[Successful identification]

[Orchid Orb: Orb that hosts the spirit of Nethermist, formed by a certain body organ after the death of the Nethermist black goat, and swallowed by other creatures After serving, there will be a 1% probability of gaining the ability to manipulate'Nethermist'. 】

Finally, after countless failures, Zhang Ping stubbornly identified the black beads successfully.

As the black bead attribute is unfolding, Zhang Ping sees a picture of the black bead: a huge black goat is exuding black mist, which turns into huge goat horns and constantly attacks all Alienated beast around.

Suddenly, a huge alienated wild boar rammed into it, and the black goat instantly turned into mist and dispersed, and then condensed on top of the alienated wild boar, and under the corner of the goat carrying densely packed, the back of the alienated wild boar Suddenly he was pierced with several large holes.

However, the life force of the alienated wild boar is extremely tenacious. When it was attacked, it opened its mouth and bit up. The black goat immediately uttered a painful cry, and the black mist spread out.

In the next second, the black goat fell from the back of the alienated wild boar, twitching violently, and his body was already in a state of rigidity.

Gradually a large amount of black mist emerged from its body, and all of it rushed into the mouth of the alienated wild boar. The alienated wild boar had not had time to spit out what was in its mouth, and it did not know where to shoot a cold light. Suddenly, his head was carried by the shock wave, and his body fell heavily.

This is the end of the screen.

Zhang Ping looked at the black beads in his hand with a hard word, whether to eat or not, this is a question.

He has an intuition that if he eats this bead, he will gain the ability of'Nethermist' with a high probability. The problem is that after knowing what this thing is, he feels a little bit reluctant.

It is said that some foodies can eat everything, why is he not a foodie?

Zhang Ping sighed in his heart.

He can be sure that the Orchid Orb is more valuable than the elemental gems in Pearl City.

This is a treasure that can change a person's fate.

Why is dojo so expensive?

Because most dojos have a powerful martial skill, which can be practiced to the extreme comparable to superpowers.

Why are weapons and equipment so expensive?

Because human beings master weapons, they are equivalent to possessing additional means, and weapons are also an ability!

The problem is that the former requires assiduous cultivation, even innate talent and perception, while the latter also needs to learn how to use weapons. If you want to practice Major Perfection, it also takes a lot of time.

The treasures of Orchid Orb are different.

As long as it is swallowed, there is a probability of gaining power, can it be precious?

Most awakened have only one ability in their lives, and no one wants to have more abilities.

Zhang Ping looked at the Orchid Orb, the past scenes appeared in his mind.

In my previous life, I was buried in a landslide, buried under the soil, and gradually suffocated.

In the headquarters of the patrol team, I saw the Heavenly Fox who killed Su Jingyao standing in front of him with his own eyes, but he still had a strong smile, pretend to be polite.

When the school was rounded by Moon Prince, life and death were involuntarily.

In the black secret room, facing the attack of Heavenly Fox, he finally felt desperate.

"I am so weak, am I qualified to pick and choose?"

Zhang Ping came back to his senses, looking at the Orchid Orb, he couldn't help but think to himself.

He raised his head and swallowed the Orchid Orb into his mouth, and it took a while to swallow it with difficulty.

After swallowing, he immediately identified himself, but the attribute did not change. He was slightly frowned, and when he thought he might not have the ability, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

He gritted his teeth without making a sound, lay down on the ground with his stomach in his hands, curled up into a ball.

Vaguely, he felt as if something rushed from his stomach to his brain, but then he seemed to hear a mournful scream.

This scream is like an auditory hallucination, which is fleeting.

Then his sweat glands began to have black mist escaping.

These weak mists floated around his body, as if covering his body with a layer of gauze. .

About five minutes later, the pain gradually subsided.

Zhang Ping collapsed on the ground unconsciously, already too lazy to move.

After a while, he used the appraisal on himself.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 99]

[level: primary level awakened]

[Level: 9]

[innate talent]

[contract gem: can consume physical energy + spirit strength to condense the contract gem, once the target voluntarily accepts the contract gem, life, soul, and consciousness All will be sponsored by summoner Sovereign, but at the same time they will also gain the potential and luck of summoner. After taking it for the first time, taking it again will slightly increase its potential, and there is a 1% probability of awakening a new innate talent. Remarks: Innate Ability obtained by summoner Zhang Ping's overdraft IQ, potential and luck, although very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Too much ambition does not seem to be a good thing. ]

[Absolute Order: You have absolute sovereignty over Summoned Beast, and Summoned Beast absolutely cannot violate your order]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s order, You will loyally execute the summoner's command]

[Collector’s Appraisal Technique: Appraisal Technique can be used to identify the target, with a 60% probability of obtaining target information. The first time the appraisal is successful, when the subsequent target is the same, The success probability of identification will be increased to 100%. Remarks: Innate Ability born from the curiosity of Summoned Beast Zhang Ping and summoner Zhang Ping]

[Nethermist nightwalker: Obtain night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, and the speed of action is greatly increased. She lost her weight and became completely invisible in the shadows. When her body was shrouded by Nethermist, her sense of presence was greatly reduced. 】

【fire eater: It can restore physical strength by swallowing flames, and convert excess flames into Fire Element energy to be stored in the body. After the energy is released, it will temporarily obtain the flame winding effect until the Fire Element energy storage is exhausted.

This ability will gradually increase the user’s high temperature resistance.

Remarks: After all, potential is only potential. Only when it is realized as strength is the real power]

[Wind Whisperer: Wind will bring you all kinds of news, Whether you want to know or do not want to know.

Note: There is no impermeable wall in the world, and there is no secret that the wind does not know]

[Alien Eater: When swallowing special item, there will be a 10% probability of getting the corresponding special physique.

Remarks: Why does this child eat everything? 】

【Body of Nethermist: It can be transformed into a manipulable Nethermist by absorbing the fear of creatures.

Note: Your fear, my food! 】


It's worth it!

Zhang Ping wanted to laugh out loud after reading his attributes, but considering that the leader of the Eclipse Bullet Rabbit was not far away, he held back.

He really didn't expect that the swallowing of Orchid Orbs will improve him so much. Lifespan has changed from 89 to 99 now, and his level has also risen from Level 3 to 9.

The strategic version of Appraisal Technique has been upgraded to the collector’s version of Appraisal Technique, and the nightwalker has evolved into a Nethermist nightwalker.

The most important thing is that he has two more abilities this time.


This is his first real offensive ability, and it is also an offensive and defensive ability.

As for the alien eater, he hasn't experienced it so far, so he doesn't quite clear the specific effect, but he can get such a big improvement after eating the Orchid Orb, he is very satisfied, and the satisfied can no longer be satisfied.


Zhang Ping lay on the ground, closed his eyes, and smiled silently, but tears flowed down as he smiled.

He has too many things he wants to do.

He had long wanted to kill all the Heavenly Fox with gnash the teeth that he hated, but because of his lack of strength, he could only stare.

Especially when seeing Su Jingyao's human skin with his own eyes, he must pretend not to know, and even act with the murderer face doesn't change, pretending that the other party is Su Jingyao.

It feels like every memory is burning.

Zhang Ping put the right hand on his mouth, and then the Fire Element turned into a flame and was quickly sucked by him. After his physical strength recovered, he sat up from the ground.

Although the injury has not healed, but after the recovery of physical strength, the spirit is much better.

He looked at the battlefield and found that Liu Sishan was already close to the salt frost tree, and those brawny men who used axes had also climbed onto the salt frost tree and were trying to climb up.

There is also White Ape, a bloody road not far from Liu Sishan, which is also close to the salt frost tree.

Zhang Ping counted and found that there are about ten people who might be able to pick the salt frost fruit, and the number of alienated beasts is a little more. White giant snakes, White Ape, and other alienated beasts have already come to the fore. .

"I hope she is okay."

Zhang Ping knows that his current strength can't help Liu Sishan, so he can only pray silently in his heart.

Then he looked at his hand, and the Nethermist floating around him all around immediately condensed in his palm. Compared with the huge Nethermist controlled by the black goat, he can only condense the large Nethermist in his palm now.

Only by absorbing enough fear, can he transform into more Nethermist.

Nethermist is not a real mist, but a very special existence. Even energy is not counted. Zhang Ping doesn't know what it is.

Zhang Ping can use it to cut objects, use it to resist attacks, and even use Nethermist to wrap itself for position transfer, which looks like elementalization from the visual effect.

This ability has great potential, and what is even more bizarre is that it has super-level attributes.

Even if Zhang Ping is only primary level awakened now, Nethermist can still effectively damage high level and even top alienated beasts. This is a very special ability.

"Nethermist Black Goat, I have the opportunity to investigate what kind of alienated beast this is."

Zhang Ping controls Nethermist to fly around his body, and then he uses Nethermist to move the surrounding The rock was cut open, and he gently stroked the smooth-cut rock with his hand, meditating in his heart.

gu lu.

At this time, a thunder came from his stomach and he was hungry.

After coming out in the morning, he just eats compressed energy bars at noon and night. Although he has recovered his physical strength now, it does not mean he will not be hungry.

He thought for a while, and once again looked at the leader of the Eroding Bullet Rabbit not far away.

With his current strength, the leader of the eclipse bullet rabbit is no longer a raise upwards battle, but as food, maybe it can just test the function of the alien eater.

He flicked the fingers, and a group of Nethermist instantly shoots towards the leader of the Eclipse Bullet Rabbit.

The leader of the Water Erosion Bullet Bunny reacted quickly and immediately bounced when facing Nethermist. His powerful legs pushed towards Nethermist fiercely, but the next second Nethermist penetrated from its legs all the way to the brain. Kill!

Why do all awakened pursue more and stronger abilities?

Because of a powerful offensive superpower, it can easily change the outcome of a battle.

Zhang Ping stepped forward and picked up the dead water-eating bullet rabbit leader, weighed it, and estimated that it weighs 40 kilograms.

He returned to the rock with the leader of the water-eating bullet rabbit, and then used Nethermist to form a knife. Although his Nethermist is far less than the Nethermist black goat, but compared to the Nethermist black goat, he will only Nethermist turns into goat horns to attack the enemy, his operations are more flexible and changeable.

Peel the skin and remove the internal organs.

Then Zhang Ping's palm burned with flames, and he carefully grilled every inch of rabbit meat. It happened that there was salt all around. He carefully scraped some of the salt that looked clean and sprinkled it lightly on the rabbit meat.

A scent drifted from him to the battlefield.

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