【Successful identification】

【Nightingale lantern: Hold it to cover its breath, smell, information, and inject Nethermist to evolve into a Nether Ghost lantern. 】

In the toilet, Zhang Ping used the identification of the lantern emitting green light. When he saw the attribute, he saw the secret lantern making method.

The lantern is made from the bones of a corpse dog, and the flame inside comes from a kind of alienated beast named'Scorching Nightingale'.

When the Carrion-eating Nightingale grows up, a special organ will be formed in the chest cavity to hold the Ghost Fire. This Ghost Fire needs corpse oil as fuel and has the ability to avoid detection by predators.

Under normal circumstances, the more corpses, the more rotting nightingales.


After watching the production process, Zhang Ping's face is slightly better.

He was actually mentally prepared to see some cruel pictures during the appraisal.

Fortunately, what I saw this time was the processing method of the alienated beast. Following the steps in the screen, he felt that he could also make a nightingale lantern.

"Injecting Nethermist can evolve?"

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and then he injected Nethermist into Nightingale.

He discovered that Nethermist and the Ghost Fire in the lantern had a strange chemical reaction. Nethermist became a new fuel, and the flame quickly changed from green to gray.

The entire toilet suddenly lost its color, just like a black and white movie.

Is this evolution?

Zhang Ping quickly used Appraisal Technique on the lantern.

[Successful identification]

[Nether Ghost Lantern: The owner is located within the rays of light to block its own existence. Overwhelming majority detection and identification capabilities are forbidden. Effective below King. 】

Good stuff!

In other words, as long as you have a Nether Ghost lantern, even Situ Shibai will not even want to identify his attributes, and blocking your own existence means invisibility. This is more than an assassination ring and Nethermist nightwalker. High-level stealth.

Furthermore, these three abilities do not conflict, and the abilities are superimposed on each other. If he walks outside at night, it is estimated that Moon Prince may not be able to spot him.

However, the fuel of the Nether Ghost lantern has changed from corpse oil to Nethermist, which also means that his Nethermist is another big consumer.

"It would be great if I could open a haunted house."

Zhang Ping carefully felt the consumption of Nethermist by the Nether Ghost lantern, and finally sighed.

In fact, the consumption of Nether Ghost lanterns is not particularly large. The problem is that his accumulated Nethermist is still too small. Last night, the masked man attracted Thunder. He also consumed a part of Nethermist to withstand the impact. He sucked it back from the red haired man, but still felt that it was not enough.

After calculating the time that a nethermist can burn, he put the Nether Ghost lantern into the gold treasure house, and then took out the copper ring.

He first washed the blood stains on the copper ring with water, and then activated the Appraisal Technique on the copper ring.

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed+1]

[Identification failed+10]

[Identification failed+100]

[Successful identification]

[Crown of Sin: The wearer sinks into sin, and will be immune to spiritual abilities such as purity and purification. 】

Next moment, Zhang Ping saw little girls being forced to drink the green liquid and then dying in pain. They were mutilated cruelly by an old man with sore faces...

Zhang Ping can't stand it anymore. He gritted his teeth, wishing to rush into the screen and kill the old man on the spot, smashing his body into pieces.

But the picture is still going...

After the picture is over, Zhang Ping looks sad and looks at Tonghuan for a long time.

In the last life, he has been saving people, and even when he died, he never regretted this decision. The people he wanted to save in this life are irretrievable, but he still has a lot to do.

"Imperial Beast...Zhu Family, Heavenly Fox..."

Zhang Ping muttered to himself in a low voice, then put the copper ring into the gold treasury, and then he took it out A ring.

This ring comes from Niandongmen.

Zhang Ping is ready to start Appraisal Technique again.

[Successful identification]

[Strong mind ring: the wearer’s spirit strength will be increased, the primary level awakened will increase the ratio of 50%, and the intermediate level awakened will increase the ratio of 35%. , The high level awakened benefit rate is 25%, and the top awakened benefit rate is 10%. ]

Next, the screen slowly unfolded.

On the Grand Plaza, countless black clothed persons injected their spirit strength into a girl's body through props. The girl's veins bulged out and screamed in pain.

But no one cared about her pain, but continued to transmit spirit strength.

The girl Seven Orifices bleeds. When she was about to die, a long sword pierced her forehead, and the gems inlaid on the long sword immediately gave off light, and the girl’s extremely unstable Spirit Physique was directly sucked into the gems. Among.

"Is that the soul?"

Zhang Ping's face was not very good after reading it, but what made him even more concerned about the Spirit Physique he saw at the end.

If there is a soul in this world, will all the dead have been reincarnation?

"If there is a reincarnation...then it will be very good."

Zhang Ping glanced at the gem on the Qiangming ring with a complicated mood. This gem was sealed with a miserable Soul, but he didn't know how to release her at all.

He put the ring away, thinking to himself, when he sees Situ Shibai next time, maybe he can ask Situ Shibai again.

"Zhang Ping, did you pull the diamond? Why is it so long?" Qiu Qiang's voice came from outside the toilet at this time.

Zhang Ping responded quickly: "Wait, that's all right."

Speaking, he got up and opened the door.


The headquarters of the sweeping team, Conference Hall.

Situ Shibai took a look at Jin Bo and said lightly: "The fighting team is temporarily headed by Sisi. After you are injured, you will be obediently and honestly a combatant for a while. The annual salary is cut by half, and various benefits are cut by 50%, do you have any comments?"

"No." Jin Bo said with a bleak expression.

It's okay for him to be injured himself, but he can't shirk the blame for the death of the two players.

Actually, this is his most painful thing.

"Captain, the position of the fighting team leader, I am afraid I am not competent enough." Liu Sishan sat on the left hand side of Jin Bo, at this time opened the mouth and said.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Sisi, your temperament has always been stable, and now Pearl City is so turbulent, I can rest assured that you are the leader of the fighting team."

"Okay, let's discuss the situation last night. Sisi, you are a participant, so let's talk about it first." Then he didn't give Liu Sishan the opportunity to refuse, and the conversation changed.

Liu Sishan knew that Situ Shibai’s decision had been made, so she did not refuse to be the leader of the fighting team. She made her mind, opened the mouth and said: "At the beginning, I was in the city to connect to Zhang. Ping’s connection, he discovered that someone was sneaking around Chen Xueli’s house at the time, so I contacted Man Ni, but Man Ni and others did not monitor anyone, so I realized that this is not simple."

"It's really not simple, they obviously have props for our Formation group, which shows that the people in the sweeping team..." Chen Ming opened the mouth and said.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "It doesn’t have to be an inner ghost, the magical light curtain is not perfect."

Any ability has a targeted means, there is no absolutely invincible Ability, no matter how powerful the phantom light canopy is, there is still a weak spot after all.

Liu Sishan went on to say that in fact, she didn’t have much information. When it came to being sent to the black secret room by Man Ni, she stopped, and then said: "I know so much."

"The kidnapped girl is Chen Xueli who?" Chen Ming asked with a frown after listening.

Liu Sishan replied: "It depends on the age, it should be the granddaughter."

"Huang An."

Situ Shibai looked at the unremarkable man next to Chen Ming.

This man is neither fat nor thin. He has an ordinary haircut, square-faced, and just right features. There is nothing special about him. As long as he doesn’t make a sound, his sense of existence is extremely low, and he is easily caught by others. People ignore.

Chen Ming only thought of Huang An at this time, so he looked at Huang An and asked: "Huang An, Chen Xueli has a granddaughter?"

"There is a granddaughter, but he is a granddaughter According to the investigation, Chen Xueli’s son, Chen Haowen, does not have a wife, and instead of inheriting the idea of ​​Hanhai Academy, he has a special liking for the career of adventurer. About fourteen years ago, Chen Haowen came from outside the city. He brought back a baby, who was said to be his daughter, and then he passed away only two years later. The baby was raised by Chen Xueli since then." Huang An said neither fast nor slow.

Chen Ming frowned: "In other words, there may be a problem with the origin of this baby, not necessarily from the bloodline of the Chen Family."

"The question is why did those people kidnap her? "Man Ni asked incomprehensibly, yawning.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "Zhang Ping should know more information, I will go to him tonight."

"No, Pearl City is very dangerous now, so I rushed into Pearl City , Once you are targeted by Heavenly Fox, no one but Captain can save you." Chen Ming objected.

Situ Shibai said with a smile: "Although what happened last night was not perfect, Zhang Ping's contribution cannot be ignored. So, Sisi, you go to the equipment room to choose two pieces of equipment, one for your own use , And one to reward Zhang Ping."


Liu Sishan immediately understood the meaning of Situ Shibai.

Apparently, Situ Shibai supported her to find Zhang Ping tonight.

Chen Ming looked at Situ Shibai, and just about to persuade him, Situ Shibai said with a smile: "I will personally cover Sisi this time."


Speaking of this, Chen Ming has nothing to say.

Although they all know that Zhang Ping has a badge that can be contacted, everyone did not mention the badge to contact Zhang Ping. The main reason is that they don’t know what Zhang Ping is now. Convenient to be contacted.

Once Zhang Ping is inconvenient now, untimely contact may put him in danger.


City Lord's Mansion.

Zhu Zeming came out of the study, he walked through the corridor with ease, just to see a Heavenly Fox not far away was eating people.

He stepped forward and patted the opponent, said with a smile: "I'm eating."

"Huang Zeming, what's the matter with you?" This Heavenly Fox spit out a finger bone, then asked hoarsely.

Zhu Zeming said with a smile: "Actually I have a very annoying person, can you help me eat him?"

"It's dangerous outside now, your Highness said , We are not allowed to go out." The Heavenly Fox said.

Zhu Zeming said with a laugh: "His Royal Highness monitors the whole city now. How dangerous can it be if you do things under his nose?"

"It makes sense, it's not impossible to help you , But what good is it for me?" Heavenly Fox rolled his eyes, and then squeezed.

Zhu Zeming took out a tooth and said: "Have you seen enough?"

"Yes, I will do it tonight!"

Heavenly Fox stretched out his hand Grabbing the teeth in Zhu Zeming's hands, he directly agreed.

This is the canine teeth of a crescent wolf. It is of no use to humans, but it can enhance the'power' of the alienated beast.

The power of the alienated beast is equivalent to the imposing manner of mankind.

The imposing manner of human beings can be improved by inspiring their hearts and strengthening their beliefs, but alienated beasts are animals after all. Once they perceive that their opponents are stronger than themselves, they will decline in the imposing manner, and even lose their courage. Flee from the tail.

Just like an ordinary Heavenly Fox facing Moon Prince, it will always have subconsciously lop-eared and low-tailed ears, and will not even dare to look at him.

Therefore, in addition to fighting and eating meat to increase its level, the alienated beast also needs to increase its power in various ways.

The teeth of this crescent wolf are enough to make this Heavenly Fox take the risk.

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