Zhang Ping used Nethermist to turn into a knife, carved Zeng Xiaofan’s identity and the evil things he had done on the ground, and then left Su Family.

He was in a relaxed mood when he came, but he was in a complicated mood when he left.

I thought it was just an extremely lustful little thief, just a small punishment and a big punishment. Who knew that he came across a vicious dog with a lot of evil, so that he could not help but kill the dog. .

It only takes one knife to kill.

But after the murder, he felt uncomfortable.

Even if he knows that some people must be killed, his belief in his heart is always firm, but killing is definitely not a happy thing.

Although he will not regret it, he will also reflect on whether this person deserves to die.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Ping walked back while thinking, and finally came to a conclusion.

He tried to make himself a little more relaxed and didn’t think about the unpleasant things, but before he walked far, Wind Whisperer heard a hoarse voice: "old man, say...Where is Zhang Ping? ??"

"Zhang Ping? Who is Zhang Ping? Where is the mountain? Where is my mountain?" Liu Tiefeng was lifted by Heavenly Fox by the collar, and said with a dazed expression on his feet to pad the ground.

Heavenly Fox's patience was gradually exhausted. It was sneaked up and immediately reached out and grabbed Liu Tiefeng's arm and tore it forcefully. Liu Tiefeng trembled all over the body and yelled, "It hurts, it hurts, Dashan, I'm okay. It hurts, where are you?"

"If you don't say anything, I will tear your other hand, if you don't say anything, I will tear your foot, and finally I will screw your head off." Heavenly Fox squinted The eyes said coldly.

Liu Tiefeng's blood kept flowing away from the place where he broke his arm, his lips were shaking, still pretending to be confused, and he repeatedly called Dashan's name.

"hmph, courting death!"

Heavenly Fox saw Liu Tiefeng still pretending to be crazy, so he stretched out his paw to hold Liu Tiefeng's other hand.

Just as it was about to tear, a stream of water shot from outside the door. It was shocked and quickly used Liu Tiefeng as a shield, but unexpectedly the current whip would turn, and it turned directly towards it. arm.


Heavenly Fox sniffed the danger, and threw Liu Tiefeng towards the door of the room, and then quickly backed away.

Outside the door, a stream of water quickly penetrated and caught Liu Tiefeng. Then, the edge of the stream turned into three water whips and quickly cut towards Heavenly Fox. Heavenly Fox kept moving back, and finally escaped outside the house through the window.

In an instant, one of the moving tails stopped in the sky, and the densely packed eyes were all staring at the Heavenly Fox.

In the house, Liu Sishan controlled Pure Water to open the door. She glanced at the window first, and then quickly checked Liu Tiefeng's injuries.

Liu Tiefeng's arm was torn apart by Heavenly Fox. The injury was very serious. Moreover, Liu Tiefeng was not young, his body had been declining, severe pain and excessive blood loss, and he had passed out at this time.

She quickly bandaged Liu Tiefeng's wound, then took out a healing potion and poured it into Liu Tiefeng's mouth.

"cough cough."

Liu Tiefeng couldn't help coughing after drinking the medicine, and then quickly woke up.

As a former investigator, he immediately understood his situation when he saw Liu Sishan, and said in a low voice: "Girl, has that person gone? If he doesn't leave, deal with him first. Zhang Ping is here."

This person is not dead, Zhang Ping will be dangerous.


Liu Sishan nodded, she got up and walked slowly to the window, but could not find the trace of Heavenly Fox.

Several hundred meters apart, the Heavenly Fox trembling with fear turned back in the direction of City Lord's Mansion. Just now Moon Prince’s sight fell on it, and it felt the fur of the whole body explode, and the tail and ears were involuntarily hanging down. , I lost nine out of ten of my strengths.

This shows that Moon Prince is dissatisfied with it, otherwise this situation will not happen even if it is watched by Moon Prince.

Although it can still keep fighting, but in its current state, leaving it is courting death.

Therefore, it decisively decided to retreat temporarily and wait until the next time Zhang Ping is in Iron Soul.

"Why is your Royal Highness dissatisfied with me?"

It walked back while thinking about the reason why Moon Prince was angry.

Is it because it acts privately?

"Beast, are you tired of life?"

Suddenly, the scenery all around turned into black and white, two colors, and the gloomy sound exploded.

Heavenly Fox immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. A Death God shrouded in black mist slashed with a sickle. It quickly blocked it with both hands before being cut off by the sickle. .


In the next second, without waiting for Zhang Ping to pursue him, Moon Prince's tail fell from the sky, almost hitting Zhang Ping.

Moon Prince has been watching this Heavenly Fox, but just now this Heavenly Fox suddenly disappeared. It is not clear whether it was teleported away or was pulled to some invisible knot within the realm , So it decisively chose to attack the location near the Heavenly Fox.

The area illuminated by the Nether Ghost lantern was black and white. The fallen tail of Moon Prince opened his densely packed eyes and finally saw the attacker, a black robe Death God shrouded in black mist.

Zhang Ping held the sickle in one hand and the Nether Ghost lantern in the other. At the moment Moon Prince saw him, he decisively activated the Appraisal Technique, but failed three consecutive identifications.

He looked at the Heavenly Fox who had broken his arm, and launched the appraisal again.

[Identification Successful]

[Alienated Beast: Heavenly Fox]

[Race: Alienated Fox]

[Factor: Moon Race ]

[Potential: None]

[lifespan: 100]

[Level: Top Alienated Beast]

[Level: 37]

【innate talent 】

【Cognitive distortion: You have a position that distorts biological cognition, you can modify the cognition of the target】

【common sense Subversion: When behaviors that do not conform to common sense can be subverted, the common sense of the target can be subverted, and the target cannot be detected by forcing the target to be abnormal]

[Extraordinary and strong: physical strength increased by twenty times]


This Heavenly Fox is very strong.

If Zhang Ping is not a sneak attack, I am afraid this Heavenly Fox is not that easy to get injured.

"His Royal Highness, he is probably a sneak attack of our Moon Clan human!" This Heavenly Fox was bleeding with a severed arm, and it stared at Zhang Ping with scarlet eyes and screamed hoarsely.

Moon Prince's tail is slowly pulled out from the ground, split and split again, turning into densely packed tails in a blink of an eye. At the same time, there are bone spurs protruding from these tail hairs.


Zhang Ping exhaled deeply, his eyes gradually firm.

He is angry, but he is extremely clear, knowing what he is doing.

Although he has never called Liu Tiefeng a teacher, but in his heart, Liu Tiefeng is the mentor.

This time it was obvious that he was injuring Liu Tiefeng, but Liu Tiefeng was still protecting him. When he woke up, he immediately did not care about his injuries, but thought that he would be in danger if he didn't get rid of the enemy.

At that moment, he was both moved and guilty.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to consume, and flew back all the way from the vicinity of Su Family with all his strength, with the goal of revenge.

Fortunately, before killing Zeng Xiaofan, Zeng Xiaofan contributed a lot of fear to him.

Between life and death, between hope and despair, Zeng Xiaofan’s emotions are like a roller coaster. Finally, at the moment before his death, he burst out with a huge sense of fear.

This is also the reason Zhang Ping can fly all the way. He is still transforming the fear in his body, and the endless Nethermist is pouring out of him.

Suddenly, Moon Prince’s tail was densely packed and shot out at the same time, very fast.

Because of the lessons of the masked man before, Zhang Ping dare not use the body of pure water to resist the attack. Instead, he chose to use the Nethermist to resist the attack. Change.


When the Heavenly Fox saw this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted and at the same time slowly moved back.

It is very clear how strong Moon Prince’s tail is, let alone a layer of fog, even the city wall of Pearl City, Moon Prince’s tail can penetrate.

Pearl City’s city wall is very thick, and there are countless Formation Masters and intensifiers that bless the city wall layer by layer. If ordinary alienated beasts can’t fly, never want to cross this city wall. , Destruction is even more impossible.

But Moon Prince once left a trace on the city wall with his tail, and judged that he could penetrate this city wall.

In fact, not only this Heavenly Fox was shocked, but Moon Prince who was far away in City Lord's Mansion was equally shocked.

It immediately got serious, manipulated its remaining tail to quickly focus, one after another tail fell, turned into a densely packed tail and attacked Zhang Ping frantically.

In the eyes of Moon Prince and Heavenly Fox, Zhang Ping is undoubtedly powerful existence, but Zhang Ping is having unspeakable bitter suffering, his Nethermist consumes extremely fast, and Moon Prince’s attack frequency Too high.

Every second, he withstands at least fifty attacks, and every attack formidable power is extremely powerful, not weaker than the shells of the previous life.

In just ten seconds, Nethermist was consumed by five percent, and if Nethermist was exhausted, he would be instantly killed by Moon Prince, and the body of pure water could not be saved.

He identified the Moon Prince while locking the Heavenly Fox. The Heavenly Fox obviously wanted to escape and was moving back quietly.

"Boy Zhang, grasp the opportunity, I only give you one chance!"

Suddenly, Situ Shibai's voice rang in Zhang Ping's ears, Zhang Ping suddenly became energetic After shaking, he simply put away the Nether Ghost lantern, and held the Fear Scythe tightly with both hands.

Five hundred meters away, a light fell from the sky, just hitting the tails of Moon Prince.

Zhang Ping here, Moon Prince's tails have lost control of the subject one after another, and they all fell on the ground and stopped moving.

"Not good!"

The Heavenly Fox saw this scene and immediately turned around to escape.

But Zhang Ping has been waiting for this moment for a long time. In an instant, he appeared behind Heavenly Fox and cut down fiercely with the sickle of fear.

One cut.

Heavenly Fox's waist was directly cut off.

Its life force is very tenacious, its upper body fell on the ground and it was wailing crazily, with its broken arm crawling forward, but then Zhang Ping's second knife fell, and its head suddenly flew out, engulfing people Skin tumbled.

Zhang Ping took out the Nether Ghost lantern, and the next moment flew away directly.

He just flew out, and then he saw densely packed tails spreading from the direction of City Lord's Mansion, intertwined under a large net cover.

However, his body turned into pure water, and when he fell in the canal in the vicinity, he put away the Nether Ghost lantern and quickly escaped in the form of water.

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