
Beastmaster Fist Hall.

Bai De put his hands behind his back, glanced at all the students, opened the mouth and said: "Phoenix Claw Style, cultivation requires special secret medicine, Zhang Ping, you come up to distribute the secret medicine to everyone."

hearing this, Zhang Ping stepped forward and distributed the secret medicine on the table one after another.

This is a paste-like secret medicine. The materials needed for preparation are not expensive, but the price sold in the Beastmaster Fist is very dark. A can of secret medicine that costs 5 pearl coins, it sells 200 pearls. currency.

If it is not for public consumption, Zhang Ping will never touch it.

"Apply these secret medicines to your fingers once a day in the morning. Do not touch the water within an hour after application. Okay, now we are going to explain the Phoenix Claw Style moves. You can see them carefully." See Bai De Zhang Ping said after sending out the secret medicine.

Next, he explained in detail the methods of Phoenix Claw Style's moves and force, and personally demonstrated the practice and style of play.

Phoenix Claw Style is a bit like the Nine Yin White Bone claws in wuxia novel. After getting started, the finger power is amazing. It can easily penetrate the enemy’s skull. Even the hardest frontal bone is difficult to win in Phoenix Claw Style. Fate a finger.

If you can practice Great Accomplishment, then Phoenix Claw Style will be transformed, and ordinary rocks and steel can be easily grasped.

"Does everyone understand how to practice and play?"

Bai De talked for half an hour this time. After finishing, he glanced at everyone and asked.

Most people understand that, only Wang Jieming has a miserable look. He hasn't even gotten started with Giant Crocodile Style yet.

The past few days Zhang Ping was not in Pearl City. He had to practice Monkey King Style constantly, and now he was waiting for Zhang Ping to help him dismantle the Giant Crocodile Style moves.

The content of Phoenix Claw Style is too advanced for him.

"Okay, now you are free to practice."

Seeing that most of the students understood, Bai De simply sat on a chair and took a cup of tea to rest.

During this time, the trainees also got acquainted with each other, looking for familiar partners to communicate and practice one-on-one with each other.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to practice with Jay Chou, but I didn’t see Jay Chou after looking around, so he had no choice but to walk in front of Wang Jieming, opened the mouth and said: "Let’s practice with Jay Lin. "

"Zhang Ping, Phoenix Claw Style I didn't understand at all, I am afraid I can't help." Wang Jieming sorry.

Zhang Ping had already expected it, he said with a smile: "I know, I will help you disassemble Giant Crocodile Style later, after practicing Giant Crocodile Style, Phoenix Claw Style should be able to get started soon , And we haven't even started applying the secret medicine, just try it."

"Well, thank you." Wang Jieming said gratefully.

The past few days Zhang Ping was not in the Beastmaster Fist hall, but he suffered a lot.

After all, few of these adventurers are good-tempered, because he learns slowly, and when others practice against him is like feeding him, so often hitting each other will make him feel uncomfortable. After the sparring session, he took a heavy shot.

He has accumulated no less than marks on his body, and he hasn't gotten good enough now.


After class.

The two leave the Beastmaster Fist hall.

Zhang Ping looked up at the stars in the sky and suddenly asked: "Wang Jieming, is your mother at home the past few days?"

He still remembers, Wang Jieming said, He suspected his mother had been eaten by Heavenly Fox.

"My mother was not at home in the past few days, do you want to come to my house to play?" Wang Jieming realized what Zhang Ping meant, so he followed along and asked.

He slept in Iron Soul for one night that day. He originally wanted to ask Zhang Ping to go home with him second day to help identify whether the mother was Heavenly Fox.

Who knew that the plan could not keep up with the changes.

In the morning of the second day, he ran into Liu Sishan who was guarding Zhang Ping's door as soon as he left the room. He was ordered by Liu Sishan to ask Zhang Ping to ask for leave, and he also provided cover for Zhang Ping.

Under Liu Sishan's sharp gaze, he couldn't say what he refused.

However, after the Iron Soul had breakfast, he plucked up the courage to go home alone, but his mother was not at home.

At that time, he felt like a punch on the cotton, and all the courage he had gathered up was all of a sudden.

In the next few days, he will be the only one in the family.

But he actually understood in his heart that his mother is probably bode ill rather than well.

Zhang Ping knows what Wang Jieming means. He sighed and patted his shoulders to express comfort.

"Zhang Ping, can I'practice' with you?" Wang Jieming was silent for a moment and asked.

He has revenge.

But I don't even know where the enemy is.

Zhang Ping calmly said: "Following me to'practice boxing' will be very hard. I am worried that you will not be able to endure this hardship, and you are too weak now."

"I am weak? Practice?" Wang Jieming suddenly became unconvinced.

Zhang Ping also wanted to see Wang Jieming's strength, nodded and said: "Go to the open space ahead?"

"Go!" Wang Jieming walked forward quickly.

When the two of them walked to the open space, Zhang Ping motioned to Wang Jieming to take action.

"You have to be careful. Although I am slow to learn things, Pearl Three Fists is already at the Great Accomplishment level." Wang Jieming reminded.

Zhang Ping beckoned, said with a smile: "Come on."

If it was before, he might not have been able to beat Wang Jieming, but now he is level 9 , And Wang Jieming is still Level 5. What does Wang Jieming use to fight him?

Wang Jieming took a deep breath, small broken steps walked around Zhang Ping.

Run wolf!

Suddenly, he dashed forward and punched Zhang Ping's spine.

The wolf running style in Pearl Three Fists is designed to hit the eyes, ears, spine and other key points, and it must hit the target with one hit.

Many awakened like to use Benlang as their starting hand, especially when fighting against people, Benlang is the most flexible and changeable starting hand.

In the face of this fist, Zhang Ping turned and shook his feet, just to avoid Wang Jieming’s attack, and then his face was almost close to Wang Jieming’s arm, and the whole person leaned against Wang Jieming’s chest , If this blow is reliable, it can blast Wang Jieming's chest into his chest.

Zhang Ping originally thought that Wang Jieming would retreat. Who knew that Wang Jieming not only did not retreat, but suddenly turned his fist into a tricky hand, pecking directly at his eyes.

He has a body of pure water. Even if Wang Jieming is blinded by Wang Jieming, he can quickly recover as long as he turns into a body of pure water. However, Wang Jieming will not die and be seriously injured by him. Therefore, he had to give up the offensive, and instead parried Wang Jieming's tricky hands with both hands, then touched him, and retreated as soon as he touched it.

When he retreated, he noticed that Wang Jieming's feet were not thickly stepping on the ground, but the toes point to the ground. At this time, when he stepped back, he could unload his strength quickly.

He simulated it in his mind, and found that his own lean just now might not be able to severely injure Wang Jieming. Wang Jieming unloaded his strength quickly, at most it was only slightly injured.

"Come again!"

At this time, Wang Jieming loudly shouts, stepping forward quickly, launching an endless offensive like an ape.

Monkey King Style!

Zhang Ping immediately became interested, and also with Monkey King Style and Wang Jieming meet force with force, the two quickly fought in the open space, saw each other's moves, and stopped after more than ten minutes.

If it's just a boxing technique, the two are even on the same level.

Once Wang Jieming learns a style of boxing, as long as he keeps practicing, he will improve too quickly.

"Pharaoh, do you know what your main attribute is?" Zhang Ping saw a little sweat on his forehead, wiped the sweat with his hand, and then asked.

Wang Jieming is a bit more embarrassed than him, already sweating profusely, both of his hands propped on his knees, breathing heavily replied: "My main attribute is physical strength, strength and speed."


"Three attributes, that is, balanced." Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Pearl City has researched by scholars. In awakened, most of the main attributes of summoner and Beastmaster are physical strength and spirit, while in the pure awakened system, the main attribute is spirit.

Awakened of Fleshy Body Strengthening Department has more tricks.

For example, the main attribute is the explosive type of strength, the main attribute is the fierce battle type of strength and physical strength, the main attribute is the balance of strength, physical strength, and speed, and the main attribute is the agile type of strength and speed.

There are even some more wicked existences.

For example, the main attribute is a stamina, and the main attribute is a speeding assassin.

It is worth mentioning that according to the Pearl City division method, the awakened of the innate talent of the awakened eagle eye is also the awakened of the fleshy body strengthening department, but only the eyes are strengthened.

Zhang Ping has a higher level than Wang Jieming, and the main attributes are physical and mental, so his physical recovery speed is much faster than Wang Jieming.

In just two minutes, he recovered, said with a smile: "Do you want to try again?"

"No, Zhang Ping, what is your main attribute? "Wang Jieming hurriedly refused. Just now he played against Zhang Ping, completely gritted his teeth. If Zhang Ping kept his hands, he would definitely lose.

Although his boxing style is not the same as Zhang Ping, his endurance is far worse.

"Physical strength and spirit." Zhang Ping replied.

Wang Jieming immediately refused to believe: "Impossible, your strength and speed are similar to mine, how could it be just physical strength and spirit?"

"That is the result of my own hard work , If you get up every morning and do 5,000 push-ups and then 2,000 sit-ups, I believe you can too.” Zhang Ping said with a smile.

His current potential is as high as six stars, so the exercise effect is excellent.

During the day, he has been testing his limits, but because the main attribute is physical strength and spirit, not only does his physical strength recover extremely quickly, but the recovery speed of spirit strength is also very fast.

Every time you exercise, you’re tired, just take a few minutes to rest and lively dragon and animated tiger, you can continue to exercise.

So he doesn't even know his limits. .

Actually, if he doesn't need to eat, drink, shit and piss, he can exercise frantically all day.

"Ai, it's late, let's go back." Wang Jieming was silent, then sighed again.

He knows that Zhang Ping also has the ability to release flames. If Zhang Ping uses that trick, he is simply not Zhang Ping's opponent.

"Let's go, what you need to do now is to exercise well. Sooner or later in the future, you will let everyone startled." Zhang Ping saw that Wang Jieming had given up, so he was comfortable.

If it was before, he would like to pull Wang Jieming together against Heavenly Fox.

But it's different now.

He not only advanced by leaps and bounds, but also learned more about the situation in Pearl City.

In addition to Heavenly Fox in the city, there is also Zhu Family, an imperial beast hiding in the dark glare like a tiger watching his prey. Not only will he pull Wang Jieming on it will not help, but it will be harmful. Wang Jieming.

When they reached a fork in the road, the two parted ways.

Zhang Ping did not return to the iron soul, but walked to the unremarkable corner. After confirming that the tail in the sky had swept, he quickly put on the assassination ring, and then took out the Nether Ghost lantern.

The Nether Ghost lantern emits gray lights, and all the places illuminated by the rays of light become black and white, two colors.

Zhang Ping covered his body with Nethermist, rolling under the long black cloak, Nethermist rolled, and in a blink of an eye, he transformed from an ordinary student into a Death God with a height of two meters.

In fact, he is floating about twenty centimeters above the ground at the moment, so he looks so tall.

He took out the mirror and took a look at his own image, feeling very satisfied.

Then he put away the mirror, sneaked, and quickly drifted away.


He has another mission.

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