"Uncle Qiang!"

In the safe house, Zhang Ping suddenly opened his eyes, and then he realized the surrounding environment. It was just a dream.

He had a nightmare just now. He dreamed that Qiu Qiang was surrounded by a large number of living corpses. Although Qiu Qiang struggled, he was finally torn apart by the living corpses.

Qiu Qiang shouted at him before he died: "Xiao Zhang, if I die in battle, you remember to take care of Uncle Liu!!!"

Next, Zhang Ping Was awakened.

He wiped the cold sweat from his head, and then reacted, how long has he slept?

"Sister Sisi, how long have I slept?"

He looked at Liu Sishan who was sitting cross-legged not far away, and asked in a low voice.

Liu Sishan opened his eyes and replied: "You slept for 67 minutes."

"That was about an hour or so." Zhang Ping patted his face, muttering to himself road.

However, after taking a one-hour nap, he has recovered a lot of physical strength and energy, which is much better than before.

He closed his eyes, the next moment's attention shifted to the blood snake's side, and then he saw the full granary, the white jade neck and the beautiful chin.

The rabbit was actually held by a female awakened.

He reacted, looked to the other side, and saw Qiu Qiang from a distance.

Fortunately, even though Qiu Qiang had a new burn mark on his cheek, he did not lack arms or legs like in his dream.

Zhang Ping controlled the blood snake to slowly seep out of the rabbit. The female awakened was holding the rabbit. She was arranging supplies. She felt that the back of her hand was warm and wet. She looked down and was shocked. Jump.

As soon as she wanted to call someone, the blood quickly penetrated her body, and at the same time she heard Zhang Ping’s voice: "Don’t be afraid, I’m Xiao Zhang."

"You Is it... the little hero who boarded his abilities in the rabbit?" The female awakened immediately reacted and asked.

Awakened is well-informed, and I have figured out the whole story for a while.

It was Zhang Ping who first discovered the living corpse and sent the news back to Pearl City, so it gave everyone time to prepare.

Otherwise, if you were caught off guard by so many living corpses, Pearl City would definitely be captured by the first few hundred adventurers.

The consequences will be unimaginable then.

In fact, many awakened have this feeling in their hearts at this time.

"I can't talk about heroes, I just did what I should do. The real heroes are everyone who guards Pearl City." Zhang Ping didn't claim the credit, and said modestly.

He was just the one who found the dead body earlier.

But it is all the awakened on the city wall that really resists the living corpses attacking the city. It is they who defend Pearl City with their blood and lives.

The female awakened feels better about Zhang Ping. She is slightly tired but smiles gently, and asks: "Are you transferring your abilities to me now? Is there anything important?"

"Ah, no, no, it’s just that I was too tired just now. I accidentally slept for a while. Because I was worried about the situation in the city, I couldn’t help but turn my attention here when I woke up, elder sister You continue to do what you should do, I just look at the situation in Pearl City from another angle." Zhang Ping said slightly sorry.

Female awakened nodded and said: "Well, it’s been hard work, then remember to tell me immediately if you have any news."


Zhang Ping Promised.

Next, the woman awakened continued to dispatch supplies, while he looked all around.

From the perspective of the awakened woman, she can see farther than the rabbit and can see more things.

The whole city is filled with a breath of fear, others can't see it, but he can see the purple mist hovering over Pearl City.

Whether it is an awakened or an ordinary person, there is anxiety in my heart.

It's just that awakened is stronger, they stand up, resist at the forefront, and guard the city with their lives.

Zhang Ping watched for a while and made sure that Pearl City wouldn't be in trouble for a while. The scene that appeared in his nightmare did not appear, so his attention turned back to his body.

When his attention shifted from the female awakened body to the body, he was surprised to find that his spirit strength had recovered a lot.

At first, although he felt much better after taking a break, it was like he had done several exam papers for an exam, and his thinking was far less active than usual.

Now he has recovered a lot, and he even feels like taking a nap again.

"Is it because..."

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan. Liu Sishan noticed his gaze and opened his eyes to reveal a look of confusion.

"Sister Sisi, can I enter your body for a while?" Zhang Ping thought for a while and asked.

Liu Sishan didn't want to be crooked, she nodded and said: "Yes."

Speaking, she opened her sleeves, revealing her white wrists.

Zhang Ping turned into a pure blood form and quickly penetrated into her body.

"Anything new?" Liu Sishan asked.

Zhang Ping replied: "It seems that compared to men, I can quickly restore spirit strength after entering the female body."

He feels very comfortable now.

The blood snake is too far away from him, this feeling is not obvious, but the body enters Liu Sishan's body, and the feeling is very prominent, which is completely different from entering Liu Tiefeng's body.

The warmth inside Liu Sishan makes him feel like sleeping.

His blood spontaneously repairs the internal injury in Liu Sishan's body. At the same time, he himself seems to be strengthened when he circulates. Not only did he not consume much pure blood, he was replenished instead.

Isn't this...Dual Cultivation?

Liu Sishan also noticed the changes in her body. Originally, her waist had old problems, and she would feel a little pain if she did not rest for a long time, but when Zhang Ping entered her body, she felt warm in her waist , The veiled pain disappeared.

Then the warm current continued to circulate in the body through the blood circulation, and she felt that the fatigue of the day was fading quickly.

Physical strength, spirit strength, and recovery speed have been greatly improved.

She stood up, feeling full of energy, she couldn't help but stretched her waist, feeling like she couldn't finish her energy.

"Zhang Ping, your ability has been developed, maybe it is no worse than pure water." She felt the state of the body carefully, said with a slight smile.

Zhang Ping lazily's replied: "Sister Sisi, your body is warm and comfortable."


Liu Sishan's mouth corners Slightly twitching, although this sentence itself is fine, but it sounds weird.

"Sister Sisi, something is wrong outside, I came out!" Suddenly, Zhang Ping sound transmission said.

Then a large amount of blood fell on the ground through Liu Sishan's wrist. The blood turned into a human form and quickly walked to the crack of the door and looked directly out.


Zhang Ping looked at the densely packed corpses in the distance and the huge palace pulled by the corpses, surprised.

It was a palace made of rocks. Hundreds of strong savage bull corpses were carried under the palace. At the same time, many corpses in front of them were pulling the chain, little by little, pulling the palace forward.

"I'm afraid this is the culprit of the attack by the living corpses." Liu Sishan walked to Zhang Ping's side, looked at the tall palace, and said solemnly.

It can be seen from the palace that this siege of living corpses was awakened behind the scenes.

"Sister Sisi, why don't we test it out?" Zhang Ping asked hesitantly.

He hesitated not to worry about his safety, but to worry that Liu Tiefeng would be involved.

The problem is that this palace is too mysterious.

If you can detect who is in the palace, and even identify the attributes of the other party, it will be of great help to Pearl City.

One side is Pearl City and the other side is Liu Tiefeng, so he can't make up his mind.

"No, Captain said, tonight is to observe, don't act rashly." Liu Sishan did not give him time to continue to hesitate, and resolutely refused.

She said seriously: "Captain's arrangement must be the result of careful consideration. Don't worry, Captain will only love Pearl City more than you, not less than you."

"Besides...this situation reminds me of a file I've read before." She frowned, recalling hard.

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