Countless alienated beasts fought each other on the battlefield, completely killing the red eye.

In fact, Zhang Ping's smell of roasted rabbit meat did not affect the battlefield.

The main reason is that the battlefield itself is stinking, blood, feces, and various foul-smelling super-powered liquids. So many smells are mixed together. The smell of Zhang Ping is not for the battlefield. worth mentioning.

Zhang Ping walked on the edge of the battlefield for a while. The most impressive thing was the blood and heat escaping from the battlefield and the indescribable stench. This was also the reason why he dared to roast rabbits and eat them. Knowing that this will not attract the attention of the Alienated Beast.

But he missed a bit.


On the edge of the battlefield, a black dog moved its nose, and then looked outside the battlefield, focusing on the rock where Zhang Ping was hiding.

This is a corpse dog. The reason why it appeared on the battlefield was completely attracted by the smell of the corpse.

The nose of the corpse dog is very sensitive, and it can smell the corpse within a few kilometers.

"ao wai, wai, wai!"

When the corpse dog smelled the roasted rabbit, it immediately made a bark similar to an African hyena.

A moment.

Two corpse dogs gathered, and then moved in the direction of Zhang Ping.

Behind the rock.

Zhang Ping tore off a rabbit leg and took a bite. His eyes shone slightly. The taste of this meat is amazing.

It’s not that he has not eaten delicious food, but this rabbit meat is better than all the meat he has eaten in the past. It is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and the muscles are very chewy. Every bite will be delicious. The meat juice is oozing. out.

The water slug rabbit has a large number of poison glands. These poison glands are connected to the sweat glands. When the water and blood are mixed and heated, they not only lose their corrosiveness, but also become a special taste.

This is an absolutely uneatable taste on Earth.

Zhang Ping was eating meat, suddenly his ears moved slightly and he jumped up from the ground quickly.

Suddenly, a corpse dog launched an attack from behind the rock. He quickly jumped back to avoid the attack, but a corpse dog also appeared behind him.

In a flash, he let go of the Nethermist knife in his hand.

The knife made of Nethermist turned into a flying knife in a blink of an eye, and the corpse dog behind him was shot with a sound.

The corpse dog didn't react slowly, and immediately dodged sideways, but it didn't know that Zhang Ping's flying knife would bend, and in the blink of an eye, it was shot through the head by the flying knife, and fell to the ground with a whine.

It's too late to say it's too fast.

After solving the threat from behind, Zhang Ping continued to move back, and at the same time waved his right hand forward, flames spurted from his palm to form a barrier, and the corpse dog in front of him instinctively backed back. The black throwing knife burst out of the flames, and the corpse dog was headshot with a knife before he could react.

"Black skin, red eyes, human teeth, this is a corpse dog?"

Zhang Ping saw that two alienated beasts had been killed, and only then had time to observe.

But after recognizing the corpse dog, his face changed slightly, and then he bounced up. At the moment he jumped up, the ground under his feet exploded and a corpse dog emerged from the ground. He opened his mouth and snapped up, almost biting his egg.


Zhang Ping was shocked and frightened, and immediately manipulated Nethermist to throw a knife into the head of the corpse dog.

Fortunately, he learned about corpse dogs from Liu Tiefeng, knowing that corpse dogs have the ability to dig holes quickly, and like two feint attacks, and the other digs a sneak attack.

Their habits are similar to those of African hyenas, and they are good at digging the anus.

Zhang Ping thought of the consequences of the successful sneak attack by the corpse dog.

It took a while before his mentality eased.

Recalling the knowledge taught by Liu Tiefeng, he began to collect useful materials from the corpse dog.

"Did you kill them?"

Liu Sishan came back when Zhang Ping was cutting the paws of the corpse dog with a Nethermist knife.

She is still spotless, all around the water polo, holding a salt frost fruit in her hand. Obviously, it is not difficult for her to seize a salt frost fruit.

Zhang Ping stopped his work, and just about to speak, a water whip appeared on the edge of his neck.

"Sister Sisi, what are you doing?" Zhang Ping quickly raised his hand and asked inexplicably.

Liu Sishan did not answer, she slowly approached Zhang Ping, first rolled Zhang Ping’s eyes, and then went around behind Zhang Ping, not knowing what she was looking at, it took a while before she was caught Removed.

"Have you encountered the Nethermist alienated beast?" Liu Sishan asked seriously.

Zhang Ping noticed something from Liu Sishan's attitude, and then told Liu Sishan of his previous experience.

The main reason is that there is no need to conceal it. Unless he has the treasure or ability to conceal his own attribute, if he returns to Pearl City, others can still identify his attribute, but he can't hide it at all.

After listening to Zhang Ping’s description, Liu Sishan was silent for a while, then turned around and took a few deep breaths, seeming to want to calm herself down, but finally she turned around and pressed Zhang Ping together. On the rock, he raised his head and stared at Zhang Ping angrily: "Zhang Ping, are you too long-lived? You dare to eat anything of unknown origin, do you know you almost died?"

"Almost dead?" Zhang Ping frowned in disbelief.

Liu Sishan said seriously: "Appraisal Technique can indeed provide you with a lot of information, but it does not mean all the information. If Appraisal Technique can provide all the information, how much information do you know about a stone? Even if all the information on a stone cannot be identified, why do you think you understand what you have identified?"

"Sister Sisi, are you saying that the thing I ate is actually dangerous? "Zhang Ping immediately realized what Liu Sishan wanted to express.

Liu Sishan said solemnly: "Nethermist alienated beasts are creatures of unknown origin. They don’t have a specific form. They usually lodge in certain organisms, equivalent to parasites, but after the host’s death, they You will get into a certain organ of the host and wait for the next host.

In other words, you were almost parasitized."

"What is the disadvantage of being parasitized? Zhang Ping asked.

Liu Sishan glanced at the Nethermist knife in Zhang Ping's hand and replied: "Once it is parasitized by the Nethermist alienated beast, it will be equivalent to brain death. The black goat you mentioned is probably the puppet of the Nethermist alienated beast. What do you say is bad?"

Brain death does not mean death.

Zhang Ping suddenly remembered the screams faintly heard when the abdominal pain was severe. Is that the Nethermist alienated beast trying to parasitize him?

Then why did the parasite fail?


Appraisal Technique's displayed abilities, the order of arrangement seems to be related to the order of the acquired abilities.

The alien eater is in front of the body of Nethermist. Could it be that I was eating indiscriminately and activated the alien eater?

Then the alien eater digested the Nethermist alienated beast again?

"Listen well, Zhang Ping, I solemnly tell you that any foreign object that may gain abilities contains unknown risks. There is no free lunch in the world. If you can get one easily Obtain the item of ability, then the first thing to do is to be vigilant.

Think about how many people in Pearl City have more than two superpowers. If it’s so easy to get superpowers, you Do you think Pearl City's dual-ability awakened or even three-ability awakened will be less?" Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and said earnestly.

Zhang Ping only realized later.

Throughout the history of Pearl City, countless heroes have appeared in large numbers, but few awakened have dual abilities.

It is true that there are exceptions.

But those are abilities derived from their own abilities.

For example, the copy of Situ Shibai, and the ability Liu Sishan mentioned before is the awakened of "superior adaptation", but their other abilities come from the effects of their own abilities, not through foreign objects.

But Zhang Ping thought of his guess just now.

If the Alien Eater has digested the Nethermist Alienated Beast, it seems that he will try again in the future.

But this guess must be verified first, otherwise it is better not to die easily.

Liu Sishan quickly disappeared after being angry, mainly because Zhang Ping not only did not cause a serious problem, but also got a very special ability. It would be a bit too much to continue to be unforgiving.

After all, she just doesn't want Zhang Ping to take risks like this in the future.

"Let's go, a major event will happen here next." She glanced at the battlefield and continued.

Zhang Ping said curiously: "What major event?"

"Have you ever thought about it, just a few fruits that increase potential, why are there so many alienated beasts here? Fate desperately?" Liu Sishan asked as he walked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "I have thought about it, but didn't expect the answer."

"The salt frost tree absorbs a lot of blood in a short time, and one of the fruits There will be changes. From the ordinary salt frost fruit transformed into Blood Salt Fruit, the alienated beasts may evolve again after eating the Blood Salt Fruit. This is the treasure that the alienated beasts really need!" Liu Sishan turned and handed the salted frost fruit to the salt frost fruit. Zhang Ping said, looking at the salt frost tree in the distance.

Zhang Ping unexpectedly said: "What about humans?"

"Blood Salt Fruit is useless for humans. The seniors of Pearl City have tried it in the past, and the result was a body explosion." Liu Sishan said.

Some Heaven and Earth Treasures only have an effect on humans, but heaven is fair. There are also some Heaven and Earth Treasures that only alienated beasts can eat, but they are a poison to humans.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan return to the camp.

Many salt transporters were resting in the camp at night, and some people gathered around the bonfire and joked.

The two returned to the tent, Liu Sishan took out a can of water and handed it to Zhang Ping, opened the mouth and said: "Now I have eaten the salt frosted fruit and drink more water."


Zhang Ping took the water and took a bite of the salt frost fruit, his face suddenly wrinkled, and he quickly poured several mouthfuls of water.

Too salty.

Although Liu Sishan told him before that the salt content of salt frost fruit is very high, but he really didn't expect some fruit to be salty to the point of bitterness and sourness.

This bitter and sour taste is also mixed with a strange taste of fruit, which is too unpalatable.

"Zhang Ping, haven't your teachers taught you not to drink other people's water easily in the wild, even the water in nature can't be easily drink?" Liu Sishan suddenly asked at this moment.

Zhang Ping next moment squinted and squinted, and he noticed that there was water bumping in his stomach.

"Sister Sisi, the water I just drank was pure water made by you?" He asked Liu Sishan with a bitter expression on his face.

Liu Sishan said flatly: "Now your life is equivalent to being pinched by me..."

The words are not finished yet.

She lost contact with the pure water in Zhang Ping's belly.

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