Under the moonlit night, people are more peaceful.

A gust of wind blows, and the trees that Su Family planted outside the door rustle.

Zeng Xiaofan, wearing night clothes and a peach blossom mask on his face, leaped gently to the top of an old tree. He overlooked the Su Family house in front of him, and his ugly face could not help showing a trace under the mask. Smirk.

Some time ago, the turmoil in Pearl City was treacherous, and he had to converge a little bit to prevent unfathomable mystery from being involved in the turmoil, but in the past few days, the situation seems to have improved and he couldn’t bear it. The fierce wicked desire in the heart is ready to attack the lady of Su Family.

"I heard that Miss Su Family has a plump body, white as cream, beautiful and gorgeous, I will try it tonight to see if it is so moist as everyone says." Zeng Xiaofan licked Licking his lips, then with a light jump, it happened to land in the courtyard without any sound.

He closed his eyes, raised his head and sniffed the scent in the air, and then showed excitement. The scent of Miss Su Family has been captured by him, and it is really fragrant and moist.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt flustered and palpitations, his hands and feet became soft, and his symptoms became more and more serious.

"What's the matter?"

Zeng Xiaofan was surprised, and quickly took out three pills and swallowed them.

These pills are all good treasures, integrating detoxification and purification. In the past, he stole incense and jade. No matter what traps in the master’s house, three pills can help him easily succeed. .

However, his condition did not get better at this time after three pills were taken, instead he felt more and more fearful.

I don't know where this fear comes from, as if a devil's hand is holding his heart, making him feel hard to breathe.

"Not good, is it Formation? Su Family can afford Formation?"

Zeng Xiaofan immediately realized that the situation was not good, and quickly retreated in his heart.

In Pearl City, Formation Master is definitely the rarest high-end talent, and the overwhelming majority is absorbed by the three majors. Being able to hire Formation Master to arrange Formation in residences is definitely a symbol of wealth and power.

Although Zeng Xiaofan is pretentious, he also knows that persimmons have to be soft.

Originally, he thought that Su Family was just a small and medium-sized family selling medicine, but now it seems that Su Family still hides other powers.

"This place is not suitable for a long time, hurry up!"

He looked at the dark house ahead, as if there was a scourge hidden inside, and he couldn't help thinking.

But he just turned around, and everything in front of him became black and white, two colors.

At the same time, he saw billowing black mist on the ground.

At this moment, his eyes went straight, and he couldn't help but swallow fiercely, then slowly raised his head and looked up.

Black cloak, with a gray lantern in his left hand, and a huge sickle in his right hand. Looking up, under the hood is a constantly changing face of a skull.

Just looking at it, the hairs all over my body exploded, and there was a chill on the soles of my feet rushing to my forehead.

Zeng Xiaofan sat slumped on the ground with his hands propped on the ground, before he fell completely, but the golden liquid gradually flowed out from his crotch, and a disgusting urea smell filled the air.

"Zeng Xiaofan, nicknamed the short-footed Teddy, is 1.5 meters tall, looks nasty and lowly, and dislikes women. He is gradually distorted and perverted in his heart, killing hundreds of women in the past ten years, kill a witness to silence them Sixty-five times, did I make a mistake?" Zhang Ping asked coldly, looking at the disgusting flower-picking thieves in front of him, condescendingly.

He heard Zeng Xiaofan talking to himself when Su Family stepped on the spot through Wind Whisperer this morning, and he took it down in his heart.

At first, he didn't know that Zeng Xiaofan was a short-footed Teddy. He just thought that he was awakened and extremely lustful, and he was going to stretch out his claws to the lady of Su Family.

He made a special trip to cut off this man's paws.

But after coming, he saw that Zeng Xiaofan stepped over the wall and entered the room proficiently, and he felt that something was not right.

This is not like a novice, but like a veteran.

So, he silently used the appraisal of Zeng Xiaofan.

After obtaining the basic information of Zeng Xiaofan, he used appraisal of Zeng Xiaofan's equipment to be on the safe side.

When he identified Zeng Xiaofan's peach blossom mask, he saw countless images that made him angry.

So there is the scene where he is standing behind Zeng Xiaofan now.

The autumn wind is bleak.

A piece of fallen leaves floated from outside the wall into the wall, and finally fell gently at Zeng Xiaofan's feet.

He moved back little by little, and his walnut-big brain was completely shocked by the face of Death God. Coupled with the effect of the fear and sickle, he could not even have the courage to resist.

Zhang Ping is angry but calm. He has seen too many tragic pictures during this period. He has become resistant to tragedy. Even if he is angry, he can keep calm and think. As for acting impulsively.

"This blade is to commemorate the girl who was rather die than submitting."

Zhang Ping waved his hand gently, and the sickle of fear instantly swept across Zeng Xiaofan's ankle.

Under the pain of eating, Zeng Xiaofan moved back a lot faster.

"This blade is to commemorate the girl who was forced into the water by you and is still working hard to convey your true identity to the world!"

Zhang Ping holding a sickle of fear from Zeng Xiaofan’s knee After cutting it down, Zeng Xiaofan suddenly let out a wailing, turned his body over, and crawled forward frantically with his back facing Zhang Ping.

"This blade is to commemorate the mother who feeds the dog and protects her daughter with her life."

Zhang Ping's voice is hollow and gloomy. Passing under Zeng Xiaofan's crotch, Zeng Xiaofan suddenly raised his head, but he opened his mouth without making a sound. His whole face was flushed, and big drops of sweat poured down his face.

Actually, Zeng Xiaofan wanted to beg for mercy, but Zhang Ping obviously didn’t have the desire to talk to him. He also wanted to resist, even killing Zhang Ping, but he couldn’t afford to have the courage at all, and he didn’t even look at each other. dare.

"This blade is to commemorate the hero of the patrol team."

The patrol member lay down on the side of the road when he was drunk. He heard the woman's cry for help in the middle of the night and followed the voice. He rushed into a house and found that all the children in the house had been killed.

He rushed into the room where the woman's cry for help was heard, but was conspired by Zeng Xiaofan, and his knee was pierced by a trap.

But even so, the patrol team still fought desperately with Zeng Xiaofan, even looking for a chance to let the woman escape outside, fighting until she died without showing her timidity.

It's a pity that the woman was poisoned by Zeng Xiaofan, and she lay down on the ground shortly after she escaped. In the end, she destroyed Zeng Xiaofan's poisonous hand.

"This blade is to commemorate the poor father."

In order to avenge his daughter, this father hides and observes in the streets of Pearl City every night, and finally happens to touch him one day When they arrived at Zeng Xiaofan, the two fought each other, but in the end they lost to Zeng Xiaofan.

So that night, Zeng Xiaofan returned to the place where he used to commit the crime with his father whose limbs were interrupted...

"This blade is to commemorate the righteous detective."

"This blade is to commemorate the nameless adventurer."

With one knife after another, Zeng Xiaofan's height has shrunk from one meter to one meter. He crawled on the ground. Blood stains and body parts.

He has no strength to run away anymore. He lay on the ground and died at High Level, but the death knife did not fall.

"I will not kill you. There are many medicines in this world. Your current injury may not be treatable."

"Well, as long as you can climb to the gate, from the gate Go out and I will spare your life."

Zhang Ping stood beside Zeng Xiaofan, looking at the exhausted Zeng Xiaofan, his hollow voice slowly sounded.

Death can be easy, but sometimes it can also be painful.

Zhang Ping didn't want Zeng Xiaofan to die too easily, he didn't have such an easy way to die.

Sure enough, rays of light named'Hope' appeared in Zeng Xiaofan's eyes again. He didn't want to die yet, and there were countless young and beautiful women waiting for him to kiss Fangze. How could he die in this way? place?

He endured the severe pain and gritted his teeth and continued to crawl forward. Sure enough, the terrifying Death God this time did not attack him again.


He can survive!

Under the strong desire to survive, he slowly crawled towards the gate. The road of just a few meters was so long that he even had an illusion of the past century.

Every time he crawled, the friction between the wound and the ground made him extremely painful. He was even afraid to move, but he had to move in order to survive.

Gradually, he approached. Gradually, he came to the door. When he was about to push the door open with his blood-filled hands, he found that the door was bolted.

The bolt is about one meter above the ground.

The problem is that his legs are almost cut off, and he can't reach the latch at all.


He furiously hammered the door.

But this door is very thick, even if he is high level awakened, he still can't shake this door.

Zhang Ping's voice faintly sounded: "The wood used for this door is Su Cheng asked an adventurer to find it from outside the city. The body is a mutant iron pear tree. The wood of this tree is harder than iron essence. Seven points, although Su Cheng knows that this door cannot stop the awakened, nor the alienated beast, it is he did his best to find the best material, which carries his belief in guarding the family."


Zeng Xiaofan listened to Zhang Ping's terrifying voice, yelling in despair, and hammering the door crazy with his hands, leaving stains on the door. Blood stains.

"Zeng Xiaofan, you failed!"

"Then I am here to pronounce the sentence, your death date is here!"

Zhang Ping slowly held the sickle in both hands Lifting up, then said quietly.

At this time, Zeng Xiaofan turned around, staring at Zhang Ping in fear, hatred, and unwillingness, and shouted hysterically: "What qualifications do you have to sentence me to death? I am willing to surrender. Even the trial should be by City. Lord is here to judge me!"

Zhang Ping was expressionless, his hand raised the knife and dropped.

"I'm just playing stalks."

With a light wave of Zhang Ping, all the blood on the sickle was spilled.

He turned around and walked two steps back, looking up at the bright moon in the sky, slightly sighed, what is the use of people killed, those who died can't be resurrected after all.

"Right, touch the corpse!"

Zhang Ping was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Zeng Xiaofan had a lot of good things on his body, so he turned around and walked over to the corpse of Zeng Xiaofan and squatted down. Remove each piece of equipment.

Finally, he pinched Zeng Xiaofan's hair with a look of disgust and pulled Zeng Xiaofan's head up, and then took off Zeng Xiaofan's mask with the other hand.

Under the mask is an ugly face, with the eyes of the deer-headed rat, really wretched.

Zhang Ping put away the mask, threw his head on the ground again, and then glanced at Su Zhai, hoping that Su Family would not be too scared tomorrow.

He has already helped Su Family eliminate disasters and troubles. Su Family should help him deal with the "garbage".

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