[Moonshadow, kill...kill...kill her! ]


[His Royal Highness, I can’t do it! 】


Wind Whisperer is not a very reliable ability.

The information it brings is either endless or messy.

Zhang Ping only heard a conversation between Moon Prince and Moon Shadow, but this conversation confirmed his conjecture that Chen Junting's ability is probably also a power beyond the same level.

The blood of Holy Mother is definitely not simple!

Waiting for Moon Prince to return to City Lord's Mansion, he slowly flowed along the canal and returned to the alley where he was fighting before.

After the thunder, all the residents were awakened, but after the initial quarrel, the alley was quiet at this time. Someone was watching quietly inside the house, but no one came out, and no one dared to approach the corpse. .

This is a good thing, he ventured back to touch the corpse.

Just now in an emergency situation, he didn't care about collecting spoils of war in order to save people.

But now that the battle is over, the equipment on the corpse must not be left to be taken away by unrelated people.

The body of the masked man has been struck by lightning and the skeleton doesn't exist. All equipment is scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but the bodies of the other two people have not been affected.

Zhang Ping approached the corpse of Niandongmen, resisting the discomfort in his heart, first removed the copper ring from his head, then picked up the green portable lamp on the ground, and put the two pieces together. After the props were placed in the gold treasury, he took off the ring he was wearing on the opponent's hand.

A careful body search was made to make sure that there was nothing else on the Nian Power Man before he quickly turned into a stream of water and left.

In a house in the distance, a few awakened gathered together to observe secretly.

"Big brother, is that an alienated beast?"

A girl looked at Zhang Ping's ink-like body and asked uncertainly.

The blonde man next to her said with a smile: "Alienated beasts still know how to touch corpses? It should be a person."

"Look, some people also want to share a piece of the pie. There is a good show. Look." Another man with a height of only 1.5 meters jokingly said.

In the alley, Zhang Ping just got close to the first person he killed when suddenly a ball of flame exploded beside him.

"Dude, that belongs to you, this one belongs to me, how about it?" A red-haired man with a sun symbol tattooed under his right eye walked out of the dark, said with a smile stubbornly, with a hand There is also a Fireball in it.

Zhang Ping's body, which was originally "Yi Tuo," gradually bulged out, and Nethermist was wrapped around his body.

When he turned back into a human form, the face of Death God just condensed on his face, and at the same time the misty black cloak hunted in the wind.

He stretched out his hand to take out the fear sickle, turned his head to look at the opponent with dark eyes, and asked in a hollow voice: "What did you say?"

"gu lu!"


The red haired man opened his eyes in horror, swallowed subconsciously, and the Fireball in his hand went out instantly.

As soon as he wanted to back up, his legs became soft and he sat down on the ground.

both of his hands tried hard to get up, but because of too much fear, he didn't listen to his hands and feet, and couldn't get up after several attempts.

"Big...Brother, there is... there is something to say, there is something to say... easy to speak."

In desperation, he gave up struggling and looked up at Zhang Ping with a weeping face. Stammered.

Zhang Ping absorbed the fear of the red haired man. Suddenly, the sickle slashed towards the man’s neck, but at the last moment it stopped abruptly. A large amount of purple fear spewed from the top of the man’s head. The streets are full of purple mist.

The mist formed a vortex above Zhang Ping's head, and was quickly sucked into his body.

The red haired man is dumbfounded, and has been scared a little delirious.

"Remember to polish your eyes next time."

Zhang Ping slowly retracted the sickle, and then picked up the green lantern.

He floated to the side of Na Ke's head, resisted the nausea and took off the copper ring, then turned and left.

In the house far away, the three awakened who thought they would have a good show were all dumbfounded.

"Big brother, what was that just now?"

The girl tremblingly asked while holding the blond man's arm.

Blonde man shook his head and said: "Not good said, it may be awakened or alienated beast, I don’t know."

"How could it be alienated beast, he just spoke. It should be a human being." The 1.5-meter-tall man said solemnly.

Blonde man listened, his sanity recovered a little, and he said seriously: "The height is about 2.5 meters, the weapon used is the scythe, and the body has the ability to change at will. You’d better be careful in the future. Point, it’s better not to provoke him."


At this time, the scared red haired man in the alley screamed and got up and turned around. Just ran, leaving only a puddle of yellow liquid on the ground.

The three people in the house looked at each other, and they were actually a little lucky. Fortunately, they didn’t make a move just now, otherwise...

On the other side, Zhang Ping went to places with few people. .

Gradually, the ability to assassinate the ring and Nethermist nightwalker began to take effect, and the line of sight staying on him became less and less.

Finally, he used the well-connected canal to quietly return to the Iron Soul.


Second day, the sun rises as usual.

When Zhang Ping got up, he saw a tail with eyes swept across Pearl City outside the window.

Is this Moon Prince watching the whole city?

In this way, I am afraid it will be difficult for the Magic Sky Screen to take effect on Moon Prince.

Because the Moon Prince's tail is too fast, just targeting one tail requires a lot of effort in the Formation group. If there are more tails, the Formation group will have nothing to do.

This equivalent to the magical sky curtain has lost its effect.

Zhang Ping's heart sank slightly, and the loss of the illusion of the sky means that the sweep team cannot blatantly expel the alienated beast, and Pearl City will face the invasion of the alienated beast.

Until noon, Moon Prince's tail was constantly swept over the sky.

He specifically observed that Moon Prince did not use his full strength this time, but only extended five tails from City Lord's Mansion.

These five tails cross over to patrol the city. Although there are some omissions, because the tails move extremely fast and they often form cross surveillance points at different positions, I want to do it under the Moon Prince's eyelids. What to order, it is very difficult.

Zhang Ping has no choice but to forge weapons obediently and honestly in the Iron Soul.


City Lord's Mansion.

Moon Prince is sitting on the balcony, opposite Chen Junting.

"Luo Shiyu elder sister, what is the relationship between you and Sir City Lord?" Chen Junting was eating cookies and curiously asked.

Moon Prince frowned, said nonchalantly: "We have nothing to do."

"so that's how it is, it's okay." Chen Junting didn't think there was a problem, on the contrary, she suddenly understood. Said.

Then she poured herself a cup of tea. After taking a sip, she was frowned: "The water used in this tea is of poor quality. The tea maker must be an idiot. I'll make another pot of tea."


Speaking, she got up and left with the teapot.

Moon Prince was slightly relaxed. It originally wanted to imprison Chen Junting, but as long as Chen Junting knocked on the door, Heavenly Fox who heard the knock would subconsciously help open the door.

The lower the level of Heavenly Fox, the greater the probability of being affected.

At present, several little Heavenly Foxes have become followers of Chen Junting, clamoring to follow Chen Junting.

In this case, Moon Prince can only take Chen Junting around to watch, lest Chen Junting harm other Heavenly Fox.

The problem is that Chen Junting's ability is too strange, it can't stop this strange charm at all.

At this time, it can no longer be hostile to Chen Junting.

There is even a feeling of helplessness.

No matter what Chen Junting does, she can hardly get angry, and even more can't stop her from doing what she wants to do.

When Chen Junting came back with the teapot, she couldn’t help but ask: "It’s been a long time since you came out. Don’t your parents worry about you?"

"When I was very young At that time, father passed away. I have lived with grandfather since I was a child. He never let me out to play, and even didn't allow me to talk to other people. Now that I finally escaped, I don’t want to go back so early.” Chen Junting sat down, I poured a cup of tea for Moon Prince, and then I poured myself a cup of tea.

After speaking, she took a sip of tea, with a satisfied smile on her face.

Moon Prince used his huge paws to pinch the teacup and wrinkled frowned after taking a sip of the tea. It didn't like the taste.

"How about it, drink it, my grandfather likes the tea I personally make the most, and said that I refreshed after drinking it." Chen Junting laughed.

Moon Prince puts down the cup, nodded and said: "Well, it's delicious."

"Then you drink more!"

Chen Junting immediately helped him After filling the tea cup, Moon Prince frowned, glanced at the expectant Chen Junting, and finally gritted his teeth and drank the tea.

"Good amount of tea, another cup!" Chen Junting said happily.

Next, a pot of tea was drunk by Moon Prince. Moon Prince felt that his bladder was terribly uncomfortable. If it was normal, it would definitely be resolved on the spot, but seeing Chen Junting’s gaze, it decided to stand up as unfathomable mystery Going to the toilet, the five tails shrank back instantly.


Pearl City is an ancient city.

It has many secrets, there are countless dark rooms, secret rooms, and even virtual spaces formed by special abilities.

Only by mastering special means can you enter these special spaces.

Huang Zeming walked through the long corridor of the City Lord's Mansion, then lightly tapped the right eye of a stone statue, and then he continued to walk forward and turned into the study.

In the study, he walked towards the seat at a strange pace, and when he sat down, the Spiritual Body had appeared in another space.

This is a vast white space, he opened the mouth and said: "Yu Beast Zhu Family, the sun family, I am Zhu Zeming!"

The mist in front of him immediately dispersed , Forming a circular square.

Many people have gathered in the square.

"Zhu Zeming, what happened last night? Why did you make such a big omission?" An old man asked immediately.

Zhu Zeming entered the square and said lightly: "Please let me talk about the situation slowly."

"You say it!" The old man said lightly.

Zhu Zeming said solemnly: "The Sweeper team also hides a dark child named Zhang Ping in Pearl City. Zhu Zejun’s actions were smashed by Zhang Ping, but I already know the identity of this dark child. I will look for a chance to solve him tonight."

"So now is Chen Junting alive or dead?" the old man frowned and asked.

Zhu Zeming replied: "Chen Junting is still alive, but she is in the hands of the fox. I have to find a chance to send her out of the City Lord's Mansion. When the time comes, I need someone from the family to respond."


"Remember to send Chen Junting out of the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible. If you want to deal with the old ghost of Situ Shibai, she is the most critical part of our plan." The old man said solemnly.

Zhu Zeming immediately bowed his head and responded: "Yes, I will arrange it as soon as possible to ensure that nothing goes wrong!"


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