kind of prophecy." Liu Sishan added.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "I will try to observe and see what is going on, and I will tell you the results."

"en." Liu Sishan nodded.

Then she got up and gradually became transparent, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Ping looked at the room, and whispered: "Sister Sisi?"

For a moment, he was still not sure whether Liu Sishan had left, so he didn't want to entangle, anyway. It is not his turn to suffer.

Go to bed!

In fact, he had thought that Heavenly Fox could exchange their identities, such as exchanging the human skins on their foreheads, but he couldn’t be 100% sure about it. Appraising a Heavenly Fox that you have appraised before may be rewarding.

The next day, six o'clock.

After Zhang Ping got up, he played a set of Bright Fist and then practiced Monkey King Style for a while.

The morning exercise is over.

He took a shower first, and then went out to buy vegetables.

In addition to his own job of looking at the store, he is actually responsible for taking care of Liu Tiefeng's daily life and eating. Generally, he is responsible for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In fact, the original owner does not know how to cook.

But Zhang Ping was a single dog in his previous life, so he knows some basic home cooking, and even hides a Profound Truth: Laoganma cooked instant noodles with mustard fermented bean curd.

After making breakfast, Liu Tiefeng has already got up.

After the two had breakfast, they went to the third floor to start the day of practice. At the same time as the noodles practice, Zhang Ping also prepared some clean flour and prepared to eat noodles at noon.

When the face-to-face practice is over, the two enter the material room to continue learning to distinguish materials.

This is Zhang Ping's favorite link.

Every time Liu Tiefeng explains a material, he will explain the source of the material by the way. When it comes to alienated beasts, he will talk particularly carefully. Zhang Ping can even bring out the appearance of alienated beasts in his mind.

"Grandfather Liu, what is this material?" Zhang Ping saw a deep blue finger sealed on the counter and curiously asked.

The main reason is that this finger is too similar to a human finger. If the skin is dark blue and the nails appear purple and black, he will doubt whether this thing was taken from a person.

"That was the finger of a mariner, probably sixty years ago, a group of mariners landed from the Changsha River in the east and attempted to invade Pearl City. The Old City Lord led a patrol team and an investigation team. I had a fight with the ocean people.

At that time, I was still a rookie. I fought behind the senior. After the ocean people were killed, the body was divided by everyone, and I was also I got a finger." Liu Tiefeng said with some nostalgia.

Zhang Ping was surprised: "Is the ocean man a savage?"

"You haven't heard that it's normal. This is the ancient book that Chen Lao learned at the time and checked the vastness of the sea. I just found it. It is said that there are a group of marine people with blue skin and red hair and fangs living in the sea. They are mutated from the fishermen who lived on the beach in the past. They believe in sea gods and regard land creatures as forbidden enemies, so they are called Being a mariner." Liu Tiefeng said.

Human evolution in this world is really diverse.

People in Pearl City may become awakened, and there are savages with unknown power systems in the wild. Didn’t expect there are such branches as ocean people.

Although savages and ocean people can no longer be regarded as human beings, Zhang Ping also has an eye-opening feeling.

It even produces associations from this.

Will there be more human branches?

Forget it.

Zhang Ping did not continue thinking, after all, this is too far away from him.

Next, Liu Tiefeng did not mention the Ocean Man again, but returned to the topic and continued to talk about the knowledge of'fire bird'.

Fire bird is an alienated beast that mutates from sparrows. It is no different from ordinary sparrows. However, when flying at high speed, the feathers and air will burn and flames will be burnt. It looks like a sparrow. A small flame bomb.

Their feathers are very special. When they are added to weapons, they will produce flames when they are swung.

There used to be a flying knife powerhouse in Pearl City, which always stocked a flying knife with fire bird feathers. The formidable power of the flying knife is stronger than that of the fire bird itself.

But this weapon has a drawback.

Once the movement speed reaches a certain level, it will inevitably burn, so a kind of snake skin called "ice snake" is needed as a sheath.

"Grandfather Liu, do we have this kind of weapon in our store?"

Zhang Ping feels that this kind of weapon is very suitable for him, mainly because he has the Innate Ability of'fire eater', It is entirely possible to use this weapon to recover physical strength by absorbing flames in battle.

This equivalent to has unlimited physical strength.

"No, fire bird feathers are extremely fast and difficult to hunt. The price of a fire bird feather on the market is about 50,000 pearl coins, and there are markets that are priceless. Most fire bird feathers are collected It's rarely used to forge weapons." Liu Tiefeng shook his head. After speaking, he put the only fire bird feather into the maintenance bottle cautiously.

This fire bird feather has been stored in the Iron Soul for a long time, and the Liu Tiefeng family will not use it until a suitable material is found.

Zhang Ping feels a bit pity.

But he also understands in his heart that this belongs to such is human nature, and he will not use it lightly in exchange for a precious raw material.

At least until he is 100% sure, he will never use it.

The end of teaching.

Zhang Ping and Liu Tiefeng had ramen at noon.

In the afternoon, Liu Tiefeng lacks energy, so he needs a nap. Zhang Ping is full of energy and continues to sit by the fire as usual to practice the fire eater ability.

Although the iron soul shop is open, in general, there will not be people coming. Even if someone comes, they just look at it. After reading the price, I choose to see you bye, say goodbye, or bother.

Most weapon shops belong to the category of “don’t open for three years, but eat for three years”. The more precious the weapon, the higher the price. Most of the weapons of the Iron Soul can be regarded as small boutiques, and even a small handful. As a shop protecting treasure, Top Grade only needs to sell one weapon each year to maintain the operation of the Iron Soul.

Zhang Ping does not need to do anything to watch the store.

Until closing time, no customers came to the door. Zhang Ping and Liu Tiefeng closed the door directly after eating.

Liu Tiefeng slept very early, Zhang Ping told him at noon that he had signed up at a dojo, so this time he did not need to go out over the wall, but left through the back door of the shop.

Half way, Zhang Ping saw Wang Jieming waiting for him under a tree.

Because of the effect of nightwalker and the assassination ring, he walked in front of Wang Jieming and Wang Jieming didn't realize his existence until he tapped Wang Jieming on the shoulder, Wang Jieming didn't find him.

"How did you do it? Invisibility Technique?" Wang Jieming asked in surprise.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "It's just that you are distracted, let's go, don't be late."

"Well, I hope I can learn Monkey King Style today." Wang Jieming Seriously nodded and said.

He promised Bai De instructor that he must practice Monkey King Style to the entry level within five days, otherwise he would drop out of school.

The worst thing is that he wants to practice Monkey King Style by himself at home, but he can't remember what Bai De instructor taught him in dojo.

The two came to the Beastmaster Fist Hall. Today's learning content is mainly on consolidation exercises.

This time Zhang Ping was assigned to another apprentice. This apprentice is over 25 and his name is Zhou Jielin.

Zhou Jielin is an experienced adventurer. According to him, he has been an adventurer at the age of 18. He has been doing an adventurer at the age of six or seven. Although he is still relatively unfamiliar with Monkey King Style, his body is Stronger than Zhang Ping and rich in combat experience, he sees through his intentions every time Zhang Ping makes a shot.

"Your eyes, don't keep staring at the position you want to attack." Zhou Jilin avoided Zhang Ping's fist and said with a smile.

Zhang Ping jumped back like an ape, avoiding Jay Chou’s attack, and asked: "Then where should I look?"

"Don't centralize in one point. Looking at the overall picture, it's like looking at a painting." Zhou Jielin said.

Zhang Ping tried to do what Jay Chou said, but easier said than done, sometimes some habits are really not so easy to correct, just like people who have not received training, once others attack, many will be instinctive Close your eyes.

Without training, it is difficult to correct this subconsciously movement.

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